
Chapter 76

Red leaped on top of me. She straddled my waist, her hands on either side of my head. The bouncing ship swung her broken neck from side to side, but her blackened gaze still found mine, freezing my soul with the ferocity that lurked there. Where had that come from? She'd always been the single ghost who'd actually helped me.

She wrenched my mouth open wide with icy hands. "Let me in!" Her brittle, otherworldly voice grated prickles up my scalp.

I tried to shake her off, but between the juddering, sideways ship and the bitter terror funneling through my veins, I had no traction. Tears slipped down my cheeks while I searched for answers for her sudden betrayal inside her black eyes. She knew how this worked, likely just as well if not better than I did, and this wasn't it. I fumbled for an iron cube in my pocket and plucked it out, gripping it tight in my fist so it wouldn't skitter away.

I jerked my head away from her worming fingertips and choked out, "Go in."