
Hazed Sanity

All it took was a single truth to reveal all those nasty lies hiding beneath those bush. Little or not, little did they know; a single rose hid beneath those thick and pointy thorns.

GLADIOLUS · ファンタジー
31 Chs




"I think we have enough branches to lit" I said as I turn around to face Hypo, who was still picking dried branches of trees on the ground. She turned to me with a contented smile and said "I guess you're right about that". She stood up while carrying all of the branches she had gathered, it was lesser than mine though.

I was about to joke about it when I saw someone...no...it was Pinty and Orie that was running towards us. Not too long when the two finally arrived in front of us, panting as if someone was in trouble. I couldn't put my hand on Orie's shoulder due to the branches I'm carrying in order to comfort her and so I asked the two as to why were they running.

They looked like they were about to say something as Pinty and Orie looked at each other first, but then Pinty just shook her head at us as if telling us it was nothing. Hypo, on the other hand seemed to not bother, but I am. These two aren't athletic, especially Pinty while Orie hated sweat for it's uncomfortable feeling. They helped us carry what we've gathered and told us to head back, and so we did. As soon as we got back, everyone was already there.

"We saw you two running when we got back, did something happened?" Jane asked the two. "No, nothing happened, we were just playing around" Pinty answered. They shook it off and then West guided us to the place that seemed safe for us to stay for the night. I was a few meters back from the cave we were into. It was another cave, but this time, a regular one I guess. It did not run that deep so we placed all of our things inside the cave and started preparing for the night as the sun was about to set.

Orie and Marille took care of the fire that would keep us warm and give us light for the nighttime while the others sorted out the food that Marille and Danny gathered. All of it were fruits and I hope those are enough for all of us. I went outside to gather some coconut leaves for us to lay and cover the entrance of the cave since the cave seemed to be artificial; I mean, it seemed like it eroded that's why it looked like a cave. It almost made me think that someone dug that cave.

I was busy picking the leaves one by one since all of it were too big and heavy when I heard footsteps from behind and I turned to see Danny and West. "You can't do this by yourself you know, you have us remember" West said as Danny gave off a teasing smile. "We'll carry these back so we could finish early" Danny said.

Just like what we've talked about; the two carried the leaves as I gathered more and when I think it was enough, I then helped the two carry the rest back to our spot. There was fire already and the fruits had been washed and even peeled already. It was finally sundown and we've already covered the entrance of the cave. The fire was inside the cave and it was fine since there was enough room. Everyone was smiling as we ate the fruits they prepared, but deep down, we all knew that there are still questions lingering in our minds that require some answering.

I heaved out a deep sigh before I spoke. "Why were both of you running? You two aren't the type to exercise, much less exert physical effort; so tell us what happened?". Orie heaved out a sigh as well. "When we were at the top of the tree, I saw Pinty staring at something and she was actually staring at you two" She began, she then looked into Pinty, gesturing her to continue the story. "Don't freak out but...we're not alone on this island" she said.

"Wait-what do you mean we're not alone on this island?" Danny asked. "Orie and I saw a black figure, not that far from you two" Pinty told as she pointed me and Hypo who was shocked as well. "We saw something that shone so we concluded it was a blade. Then out of panic, we hurried towards you. Orie even fell from the last branch of the tree, " Pinty stated.

Tas try mo kaya lagyan ng banter.

Orie grimaced and spoke "You just had to add up that embarrassing part, do you?". "She said to tell what happened!" replied Pinty.

Everyone was astounded after hearing what the two had told us; although, I saw Jane snicker at the corner of my eye. The silence that engulfed us broke when we heard someone weeping; it was West. Although I'm the youngest here, we treated West like she's the youngest among all of us and we treated Orie like the mother of the pack. She can analyze any given situation and would make rational decisions, but she can go overboard sometimes, especially when things get out of hand.

We mustered near West and comforted her, I even saw Danny and Pinty with teary eyes. I can't blame them since the situation we are in are trully terrifying. We don't know where we are and danger may be lurking in this island, waiting for us. We are trully uncertain about the things at the moment. We looked at Orie who stood up with an eager look on her face. Her eyes screams determination. "I promise, I would do anything to get us home, no matter the cause is" She said

"That's right, we will get through this!" Jane cheered. Smiles were returning to our faces and we heard one of the most reassuring thing we could ever hear in this situation.

"If blood has to be shed, then so be it. I won't make second thoughts about killing if it ever meant for us to survive and return back home"