
Hated by the Gods [Cancelled]

So you want to know his story? Of that monster that made the gods tremble, that human who came to put every God on his knees. I will tell you the story of Ion the terror of the Gods and their wives. After all, this story is about the person most hated by gods and the 'Reason' for which he fought until the end. . . . . . Author's Notes: I am a new writer, I am sorry if the first chapters are short, I will try to increase them to a greater number of words. English is not my native language so I'm sorry for any grammatical errors. Thank you and enjoy your reading of Hated by the Gods

Leiva · ファンタジー
25 Chs


'How I would like to meet you' Morgana thought, she abandoned everything for her destiny her family rejected her destiny and her friends and her home lost it, in exchange she had a vast knowledge of magic she traveled everywhere she could reading magic books, but for a Human the pinnacle of magic is impossible to reach unless he is a divine being or an evil one.

The Gods would never give her access to the magic of light or darkness, a totally different magic used in divine tools and their representatives, she would never be a priest since she could not continue learning magic.

Although the priests can use the magic of light and darkness, they only used it in cases of extreme urgency, after all magic is a forbidden art.

On her way to magic she found the Christian religion and without asking for anything in return Lucifer gave her the power of darkness, that's where she learned that priests can't use both magics, but she didn't even have time to ask about it. whatever it was that offered him this power simply went away.

She continued to learn and even innovated in magic, she even made a name for herself but once she was taken with a priest of the Christian God and she was branded a witch, she was persecuted and for the first time she experienced blood staining and the feeling of loneliness. In other regions she was not treated the same way whenever there was a priest of another deity she was treated that way, without asking for anything she was a representative of Lucifer and was treated like any representative that was not of God himself.

In her loneliness she only wanted a little company and one day she ran into a woman who took pity on her and taught her a spell that taught her where the love of her life and that of others was, from that moment of From time to time he saw where his beloved was one day he stopped doing it and simply headed towards his beloved.

And now that she misses the warm feeling of not feeling alone, she felt upset, no, she felt angry, since her lover vibrated in the same way as the two women he had.

Before, she wasn't possessive or jealous, or anything like that, but the feeling of loneliness leaves many scars on you since many things about you are no longer so.

And her loved one and she didn't want to share it, but to see that the thread of destiny wrapped around the thread of the three and goes to the same man made her angry.

"Well, Morgana, haven't you thought about going to where your lover is?" Erika kindly asked.

"Shut up for once" Morgana said with a face of few friends with eyes of fury that seemed to throw flames.

"Okay" Erika replied, although she was really being nice, she would have loved to argue with Morgana.

They kept walking until they finally came across a boat that was on the shore.

'What was she doing here?' She forgot an envelope that Erika's husband was sick, she just remembered that her husband wasn't entirely hers.

"Please, I hope you take care of my husband" she said with fear and sadness to morgana since she didn't want him to stop taking care of Ion out of nowhere

'Yes, I had to take care of this girl's husband...' Morgana already thought about the words Erika said and ran to the boat

"Hey wait!" Neo shouted taking his sword but he didn't reach it since Morgan was using wind magic to increase her movements, Erika followed her and her expression changed to a threatening one.

'I shouldn't have trusted her, how stupid I should have listened to Neo'

With a source of air she climbed on top of the boat and saw the man she always wanted to meet, he approached and knelt down taking her hands, she had more than a thousand mixed feelings, she saw again Ion's face which was looking at her.

'Who is she?' thought Ion but his heart knew she was the woman Aphrodite was talking about, he felt the same tingling he felt with Erika and Neo, but he got scared when he saw the tears fall from Morgana's face, it was a thorn in his heart that stabbed deeper and deeper into his being.

"Sorry" Morgana spoke in English since she came from England and her feelings didn't let her concentrate on her magic so that Ion understood her, but Ion understood her perfectly.

"I should have arrived before, I should have been by your side before" she saw Ion's body with her magic, his muscles were bursting, naturally they were incurable, it was already a miracle that his organs had not burst, let it be known that he is alive and can move a little was surreal.

Moragan did not stop crying like a girl after all she was a year younger than Ion, 17 years according to where she comes from ion she is still a girl but in these lands at 12 you were already an adult.

Ion with his little strength tried to hug Morgana.

"There will be time for that" he said in English and with his magic he wrapped him in a dark sphere and began to treat him.

Erika and Neo did not understand anything, they only saw Morgana's tears, although she did not know English, Morgana's crying did not let her understand what she was saying, the only thing you could feel was that they had to mark their territory on Ion, Neo when he thought that he got a little blushing and that she had to talk to Ion later.

Erika felt the same CLICK as with Neo, a danger alert that told her to take care of her own.

Morgana concentrated on her magic she drank water from the river and sometimes lit a warm fire within the dark sphere, even though her darkness magic could heal Ion she wanted a perfect job and if she wanted that she would use every healing magic she knew and that was more than 20 spells and healing techniques.

Hours passed and Morgana snapped her fingers together and the sphere of darkness burst like a bubble.

"Please rest, then we'll talk" Morgana said to Ion, he just nodded and settled into the ship's blankets, Morgana helped him with everything putting on the blankets and going to bed.

Morgana got off the ship and with an annoyed look she looked at Erika and Neo.

"Call me when our husband is deserted, I'll be over there" he pointed and without letting anyone speak he left

"Did he say our?" Erika said with a vein standing out on her face in anger.

Neo's reaction was totally different she was super red steaming from her ears.

"Hey! It's mine, I saw it first. I'm not going to share it!" Erika shouted in the same way if another situation went away she wouldn't be so upset you would just feel a little jealous, but now she was upset and Morgana said it very naturally.