
Having Fun In The Anime World

Amatu- Novic- Beginner writer here! (A/N: I made this just to put my ideas in a story. Plus this my first time writing a fan-fic story. I'm just writing for leisure.) Disclaimer: The other character in the story is not mine. It's from there rightful owner. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mark save two kids before he die and meet the only god he believed and ever believed in. God given him the chance for a second life. At first reluctant but in the end he got his second chance in the world of anime!

ArcTachibana · アニメ·コミックス
35 Chs

Something Did Happen!

Walking out of the apartment building, Rinku takes a slow walk in the night. All he could see was the city lights flashing everywhere. It made him look back at his past self.

"Even though I live my life quite miserable at times, I still enjoyed my lonely company. Looking back, I really missed my time alone without other people. Though I love my new family, I still miss those times that I'm alone."

"Because of it, I appreciate my time alone. I can't even believe at my self that I didn't take my own life at that point."

"Now, I'm back being alone again, in this city. I missed it..." Rinku looks at the the sky feeling a little bit emotional for a bit.


"What am I saying... I resent that I'm alone all the time. Now what I said doesn't make sense anymore. Gagh! Forget it! It's not time to be thinking stupid things." Rinku was having doubt about his pass life but he just throw it back to his head, not thinking about it.

Walking to the supermarket to buy ingredients for his alone party tonight. Though he will spend his time playing all night until he sleeps. That was most people do in there own room, without the bothersome people, having food, snacks, and games.

Well, that's what he thought.


After buying everything he needs, he then start walking towards his apartment building, taking his time in the world.

Rinku stops and said; "Why do I have this feeling that something cliché might happen when I turn this way?" Rinku certainly followed the way he came in the store but for some reason when he was turning the other way he came from he felt something.

"Maybe it's a sign of something was going to happen to me. Or maybe there someone there that having fun on the bushes and I "accidentally" see what there doing."

Making his decision to proceed there seems to be nothing. "Weird... I really thought something might happen, I was even a little excited." Rinku was a little disappointed.

"Oh well, my mistake I guess..."

Making another turn but this time something is really happening. Rinku saw 4 people kidnaping someone. "Holy shit, this people are professionals." After seeing the taser, pepper spray, tear gas bomb, gun and other dangerous things near the fallen handbag that seems to be a girls possessions.

He knows that all of them have some kind of protective for such items or maybe there body is much stronger than other normal people.

One of them notice Rinku when he turns in there direction, which made the man swiftly response and tried to go for the kill to silence someone who saw them, having a dagger in his hand, he charge at Rinku.

Rinku in response was just amused, he looks around to see any surveillance camera around for privacy purposes.

But all of them are destroyed by this people so it's not a problem if he kills them.

Noticing the smile of Rinku while he was ignore and taking a look at his surrounding, the man didn't even felt insulted or anything, he was just thinking of how weird this soon to be dead person that who can smile and look around before his death.

The man was already in front of Rinku which in turn Rinku also gaze at him in a weird way. The man who notice look in Rinkus eyes, he knew that he saw it somewhere. While he was going for the kill, he slash Rinku in his neck while still thinking where did he see that kind of gaze.

But before he could think anything his hand who felt that his dagger was stop by something, because of the sudden change his head then cleared up from any thoughts. He was shock to see that his dagger was stop by Rinku's neck.

Until that time he realized what that gaze was, every member of his group has also have that gaze when killing someone, and also that was the gaze where he was using to look at him earlier, a dead man.

Noticing the sudden change, his team then also realized something was wrong. Looking at each other, they suddenly nods there head for confirmation or something.

The other two stay back to help the one that was fighting Rinku, while the last one was going to drive there get away car where the assume kidnaped person is being detain.

Noticing that they want to get away by buying sometime Rinku said; "Well time to stop playing I guess.". He thrust his arms towards the heart of the first person that attack him. Before the man could defend himself, Rinku's hand that was faster than him was already done his job.

Rinku's hand has already pierced his way through.

"Silver!" seeing that they were to late, they shout there comrades name in anger and shock.

Rinku stops and look at them the same gaze as he did to Silver. With a flash he killed them quite easily. Following the person who a few miles away already he fly towards the car and killed him too. Stopping the car at the side, he takes the lady who was sleeping, maybe she was drugged to sleep.

Burning the body and the car, Rinku goes back to the place to also burn them to ashes to not leave a trace.


After that little episode, Rinku takes a look at this girl that was kidnapped. "Why would they kidnap, I assume, a university student? Those people are not your ordinary kidnappers too."

Taking a look more, Rinku didn't know who she is but for some reason he felt that she looks someone he supposed to know.

The girl has pink hair, she tied her hair with a flower shaped clip to go down on her left shoulder, and the girl have revealing clothes.

"Sheesh girl, I might believe them if they say they kidnapped you because your very hot. Oh right you can't hear me. Well let's take her home before someone see us here."

Picking up the girls dangerous items and her bag he again walks towards his apartment. He didn't want her to wake up now since it was to much trouble to do it in the street plus he didn't know what she will do when she wake up.

Though he didn't know why it was a better way to take her to his apartment, who knows.

Well I find a solution though it's temporary. I did my writing in a computer shop. Where people looked at me weird since I go there to wright. I think they assume that I was going to play, since I was very known customer there in the past. Everybody there knows me for playing game all day there.

So here is your chapter!

ArcTachibanacreators' thoughts