
Hated by the Gods [Cancelled]

So you want to know his story? Of that monster that made the gods tremble, that human who came to put every God on his knees. I will tell you the story of Ion the terror of the Gods and their wives. After all, this story is about the person most hated by gods and the 'Reason' for which he fought until the end. . . . . . Author's Notes: I am a new writer, I am sorry if the first chapters are short, I will try to increase them to a greater number of words. English is not my native language so I'm sorry for any grammatical errors. Thank you and enjoy your reading of Hated by the Gods

Leiva · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Pink hair

The Drakkar's navigation changed when they were already away from the Tiger clan. Ion began to push with his magic while Erika rested, luckily there was already wind and with that, they pushed the sail.

"Would you tell me again what elements you counter with your magic?" Erika said as she lay down on a part of the Drakkar

"I'm not sure since magic is as wide as the roots of a tree, but the basic elements I know I handle" Ion commented while in his mind he counted the elements he controlled.

'Water, Fire, Lightning, wind..., I think they are all thought, Ion

"In the same way, I'm surprised that you made a place to lie down on the ship" he commented as he saw a place on the ship full of skins.

"Well, it will be necessary to rest so I wanted to make a comfortable place" Erika commented as she stretched.

"Where do you want to go?" Erika asked as she looked at the sun.

"Honestly I don't know, but I want it to be an interesting place, but if we are going to go somewhere far away we should disembark and collect something"

Erika shook her head.

"Right now it would be a good idea to disembark and eat but we don't have time to dry meat or other things since they will rot over time, it would be a better idea to disembark and eat every two or 4 days"

Ion nodded and steered the ship to a riverbank where they pulled the ship far enough into the bank to prevent it from being carried away.

They both got down and stretched a little.

"Well you look for fruits and if you can hunt an animal I will do the same so if you can't hunt any animal or find fruits nothing happens," Erika said taking out some cloth bags and giving them to Ion.

Ion walked away and began to collect fruits, discarding the poisonous ones, some of them he was not sure for his luck, he found a rabbit that was eating some blueberries so he killed the rabbit and collected all the blueberries he could.




'Shit shit shit' he thought as he ran a pink hair with black tones in his hair

'I don't want to go back, damn I didn't imagine that they would follow me and with that damn wolf' she stopped and began to breathe hard.

'I have to continue, otherwise, everything will have been a waste, he began to run and head towards some bushes.

Without realizing it, the girl stumbled, letting go of the spear that she had in her hand and hit her head, she was already desperate and complained about the blow.




Ion was crouched down finishing picking the fruits but something hit his head and he buried his face in the snow.

"What the fuck?" He looked where the blow came from and saw a girl with pink and black hair, her pink eyes angry from the blow looked at me again. she had silver armor.

The girl turned around and took the spear from the ground pointing at Ion with a serious and angry face.

"Hey hey hey you were the one that fell on me. Are you going to point your spear at me for no reason?" Ion asked incredulously since he didn't understand what was happening and the armor he had was very rare compared to the one he had.

She didn't respond and lowered her spear slowly, and a growl from her stomach began to sound.

"HAHAHAHA, come eat with us," said Ion as he took his spear with the rabbit and the bag of fruits and headed to the Drakkar.

Being close when Erika saw the woman she was with, she jumped.

'She's a Valkyrie!' Erika yelled internally as she walked over to greet the guest.

"Dear, who is the one with you?" Erika said with a high tone in the Darling, to be able to imply that Ion was hers.

"She is hungry so I invited her to eat, I managed to hunt a rabbit and I found a couple of blueberries and other fruits" said ion while showing each item.

The pink girl's face never relaxed and was always serious, despite sitting down and being treated well.

The girl watched him for a long time, and she saw them very romantic and affectionate, it seemed very tender to her to the point that her body was born a desire.

'I want that too' she said to herself as she watched them laugh and feed each other, she did not come from a good place she was a Valkyrie a warrior of the Norse Gods outstanding in many areas of war but she is young and when she finds out that she was going to be sent to an unknown war.

"Hey, Pink hair, what's your name?" Ion asked with a friendly smile.

Erika was surprised because he spoke to her with a lot of confidence and it wasn't that they were drinking alcohol that he was drunk, then she remembered that he didn't know everything about the Valkyries and their characteristic silver armor shining like a star.

Ion woke her up from daydreaming and imagining what it would be like for her with a relationship similar to theirs, when she wanted to answer her she touched her throat implying that she couldn't speak, and when she tried to escape they seriously hurt her throat He had already taken his medicine but it would take days for him to speak again.

"Oh, I understand nothing will happen when you recover, tell me your name" Ion had a thought that told her that she could not speak for a few days.

"That reminds me if you want you can come with us" he said kindly. When he said that, Erika got a bit annoyed but since Ion hadn't finished yet, he expected a good reason, a very good one.

"I know you chase yourself, you have those eyes that want to escape from something, you remind me of my sister-in-law who did something bad and ran to my room so she wouldn't be scolded" Ion said as he looked calmly at the red-haired girl

'Incredible, seriously, I'm very expressive' she thought to herself since she couldn't speak, she nodded and pointed to the boat and out of nervousness she saw the forest again since she felt that even the dark was watching her

Hello! beautiful people we already have discord and well it's nice besides that little by little I'm making channels of the characters with reference images u.u


Leivacreators' thoughts