
Hazed Sanity

All it took was a single truth to reveal all those nasty lies hiding beneath those bush. Little or not, little did they know; a single rose hid beneath those thick and pointy thorns.

GLADIOLUS · ファンタジー
31 Chs




Everyone was in chaos when an explosion happened and turned to the now broken blocks of ice that Haily created. They all rushed to check on the young lady that was trapped inside and luckily, the lady only fainted due to the lack of oxygen.

They all hurried inside to cater to what their dear friend need. Dr. Gissele escorted them to the facility they had for any incidents such as the one that had just happened. Some men asked for the rest to leave the facility and wait to be called on after their friend gets treated. Haily, who made the act bursted into tears as a result of what had happened to her dear friend. "It's all my fault, if I was just in control and focused on what I should have been doing, none of this would be happening!" She blamed herself that made her friends console her and reassured her that everything would be alright since it was their friend that is going through it.

Inside the facility, they hurried to supply some oxygen to Orie who was still unconscious on the bed. Things should had been simple if it weren't for her other marking started showing up and glowed as if it was a signal. It was too late for the people inside the facility when a barrier started expanding from the young lady's chest and exploded that gave a huge impact and even made the people outside to fly in different directions.

"What is going on!?" Danny reacted quickly from the impact that made them flew. She quickly helped out the rest of her friends and lastly went to West who was beside the table. She tried shaking her but the girl was not responding. "Oh my god..." Danny drifted off when she saw blood running out from West's head. "Haily help me! West is bleeding!" Danny frantically screamed as she didn't know what to do.

"Take her and I'll use force to open these doors!" Danny commanded Haily which agreed and assisted their friend. Danny gathered up her energy and focused on applying the sufficient amount of force needed to burst the door open. The door fell to the ground and what shocked them was the mess that welcomed them inside the laboratory.

Jameson quickly entered knowing that her mother was inside to nurse to his friend. "Mom!" He rushed to his mother's side who was lying unconsciously on the floor with fallen debris in the air. "mom, wake up! what happened in here!?" Jameson yelled worriedly but no response was given as her mother seemed to be in a serious condition. "Wait, where is Orie?" Jane asked as soon as she realized that she was missing.

"Look! there's a huge hole right there!" Marille pointed at a certain direction while helping Ambrose to stand up. "We'll look for her!" Dwight said and ran off outside with Alcquin.

"What the hell happened here?" Hypo frustratedly asked but no one knew what to answer. They all turned to Dr. Gissele when she coughed. "Orie...where is Orie?" She quickly asked and roamed around her eyes to see what had happened.

"No...no this can't be!" She yelled. "Mom, what's going on? tell us!" Jameson asked his mom who was on the verge of going insane probably from all of the frustration she is dealing with. "Mom, tell us the truth" Jameson begged that caught his mother's attention. Dr. Gissele asked her son to assist her and lead them outside through the hole. "Orie, out of all of you was the most unstable one there is" she began that caught the attention of everyone who had heard."What do you mean our friend is unstable?" Hypo asked while also in a hurry. "Remember when she had two markings unlike all of you that had only one? Well it is because she has another person living inside of her head, your friend was diagnosed with a split personality and it so happens that one of the scientist's that is working for the organization was the one that diagnosed her and that is why she was brought to the organization as a test subject, pretty much earlier than all of you, all of your abilities are linked to your brains and that may had triggered for her other marking to appear. Whenever Orie would be emotionally triggered, it would also awaken the other persona who is hiding inside her head." Dr. Gissele explained.

"So that explains why the men on the island knew who she was, but why did she seem to had forgotten all about this?" Jane asked, remembering the times that had happened on the island. Dr. Gissele stopped at her track and looked at Haily. "Because the first to awaken the ability wasn't Orie, but the other person who hid inside her, Orie had the ability to manipulate the air but the other mask that hid inside her had a different ability that explains why she had two markings, it is still unclear as to what can the other person do and that is why I tried to get you all away from the organization because I had a leading information that the organization had no idea about." Dr. Gissele answered.

"Then can you explain why there was an explosion earlier? The impact caused West to bleed, we need to treat her as soon as possible or things might get complicated far more worst!" Danny stated. "I'll call my other men to take care of her and I suppose that Haily was also left with her, now we focus on hunting down Orie" the doctor answered as they continue to look for Orie

Dwight and Alcquin came running into them, panting heavy from all the searching they had been doing since they rushed outside. They asked if they had already seen their friend but both shook their heads. Hypo fell to the cold ground and punched the ground, she used her ability to create a platform in a form of a plant that rose above ground that helped them to scan the area.

"Where the hell are you?"