


Orits_Shola_ · 現実
3 Chs

Life takes a turn

Peter smiles before giving Alfie a brotherly handshake. "I got you man."

He turns to Leo, "How about you Leo? Didn't find anyone enticing?"

Leo shrugs, "I don't mind having all of them."

The three of them burst into laughter. Peter's phone rings and he picks it up.

"Oh they're here?" He says after listening what the other person says at the other end of the call.

"Come on guys, they're here." He says after hanging up.

Alfie furrows his brows, "The girls?"

Peter nods, "Yea."

"How come they're here same time?"

"I sent a van to go get them."

Leo smiles, "Heh, You sure go big huh?"

Peter smiles and the three of them goes downstairs to the pool.

"Hello babies!" Peter says spreading his arms apart and some of the girls runs into his arms.

Alfie searches around for the Lucy and sees her already sitting on the edge of the pool with her legs in the water. He smiles and takes two glasses of wine from the tray a servant is carrying around and walks to where she is.

"How's the water?" He asks trying the get her attention and she looks up at him.

She shrugs, "It's normal."

Alfie sits beside her and hands one of the glasses to her.

"Thanks." She smiles taking the glass from him.

"You looking hot ya know."

She grins, "Oh yeah?"

Alfie smiles, "I'm not f**king with you babe." He licks his bottom lips before adding on. "I'm Alfie, Peter's friend."

"I'm Lucy." She smiles lightly.

Alfie grins, "Wanna go under the water Lucy?"

"Why? What's so special under?"

He smirks, "Why don't you come with me to find out?"

She sips from the glass of wine and looks at Alfie from head to toe as if scanning him.

She smiles, "Why don't we go inside the house instead?"

Alfie smiles, "Oh? That's fine by me."

He stands up and stretches out his hand to her and she holds it as a support to stand up. He leads her beside him.

"Where you two goin'?" Peter who is under the water with two girls by his sides asks him.

"Don't worry man, we just goin inside." Alfie replies before leading Lucy inside the house.

They both go upstairs and Alfie opens one of the guest rooms and they walk inside. Lucy sits on the bed placing her purse beside her while she stares at Alfie. He moves to sit beside her.

"We should have a drink, don't you think?" Lucy suggests.

Alfie nods, "Yeah, I already told them to bring a drink while we were coming,"

She smiles, "Nice Rolex. How much is it?"

Alfie looks at his wrist and shrugs, "Doesn't cost much, just a million dollars."

Lucy opens her mouth to gasp but composes herself and just smiles.

"Its em... It's expensive."

Alfie smiles, "Nah it's not."

"How about the ring on your finger? I bet it costs more."

Alfie looks at the ring on his index finger, he recently got the ring and it's a limited edition. It costs him way more than a million dollars.

He opens his mouth to speak but pauses when he hears a knock on the door.

He stands up to open the door and sees that it is the servant standing with the wine he had asked for. He takes the bottle of wine from him and shuts the door. He places the bottle on a small table along with two glasses. He opens the bottle and starts pouring the wine into each glass. Lucy stands up from the bed and moves closer to him. She takes the glasses of wine from his hands and places them on the stool before running her hand on his chest.

She licks her lips and slowly takes off his jacket before reaching down to his trouser. As her hands fidget with the buckle of the belt, she moves her face close to his and could smell red wine he had drank at the pool and then her tongue is in his mouth. Alfie did not expect the sudden kiss but he kisses her back anyways. His hands slide down to her butt and he squeezes earning a low moan from her.

She chuckles and bit her lips before kissing him again. He squeezes her butt again and with his other hand on her waist, he presses her against himself. She tilts her neck and he trails hot kisses below her lips, down her chin and her cheek, and finally leading to her neck. He bits her earlobes and a moan escapes her lips. He hands leaves her waist and slowly finds its way to breast. He squeezes them lightly before trailing kisses on her chest. She slides her hands into his trouser and caresses his member earning a low groan from him. He slides his tongue in her mouth and kisses her roughly.

"You have a condom yeah?" She asks panting as she breaks away from the kiss.

"It should be in the car, I will go get it."

"Okay." Lucy says sitting down on the bed.

"Be quick." She bit her lips and Alfie smiles before leaving the room.

As soon as he left, she dips her hands into her pockets and brings out a white powdery substance wrapped in a tiny paper and pours an excessive amount into one of the glass of wine and the rest of it into the bottle.

She quickly hides the empty paper inside her pocket. Alfie opens the door few seconds later and enters the room.

She smiles, "Got it?"

He grins, "Yeah." He sits on the couch opposite her.

She smiles before taking the glass of wine and handling it over to him.

"Let's have a drink first."

He nods, "Sure." He takes the glass from her and they clinks their glasses before he gulps from it.

