
He's a Mafia Boss, but so is She

Being a Mafia Boss is difficult, especially when it comes to love. But what if 2 people who bore this struggle meet and fall in love?

Ammii1412 · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Her Return

Chapter 2: Her Return

  "Good day, Madam Sena." A middle aged butler greeted as soon as he saw his master walk out of the airport. Though he was in his mid-forties, the man looked no older than thirty-five. He was dressed in a long sleeve white polo and black slacks. He had a blue tie pinned down with a tie clip that was shining with sapphires.

  "Hello, Lethe." Sena smiled. She was wearing a navy blue dress and black flats. Her long brown hair flowed behind her and her emerald eyes were as bright as it was before she left. "It's been a while."

  "5 years Madam, I've counted." Lethe replied as he took her luggage and placed it in the car.  "You must be tired. Would you like to head straight to your apartment?" He opened the door for her.

  "No, take me to the company building." Sena got in the car and they left, headed to one of the grandest buildings in the city, Sapphire Hall.

  "How was your 5 years staying out of the country?" Lethe inquired. Sena was more than willing to share her stories with him. Since she was young, Lethe had always been with her as her butler. She was closer to him than she was to her own father.

  "It was . . . ok. Everything was new. I missed the people and the places here. It felt like 5 years of special force training." Sena began to complain as she looked back.

  "Knowing your father, it probably was special force training." The two of them couldn't help but sigh at the thought. Though none of them mentioned it. They both knew that Sena hated her time there.

  As a daughter of one of the greatest Mafia Bosses, she was always a target of assassinations and kidnappings, therefore she had to know how to properly defend herself. Arguably, Sena was already a skilled combatant, but her father wanted to push her even further. Thus, he pushed her to train in different special forces all the while also forcing her to learn different skills.

  "You were only 17 back then." Lethe whispered to himself and sighed. "It's a miracle that those hellish years did not break her spirit."

  "What happened while I was gone?" Sena asked, leaning on the cushions and trying to relax.

  "As promised, the title of company CEO was reserved for you. Also, the people that you have chosen to be in your team are all employed directly under you. They have been trained to your instruction." Lethe answered before handing her a folder from the car's compartment. "This is your update on the last 5 years."

  Sena flipped through the folder. "What about. . . " Sena's voice trailed off. Lethe smiled since he knew exactly who she is referring to.

  "I'm sorry, I could not catch that."

  "You know who."

  "Oh,  are you referring to Sir Lev?" Lethe asked in a teasing tone.

  "Yes, him." Sena avoided his gaze.

  "He has been well." From Lethe's perspective, Lev was a highschool romance for Sena. A fling that would be forgotten after a few months. But to his surprise, Sena never forgot about him for the 5 years that she was away. She would ask about him every now and then. Lethe for one, found it amusing.

  "He probably doesn't even remember me anymore." Sena realized how ridiculous her words sounded as soon as she said it.

  "He hasn't forgotten you." Lethe was amused that such a tough girl could become so gentle towards someone. He tries to contact you every now and then, but since your father has blocked all contact from you except for him and myself, all of Lev's attempts failed." Lethe's words lifted an invisible burden off Sena's shoulders.

  "Anyway Madam, may I ask why you are going straight to the company?"

  "There's someone I want to meet." Sena smiled and looked out the window. Watching the city scenes change until Sapphire Hall was in sight.

The car came to a stop when they reached the building.

  "Please bring my luggage to my apartment. You do not need to accompany me." Sena gave her instructions. She made one last check on her appearance and asked, "How do I look?"

  "You look like a crown princess coming back to take her rightful throne." Lethe replied with a small laugh, he felt like a proud father watching his daughter succeed in life.

  "Thank you,  Lethe."

  "What for, Madam?"

  "For everything." Lethe was one of the only people she could contact while she was training out of the country. And for that and many more, she was very grateful.

  "It is my pleasure to serve you, Madam."

  Sena took a deep breath and opened the car door. She was immediately greeted with the sight of more than 100 company executives lined up at the building entrance, waiting to greet her.

  "Welcome back, young madam." An executive greeted her.

  "We are all pleased at your return." All the people greeted in chorus.

I hope you liked the chapter! Constructive critisism is greatly appreciated ?

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