
Volume 1. Chapter 7 - Hellfire

I've always been weak. Since childhood, when my drunken father came home and I couldn't escape, I just lay there, beaten, in tears, snot. I didn't have time to run away, I couldn't hide, I couldn't talk him down. And after my father, my mother came, and as usual with a new cable. Mother, loving, caring... no, bullying. They liked to see me in a pitiful state, they liked my tears and moans, because they were taller and stronger than me. Even when I wasn't at home, everything was the same. Dirty worn-out clothes, skinny, unsightly appearance, everyone liked to make fun of this. They surrounded me and just beat me up with a crowd, but no one could help me because I was too pathetic. Would you save an injured puppy? Probably. But if he were shabby, skinny, scary-looking and ugly. You would just decide to pass by.

It's always been like this, even when I grew up. I worked, took out loans, loans to get money, just to throw another glass down my throat in order to forget, in order to imagine myself not such a pathetic creature. Run! Hide! Cheat! And if it didn't work out, then you will be beaten. But I died. I was pitiful and died a pitiful creature. As people like to think that on Monday I will start a new life, that everything will be different from the new year, so I thought: This is the end, everything will change. How wrong I was. Even after death, I remained a pitiful creature. I remember... when I couldn't even look up at that red sky, so as not to remember, so as not to understand where I was. I remember being beaten up, yes, I just asked, but I was beaten up and left somewhere in the corner. It hurt. It hurts a lot.

Why can't I escape?

Why should I go through this again?

Why am I so pathetic?

People, angels, demons, sinners… Why are you so arrogant that you don't even consider me human?

A toy, a thing, a food, an object…

- Why do you consider yourself better?

Because they had the power. Kinship, connections, body composition, knowledge, magic. And I... I didn't have anything.

- Why do you think you have the right to use me?

I am a human being, I have pride.

- How arrogant are you!

I'm so sick of everything already.

- I will prove that I am not a creature that can just be ignored!

Father, mother, classmates, friends, demons… I have the power, and I will find you.

My hands were on fire

The fire literally flowed down them, and then fell in drops to the ground, burning it.

This power…

For the first time, I felt strong, so much so that I was even intoxicated. I even remembered when I tried alcohol for the first time, it was at my "friend's" party, after which I swelled into trash and was beaten by some big guy.


I wanted to enjoy it longer, but I was interrupted by a strong blow from the wind, which I naturally dodged.

Heck! Although wait, I am the devil... so how am I supposed to swear now? Okay... fuck! The main thing is not to be stupid, I do not know how long the fine will be imposed on me, so I cannot delay.

Unfortunately, all my plans were ruined by the flying head of the fag demon.

Bastard Herpes! I would have finished everything long ago!

Okay, we need to think about who to start with. Surprisingly, Herpes…

- Ahhh!

- Shya!

"Bitch, let me figure out a plan!"

- SHYA! The flying head screamed.

What the fuck is this?

Okay, I figured out who should be killed first, definitely Ger…

- SHYA!!!

Fuck! I had to dodge his punches sharply, of course, compared to his initial version, he was not so strong, but still…

- Come on, come on! I'll burn your stupid mustache!

- N-no, my mustache…

- …

Is he kidding me? I wanted to provoke him!

Contrary to my expectations, this demon was not stupid at all.

- Not my mustache!

Or so it seemed to me.

Apart from his attacks and kringe, glaciers also often fell on me.

- Go fuck yourself! I'm not fucking Romeo and Jultph... - I broke my tongue. I was often bad at difficult words.

Damn glaciers!!! They couldn't hurt me because of the hellfire, but they could slow me down and piss me off.

I tried to get closer to my head, but the wind threw dust in my eyes, and the glaciers slowed down a lot, after which they moved away and everything was repeated again.

Damn… Oh, I mean damn it! Fucking pancakes! At this rate…

- WHEW!!!

... I'm going to be fined soon…

- The glacier!

...What should I do?

- Hmm…

Okay, we'll have to retreat, temporarily of course... Aah! I'm going to destroy his buildings and arenas, Herpes will definitely get angry!

- Gee-gee…

- So, what's he laughing at, and where is he going? – the head asked.

- Mmm... Girbit, it seems to me that he ran to destroy your possessions.

- Oh shit!!!


It was pleasant, my strength combined with the infernal flames easily destroyed houses and buildings, and then melted their debris.

I will completely destroy this place! Someday… And now I'd better go kill the evil Herpes.


- And here he is…

Once I didn't understand how an opponent who doesn't control emotions can be easily defeated, but now I understand quite easily.

It was enough for me to take a couple of steps forward and put out my hand to grab his head. Unfortunately, he managed to wound me in the side, but it wasn't even fatal, so I just scored.

- Hellfire.

My hands began to burn, and his head began to melt, and disgusting wheezing and moaning could be heard from under my palms.

- Did you want to fuck me!? Yes, I love you.…

Unfortunately, I couldn't finish because of the damn glacier. I'm not on the Titanic, so why the fuck is he following me!

Throwing the half-burned head aside, I went straight to the demoness.

She continued to attack, frost, glacier, ice arrows, rose, thorns, but my fire just melted the ice, and then evaporated the water.

Of course, it took a lot of effort, but I was already in a rage, there was no stopping me.

- L-ice…

Before she could finish, I abruptly approached and with my fiery claws cut off her legs, and then her arm.

- Ghaaa!!!

