
Having Fun In The Anime World

Amatu- Novic- Beginner writer here! (A/N: I made this just to put my ideas in a story. Plus this my first time writing a fan-fic story. I'm just writing for leisure.) Disclaimer: The other character in the story is not mine. It's from there rightful owner. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mark save two kids before he die and meet the only god he believed and ever believed in. God given him the chance for a second life. At first reluctant but in the end he got his second chance in the world of anime!

ArcTachibana · アニメ·コミックス
35 Chs

It's late but still happened

Mark was slowly floating in the vast void of space, where nothing but the shines of millions and billions of stars can be seen far and wide. While the other side has nothingness in it. But suddenly inside the nothingness millions and billions of new worlds are created. A new universe was created yet the nothingness can still be seen at the edge of the newly created worlds!


"Why am I even here right now?"


"Oh yeah I died..."


Mark begins to angrily complain "God dammit! Then where in the hell is this place! I fuckin die! Bro, I'm 28 this year it takes me 5 years before I fixed my fuckin life into the right track. And here I am floating in the void dead as real. Fuck!! At least put me in heaven not in this place".

Mark starts to remembers how did he die.

Mark was walking out of his work place and starts to walks to his car where he was just opening the door but suddenly a fast moving car that didn't look likes going to stop, was going straight to a little girl and a little boy that was walking in the road. People was shock of how fast the truck was going. Mark who was the closest to the two starts to run towards the girl and the boy.

Mark have great reflex since young, though about his figure is not what you called a fit body but a chubby one. But even though his a little fat with his great reflex, seeing the situation his body already starts to run towards the little girl without even thinking.

But because of how unfit is body is he was still a little bit slower. Making him jump real fast thinking to grab both of them at the same time evading the truck. But the truck still faster than him thinking real quick he decided to push them away from the truck before the three of them get hit.

Taking advantage of the power behind jump pushing them both the girl and boy away towards him and the truck who was already in front of his body. Saving the two kids from harm but putting himself at their situation. Now, looking at truck who was going to hit him.

The time slows down in his every surrounding, his life play like a cassette tape before his very eyes. At the end of it he just closed his eyes and says "Ahh... didn't even let me have a family of my own... well goodbye shitty world." at the last sentence he said, he opens his eyes and the truck rams into him making a bloody mess out of his body.

He died as a hero sacrificing his life for others. Thinking at this point, Mark was silent for a moment before he said "In the end, that was the only thing I want most in my life, exchanging my life for others. Even though I change for the better, help my family, getting my sister to college, giving my parents the good life they disserve but deep down in my heart I always wanted to die... die with a purpose, dying in something I could be proud of."

"In the past when I was in high school to college, I always hope something like that kind of situation happens in front of me, saving someone in exchange of my life. It's late but still happened."

"Why do I even thinking about this, I'm already dead, dead as I can be. Well if I'm dead then why I'm still possible to even think right now?"



"Hello!! Come out now I know you're watching from the start. Can you explain what's happening here?"

A voice then reply "How did you know that I'm watching you?"

"I just know"

'I'm just sensitive to this kind of stuff. If some martial artist trained me when I was a kid my life would be very much different.' Mark said and thought to himself.

After he said that a man as big or much bigger than a planet appeared before Mark, bright lights coming out from the mans body as he shrink at same size of a human. But Mark knows that he was small right now because he could see that the man is looking down to meet his eyes 'assuming he even have eyes right now'.

"What is a soul doing here in my place? Aren't you supposed to be in your own judgment hall where you supposed to be right now young man?" the man spoke.

"I don't know. The second I die, open my eyes and *poof* I'm here. Floating... that is." Mark replied.

"Hm... you don't know... I'll ask my assistant maybe he knows what's up." The man then magically appears a phone like thing and dialed a number. Somebody picks up the call. " Yo! Lock! Got a problem here. There's a soul in my place, do you know about it?... Aha...Ehmm... Ok got it thanks Lock. Great work man."

*Ehem* "I know why you where here now young soul, you die heroically saving two little kids. But you don't have a god in your world that you believe in. And because of that, they didn't take you even your soul is a heroic one. Your a heroic soul and yet you don't believe them, then you won't get to reincarnate you know. Because to them a heroic spirits faith to them is a big help to there divinity. The only god you believe in is me!"

"The God of all that is that exist! So you are connected to me. That's why you are here right now in my place. The edge of the universe, where I'm busy creating other things. You even seen it yourself. Oh right, your just a floating soul right now if your wondering. And I'm here to grant you a second chance!"

Mark is surprised and shock! "WHAT!?! You're the god of all thing that exist!!!?"