After a few seconds, they both finish the wine in their glasses and then Lucy pours another into his glass.

"You aren't pouring more for yourself?" Alfie asks.

She shakes her head, "I'll get drunk and we won't be able to do anything."

He chuckles and nods. He gulps the glass of wine she pours for him.

She moves to pour him another.

"If you pour me another, then I will be the one to get drunk." Alfie says chuckling.

She chuckles, "Right."

She stands up and moves over to where Alfie the couch is sitting and sits over his laps. She slowly takes off her crop top exposing her breasts since she wasn't wearing any bra underneath. Alfie moves his hands to her waist, he draws her closer to his chest and he kisses her neck.

"Oh you're good at this." She moans.

"Wait." Alfie says pulling her away slightly as he starts to feel weird. Then, everything starts becoming blank. His eyes are closing and he can't seem to keep them open. What's happening? He feels his body weakening and he shakes his head to keep awake but couldn't. His heartbeat is becoming slow and he's finding it difficult to breathe.

"What's the problem Alfie? You okay?" She asks pretentiously.

Alfie tries to speak but he couldn't seem to find the strength. His eyes are so heavy and he didn't even know when they close and then he loses consciousness.

Lucy quickly gets up from his laps and places his head on the edge of the couch. She takes off his Rolex wrist watch and his ring. She searches through his pocket and touches his wallet. She brings out the wallet and opens it. Her eyes widen when she sees 3000 dollar notes.

"Can't believe he carries such money around." She murmurs to herself.

She picks her purse from the bed after taking the money and quickly walks out of the room. As she climbs down, she meets one of the house servants.

"Is there a problem miss?" He asks.

"Em...I want to go get something, where is the front door?"

"Just go ahead miss." He points forward and she smiles at him before walking away. The servant stares at her for with a questioning look before walking away


At the pool, Peter walks over to Leo who has a girl already humping on him in the water.

"Is Alfie out yet?" He asks him.

"Out from where?"

Peter sighs and shakes his head. "It's a waste talking to ya when you're f**king."

"He's no kid Peter. He would be out from whenever he went when he's done. Don't be a 'daddy'; I'm sure he's humping on that girl by now." Leo chuckles.

Peter nods, "Right."

Few hours later, the party is still on and they're all still having fun. Peter is having a drink relaxing beside the pool when a husky voice startles him.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Williams?"

He stands up from where he was laying and turns to take a proper look at the person. He furrows his eyebrows when he sees the police.

"We're from the FBI." One of the officers, officer Maxwell, says showing him his badge. "We got a report that you're causing noise pollution."

Peter narrows his eyebrows, "Yes, I'm Peter Williams. Who gave you such report officer?"

"The loud music I'm hearing now is a clear proof that the person was telling the truth." He looks around and sees alcoholic bottles and nods.

"You kids are sure having a good time." He says with sarcasm.

Peter sighs, "Turn down the music." He says to Leo who just steps out of the water and is walking towards them. Leo turns back to go do what Peter tells him before coming back again.

"Have we committed an offence officer?" Leo asks.

"So are you gonna arrest us officer?" Peter asks crossing his hands across his chest.

"You know very well that noise pollution is a crime right?"

"We have reduced the volume officer, we're very sorry." Peter says calmly.

"Yes officer, we're sorry. We forgot to warn the neighbors ahead of time." Leo adds.

Officer Maxwell nods and starts walking around observing the place.

He suddenly turns around. "Let me see your IDs everyone." He says.

Peter groans, "Oh my goodness, what the f**k."

Everyone starts bringing out their IDs and showing it to the officers. Luckily, most of them are 18 or more than.

Officer Maxwell sighs, "Alright." He starts walking towards the entrance of the house with his partners but Peter stops him.

"Are you gonna search my house?"

"I just wanted..." He starts to say.

"Do you even have a warrant for that?"

Officer Maxwell sighs and turns around to go back but pauses as one of his partner stops him.

"Take a look at this sir." His partner says to him pointing to a white substance on the ground.

He looks at the substance before turning to Peter.

"I'm suspecting this to be drugs Mr. Williams."

Peter rolls his eyes, "Heh, drugs? Of course not officer."

"Scan this substance." Officer Maxwell says to his partner.

The partner brings out the device from the bag moves closer to scan the substance.

"Could that be drugs man?" Leo whispers to Peter.

Peter sighs, "Shut up man."

Leo purses his lips and sighs as he stares at the scene before him.

The officer stands up after he's done and turns to Peter.

"Didn't you say there are no drugs?"

"Yeah, and that's true." Peter says confidently.

"Young fellow, this is Morphine."

Peter's eyes widen in surprise. Morphine?

He shakes his head, "That's not possible."

"How am I sure there aren't more drugs Mr. Williams?"

