
Hazbinverse: Impish Tendencies

Aiden was a bad guy. He killed a lot of people. He stole a lot of things. He was a scammer. He was a certified war criminal. He was a scum, a villain. So it wasn't surprising that he ended up in hell. But why the hell was he a baby? and what's up with these goofy horns?

Dr_Armstrong · テレビ
9 Chs

Imping In Imp-Land

Chapter 1 - Imping In Imp-Land

Written By Curiostyx

<Aiden's Pov>

Words could not describe my current situation.

I became a baby. A full-blown Demon baby.

After that crazy ass jailbreak, I woke up in the body of what I presume is an Imp.

...It also seems that my new parents abandoned me shortly after my birth, which I couldn't remember much of because of my infantile brain.

Strangely enough however, I could perfectly remember the amount of time between my birth and the present, which was 6 days, 6 hours, and 6 minutes.

Yes, I was in that basket for 6 whole days, which was why I was so Satandamn hungry.

The couch was surprisingly tasty but the milk tasted even better, probably because of my instincts since I was never much of a dairy fan.

Surprisingly, the taste of pure plastic pollution was like a sweet treat to my lips. That carton tasted like bliss.

Unfortunately to my new guardian, I pissed on him afterwards.

Now, I could sit here and say that it was an accident and that I couldn't really control my bladder due to my current body but Aiden Vilscum was no liar.

Now 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 was a good example of a perfectly executed lie.

A true Master of Deceit I am.

"Now let's try... Cheese" My new guardian said as he held a tiny cube of cheese in his right hand.


It was quite an adequate meal for me, tasted exactly like... Like cheese.

"Now, how about candy?" The Imp said as he pulled out a sphere of pure sweetness from Satan knows where.

...The first and second solid meal you give to a baby is cheese and candy... Truly, one of the parents of hell.

Nevertheless, I still ate the candy like I was eating the bread made by Jesus's very own flesh... Err, Satan's flesh.


Yep, Tasted like the sweet-sweet misery of those Imps who spent countless Imp-hours toiling away in a rundown factory making trash food for meager pay.


"Now I think you've had enough for food... My wallet can't pay for your appetite. So uh... Do baby things, I have work to do" The older Imp said before departing outside.

A shame. Now the only company I have is this senile Cat.

"Grrr..." The Cat growled as if it sensed my insult.

Probably not the wisest to provoke a predator as an infant without any adults around.

Yeah, probably shouldn't do that...

Err... You're a very very strong and smart Cat?

"Purrr..." The Cat purred in approval.

I'm going to roast you in an open fire when I grow up.

Luckily the Cat didn't sense this thought.

Now, what should I do?

I don't know what the heavens babies do at this point... I guess they just sleep? but I'm not particularly tired or anything...

I decided to count the sheep to pass the time, so I climbed up the wall and sat at the window.

"1 Baa... 2 Baas... 3 Baas... 4 Baas... 5 Baas... 6 Baas... 7 Baas" I muttered.


4 Years later...

<Aiden's Pov>

"Those were a lot of sheep..." I muttered.

Well, I'm a toddler now.

I could walk just fine, and speak even finer.

For some reason (Well, It's actually pretty obvious why), the languages of hell mirrored the languages of earth and the language of this particular region seemed to be a dialect of English, so I could also read pretty easily.

Through reading and listening in on my grandpa whose first name I still don't know, I managed to glean some valuable information.

For starters, It seems that I was currently located in the Wrath Ring. This implies that there are other Rings of the 7 deadly sins.

Each of these 7 Rings is ruled over by a Prince of Sin, with Satan being the Prince of the Wrath Ring.

Although Satan is the most famous of the 7 Princes, he wasn't actually the top dog of hell- No, the absolute ruler of the abyss is Lucifer Morningstar, The Prince of the Pride Ring and the First Angel who rebelled against God.

From what I gathered. The 7 Princes actually created Hell itself, which brings into question the supremacy of God...

But I wouldn't really trust the books made by the official Church of Satan, so I just chalked it up to some religious propaganda.

But then again, the depiction of the 7 deadly Princes could also be religious propaganda done by the Angels... But the fact that they openly embrace the identity of being the evilest beings in the cosmos implies that the depiction of the Demon Princes were probably not too far off.

I really didn't know who to trust in this situation...

Well, It doesn't really matter to a little Imp like me.

Grandpa seemed to enjoy my eagerness to learn.


Another 4 Years Later...

<Aiden's Pov>

I'm 8 now... well, 8 and a half.

I seem to grow faster than the average Imp. My height was only slightly shorter than Grandpa, though it is important to note that as an Imp, my Grandpa was pretty damn short. So in hindsight, I was actually still pretty short.

But I wasn't even 9, so who's gonna say that I won't grow to become the next Shaq?

Grandpa taught me how to farm and shit. Unfortunately, The Author isn't a farmer or a gardener, so he could never write those lessons.

He's taking me out fishing today, there was a river beside the farm so it wasn't exactly a long journey. Still, it was the farthest I've ever traveled out of the house (Outside of the occasional Doctor's appointment) so it was pretty exciting.

"What ya wanna catch, boy?" Grandpa asked.

"I heard Catfish taste nice" I responded.

"You heard? don't play with me Boy, you have no friends" Grandpa said.

"That's because you never take me out... I don't even to school" I responded.

"School? Boy, that's a scam! All you need to live happily is a wife and some money" Grandpa said.

"Which you don't have" I responded.

"Exactly," He said.

There was a pretty awkward silence after that.

"I'm sorry..." Grandpa suddenly said.

"I don't have enough money for your school... But I know that isn't a good reason for leaving you in the house all the time" He said.

"Damn right" I responded.


"Ya know back in my days, I used to also not have a lot of what you can call a friend..." He said.

"That explains a lot" I responded.


"Back then, I made it big, Had my company and everything..." Grandpa waited for my interruption but no words came out of my mouth.

"But then it all disappeared, Taken away by the whims of an earthborn sinner..."

"Those I thought were my friends... It turns out they were only there for the benefits" Grandpa said.

"And now I'm here, with the only thing keeping me alive being a cat and a little weird Imp" He finished.




The water bubbled.


Then a giant catfish attached to a fishing line leaped out of the water.

"HAHAHA, Nice catch son!"


Hopefully my stories can brighten your day.

Inspiring Quote of The Day: Stop blaming others, We are not the product of circumstance, We are the product of our own choices.

Stones Please?

Word Count: 1229

Power Stones are the DNA of the soul.

So Gimme =D

Dr_Armstrongcreators' thoughts