- Shut up, - I gagged her with my hand, - Ha… I know that you are stronger than me, but it's a pity that you spent so much effort on each other... - I was sarcastic.

How to find out her level... although there is an idea.

I took her whole hand by the wrist more firmly and brought it to my teeth, after which I bit off her beautiful fingers.

[Essence obtained]

[Essence received]

Strong. Just a couple of fingers gave me so much essence.

- Hehe... - a smile stretched across my face, this smile of pleasure, I will be able to enjoy it for how much she tortured me, - What are you shouting like that? Don't you remember how you tortured me yourself? Or have you already forgotten? I just bit my finger, but what did you do to me…

Her eyes were filled with horror, which I enjoyed.

Damn… I didn't know I was a sado.

It doesn't matter, I was about to get down to the most important and refined thing, but... you do understand that everything is never easy with me? Every fucking time, something will definitely get in the way. Yes, this time is no exception.

As soon as I started, a new demon appeared on the horizon.

He is under two meters tall with dark skin and bulging muscles.

Of course, I did not understand who he was, since there were no survivors in the area except for these two, but Rosa's reaction surprised me greatly.

When she saw the demon, she tried to make a bow on her stumps, which turned out terribly.

What... is going on?

Fuck, why is it always like this! What a freak who always shows up at the wrong time! Are they watching and waiting for the right moment!?

But okay, if I attack him very quickly, even a super strong demon will be killed.

- B-Baron!

"Eh? Lady Rose, I'm just a messenger," he ignored me.

- Y-y-yes…

- The Baron was wondering why you requested a pass so early, but it turns out you just wanted to satisfy your fetishes.

"I-I... n-no…

- Does it matter where Girbid is? He began to inspect the destruction until he noticed the half–burned head.

- Oops! – he grabbed his head, after which, I immediately attacked him, aiming at the very place near the neck. I was just waiting for him to get distracted, and activating the hellfire my claws…

"Mmm... and what the hell are you doing?"

"Um... me?"

They didn't even scratch it.

- Yes, you are.

- I'm…


- Mmm... massage…

- Massage? Okay, go ahead.

I released my claws again, but I didn't do any damage, no matter how much I hit.

- Mmm... and you're good, I'll take you to the baron.

Well, again!

As soon as I felt the force, an even stronger Persian came out from somewhere, damn hell!

[You are not in the sinner zone! A fine is imposed!]

My body became heavier, my breathing became faster, and my lungs seemed to be filled with sulfur, even my height and muscles became smaller.

[The one who refused to be reborn resists the penalty!]

[Hell's attention is resisting the fine!]

[The entity resists the penalty!]

[You become less material in hell]

Fuck… It doesn't stop!

I kept shrinking, and the power kept going away…

Even the specifications were already lower…


Race is a damn thing. 

The sin is gluttony.

Essence 102/500

The profession is not.

Skills: Endurance – 4ur, Charisma – 3ur, Essence – 2ur, Cutting – 2ur, Stone throwing – 2ur, Hellfire – 1ur.

Karma (-85)

Strength – 73 (59)

Endurance – 64 (34)

Dexterity – 102 (78)

Magic Power – 109 (98)

Magic Resistance – 16 (14)

Charisma – 30

Luck – 2

Free Performance Points: 12

Title: A sinner Who refused rebirth, Attracted the attention of hell, a Gladiator.


Fuck! What should I do!? Fuck, you don't want to tell me that I'm going to sink to the bottom again, do you? No way! No! No! No!

Heck! Bitch! Damn it! Fuck it all!

I was already starting to give up, but they helped me.

[An unknown observer is supporting you]

[Penalty reduced]



Race is a damn thing. 

The sin is gluttony.

Essence 102/500

The profession is not.

Skills: Endurance – 4ur, Charisma – 3ur, Essence – 2ur, Cutting – 2ur, Stone throwing – 2ur, Hellfire – 1ur.

Karma (-89)

Strength – 73

Endurance – 64

Dexterity – 102

Magic power – 109

Magic resistance – 16

Charisma – 30

Luck – 3

Free Performance Points: 12

Title: A sinner Who refused rebirth, Attracted the attention of hell, a Gladiator.


Is everything back to normal?

No… Karma has decreased. So, what just happened?

- What the hell happened to you?

- Um... it's just the consequences after meeting that demoness, do you know what her fetishes are…

- Hmm.… I see, I wonder, I see," he ignored my words, "I'll have to take you to the baron, and there he'll tell you.

- Yes…

And if you run away?

"Um... Mr. Demon?"

- Yes, what?

- How fast are you?

- I? ... well, I think it's enough to run a long distance in a few seconds.

- ... Okay, thanks.

Escape is not an option!

Eh... I just had to sigh heavily and tame my pride and desires, it was, of course, insulting, so much so that I wanted to dismember this demon, and then give his remains to demonic beasts, and I just haven't figured out what to do with him yet. But I will have enough time, I have waited 10 years in hell, and 22 years in ordinary life, I can wait a couple more years. I'm not going to run away or hide.

As a result, that jock grabbed the charred head of Herpes with one hand, which apparently did not die, and took a Rose by the spine with the other, which did not resist.

Is she a maso?

"You, follow me," he pointed at me.

- Yes…

There was no choice!!!

Okay, I should first understand who your dick baron is, and then do my business, and... who helped me? Unknown observer... what kind of faggot is this? Believe me, I'm pretty sure he's a faggot! No one in hell would just help me, which means he wants something.

And from such thoughts, my point tightened, but still I went on after that demon.