Peter opens his mouth to speak but couldn't say anything. Could it be one of the boys?

Officer Maxwell turns to one of his partners.

"Search the kids."

Peter eyes widen, "You can't just search us like that officer. We didn't do nothing."

The male officers carefully search the guys while the female officers search the girls. They didn't find any drugs with them but only few cigarettes.

Officer Maxwell points to the substance on the ground turning to Peter.

"We have to search this house Mr. Williams."

Peter eyes widen, "Wait what?"

"Let's go." He says to his partners. "Two of you stay back and make sure none of these kids leave this premises." He points at them before going into the house along with his three other partners.

Peter stares at them moving into the house. He stands there confused. He had earlier warned everyone not to bring any hard drugs with them, not because of the police though but because his parents may find out if there happen to be any remains.

Peter goes into the house alongside Leo. They meet the police searching every corner of the house as the servants stare in shock and confusion.

"I'm gonna sue y'all for trespassing 'cause you'll up finding nothing." Peter says in anger.

"Let's check upstairs." The officer says to his partners and they follow him upstairs.

"You won't find nothing officer, stop going around my house like it's yours!" Peter says with a frown following them from behind.

They start checking each room until they gets to the one Alfie is. They open the door and meet him now lying on the couch still unconscious.

"Who is this?" The officer asks.

"He's my friend." Peter replies looking at Alfie in surprise, wondering why he is lying here like a dead man.

One of the police looks at the bottle of wine of the table and also the glass. His eyes spots tiny white substance on the table and he nods. He puts on a hand glove and takes up the empty glass and scans it.

"Your friend is taking morphine Mr. Williams. And as you can see, he's abusing it. We have to take him away. Who knows what other drugs he's on?"

"Take him away? You can't just do that, it…It might be prescribed."

"Nice try Mr. Williams." Officer Maxwell says and tries to wake Alfie up. After countless attempts, he manages to open his eyes slightly and they handcuff him.

Alfie stares at everyone in confusion. His head is still pounding and he's still finding it hard to talk.

"Young fellow, you're under arrest for using drugs."

Alfie stares at the police in shock, "I...I didn't okay? It...It was after I took that wine... She..." He points at the bottle trying to say more but couldn't. They lead him downstairs as Peter and Leo follows suit.

"The two of you are also coming with us to the station along with your party friends as well."

"What?" Peter and Leo exclaims in unison.

"Handcuff them." Officer Maxwell says and they place the two of them in handcuffs leading them outside.

Peter rolls his eyes as the police lead them out. Leo simply frowns at the discomfort of being led in handcuffs. They weren't scared of being arrested by the police even when they're suspects of using drugs. They would have been scared since they have also been doing drugs from time to time but why should they? They have got rich parents who can easily bail them out anyway.

"My dad's gonna kill me." Peter groans.

"I'll definitely never get my car back." Leo pouts.

Those were their only regrets.


Mr. Brooks is in a meeting with the board members when the family lawyer calls.

"Excuse me everyone." He says before picking up the phone.

"Sir, Alfie has been arrested by the police." James, the family lawyer says.

Mr. Brooks springs up in shock, "What? How the f**k did that happen?"

"They claim he's doing drugs. They said he was found with morphine at his friend's house and heroin was later found in his system."

Mr. Brooks gasps, "Where are you now?"

"I'm here at the company sir. I didn't want to disrupt your meeting so I choose to call instead."

"Let's meet at the garage then."

"Yes sir."

"The meeting is adjourned, please excuse me." He stands up and exits the conference room immediately. He calls Mrs. Brooks and tells her about it too. He picks her up at her place of work and the three of them head for the police station.

James sits at the passenger seat while Mr. and Mrs. Brooks both sits at the back seat.

"Alfie has seriously gotten out of hands." Mr. Brooks says clenching his fist.

"You both don't need to come, I can handle this alone sir." James says to Mr. Brooks.

"Its better we all go together James." Mrs. Brooks says resting her head on the car seat.

"Drive faster." Mr. Brooks says to the driver.

The driver nods and accelerates immediately. He stops when there is a red light. As the green light comes on, he legally goes through it. A truck ignoring its stop light comes running through from the left side. And within a flash, it crashes into their car. The truck somersaults over to the other side smoke coming out from it while their car is compressed to the road barrier.

The driver has glass piercing to his chest due to the breakage of the glasses and he dies on spot. Mr. Brooks bleeds from the head and struggles to breathe. He turns to his wife's direction and sees her bleeding profusely too with her eyes closed. He tries to reach for her but didn't seem to find the strength.

Tears rolls down his cheeks as he turns to see James unconscious as well.

"Oh Alfie..." He manages to say.

Ambulance siren is soon heard as it comes to the scene while people also start to gather.