
Chapter 49

I didn't know if I should be afraid anymore of what lurked on this ship, or if the ghosts had just granted me a one-time reprieve due to what had almost happened. It was strange to think that maybe I didn't need to feel that blanket terror I associated with them, and I didn't trust it. Because what if I had this all wrong and they really did want to hurt me?

Just in case, I popped in my last piece of iron. My last one. I worried my lip as I zipped up my coat, my gaze aimed at the broken light I'd have to pass under after I hurried past the Vicious door. Just the thought of walking by it again prickled the back of my neck. But Mase, and maybe, hopefully, please let her be on that ship, Ellison, waited for me once I passed it.

That thought put one foot in front of the other along the opposite side of the hallway as Randolph's room and the rest of the caved-in doors. Maybe somehow finding Ellison would help me find Randolph. I didn't know how, but maybe.