
Hated by the Gods [Cancelled]

So you want to know his story? Of that monster that made the gods tremble, that human who came to put every God on his knees. I will tell you the story of Ion the terror of the Gods and their wives. After all, this story is about the person most hated by gods and the 'Reason' for which he fought until the end. . . . . . Author's Notes: I am a new writer, I am sorry if the first chapters are short, I will try to increase them to a greater number of words. English is not my native language so I'm sorry for any grammatical errors. Thank you and enjoy your reading of Hated by the Gods

Leiva · ファンタジー
25 Chs


The three of them got on the boat, Erika and Ion began to move the boat with their magic and with the force of the oars.

The pink-haired girl was surprised to see that they used magic since it was an art prohibited by the Gods, even though she did not like to see that they used magic, she simply ignored it and turned to look the other way.

Erika, maybe because she didn't like to see people who didn't do anything, took an oar and gave it to the girl with pink hair, the girl didn't say anything and started to row.

They kept rowing and night began to fall, they tried to put it on the shore and arranged the skins to be able to sleep.

They started to eat and cooked fish that the pink-haired girl had gotten, when they settled in the Drakkar to sleep Erika climbed on top of Ion to mark territory.

Ion laughed at that action so he just hugged her and snuggled her up and said good night to both of them and they all fell asleep.




The pink-haired girl moved between the blankets and her body trembled not because of the cold but because of the nightmare she was having.

"Neo awakens the Gods summon us" the pink-haired girl went directly to a large hall, but the one on the throne was not Odin, the one sitting was Thor with his hammer sitting on the Hilskalf where you could see the 9 kingdoms of the Nordic world.

"Valkyries in a few weeks it will be our turn to punish the heretics who reject our existence" Thor said with his big orange beard.

After explaining where the Valkyries would go, they were stunned since they would die without quarter and something never seen before happened Odin overnight was in bed and without notice or order from Odin himself.

And where they were going was not just any land, it was the land without Gods, in the western part the only place to access without problem since around this continent was surrounded by whirlwinds and mythical creatures.

Neo's sister didn't like the idea of ​​fighting at all, especially because of their power, which was something that none of the Valkyries was aware of, but the Gods spoke as if it were a great danger and something that simply had to be destroyed.

So like any sister who wanted to protect her younger sister, she took the measures to be able to leave but her older sister out of greed took one of the best Valkyrie spears and ran for one of the pegasi.

In the flight a being with very hairy teeth attacked the sisters who tried to escape, he with the stones and trees that hurt his sister crushing her neck by the force in which the being with sharp teeth pushed them.

Without stopping, what his older sister did was give him the spear and place against this being and neo ran, ran, and ran without stopping for hours and hours, the sounds of the fight receded to the point that he could no longer hear them.




Tears began to flow from Neo's eyes and Ion noticed this as Neo kicked him for his nightmare as he felt his discomfort. Ion hugged her and pulled her close to him and then released her to accommodate Erika who was falling.

Neo woke up and his tears welled up when he saw Ion's arm she hugged him unconsciously and with the little strength that her voice had she said

"My name is Neo, I am a Valkyrie of the sword" Neo said with tears as he took Ion's arm with force.

Until now Neo understood this, Ion's language was different but it was not widely spoken, it was the language of the lands without gods, she could speak it since she was young her training as a valkyrie forced her to learn all the languages ​​in the world.

She knew that long ago the Greek Gods had attacked Ion's homeland and that soon the Norse Gods would attack her land but she was surprised to know that one of these people was so far from her land.

'What are you doing here?' Neo wondered.

I hope you like it a little late because I had to stay up the night before so I woke up early I finished what I had to do and here is the chapter enjoy it

Leivacreators' thoughts