
Chapter 59

A deep growl sounded from right behind me, or at least what I thought was right behind me. The back of my neck prickled. I turned, not because I expected to see anything, but because I hoped I'd imagined the noise and facing it could somehow prove I hadn't. And just as I felt a shift in the air in front of me as delicate as a flap of wings, there was a sigh of footsteps behind me. A light flicked on, bright and yellow, and shone on the massive creature towering over me. Saelis.

Shiny, dark scales sprinkled with white hair covered it head to talon. Drool leaked from between rows of pointed teeth protruding from an elongated muzzle. Rings of luminous green circled black pupils that aimed an unsated hunger right through my skull. Five fingers on each of its four hands were tipped with sharpened claws, and they were steadily reaching for me.

I ducked. One of its claws snagged at my shirt, ripping it without barely touching it.