
Hated by the Gods [Cancelled]

So you want to know his story? Of that monster that made the gods tremble, that human who came to put every God on his knees. I will tell you the story of Ion the terror of the Gods and their wives. After all, this story is about the person most hated by gods and the 'Reason' for which he fought until the end. . . . . . Author's Notes: I am a new writer, I am sorry if the first chapters are short, I will try to increase them to a greater number of words. English is not my native language so I'm sorry for any grammatical errors. Thank you and enjoy your reading of Hated by the Gods

Leiva · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Ion's request

"Teach me magic" Ion said to Morgana

"Do you want me to teach you magic?" Morgana asked, she felt that she did not understand him well and that she was surprised by the sudden question, since she wanted to know him more and that her feelings for him grow more.

"Yes, I would not trust anyone else to teach me magic. Who better than my wife the best sorceress" Ion said

"Yes, trust me I will make you a mango of my level" Morgana said proudly

'He's good with words' thought Erika and Neo.

"And well Neo if you train with me it would also be a great help"

"Me too?" Erika said eagerly waiting for Ion to ask her something, but she didn't really know what she could contribute since she wasn't a great fighter like Neo or a great Sorceress like Morgana.

"Actually you can help me with two things, I would like to know more about nautical, but what I really need is that you teach me to think" Ion said.

"To think?" Erika was flattered that she wanted to learn seamanship, but being asked by Ion to teach her how to think felt like a bad joke.

"Well, of the 4 of us here, you are the best strategist, and you also think so fast that your way of reacting is exaggeratedly fast" He replied to Erika

"Yes, Ion is right actually the reason why I didn't defeat you in training a few days ago was because you know where to hit the simple fact of thinking so quickly allowed you to last 3 seconds longer than Ion" Neo said fawning.

"But Ion, why do you ask us for these things so suddenly?" Neo asked

"Well, after the fight with Fenrir" It was cut off by Morgana

"Wait, are you telling me that you fought Fenrir?! Is that why you looked so bad physically?! It's lucky you're still alive, how did they escape?"

"jsjsj will he run away?" Ion watched with a wide grin on his face as Morgana stood up and stretched.

"We did not escape" Erika commented, remembering the body of the great wolf burned by the flames

"Ion killed Fenrir" Neo finished.

"That?" he said and looked back at Neo and his eyes said it was the truth and the look in Ion's eyes was the same.

'How do I kill a God?' Morgana wondered, even if she wanted to believe it, she would never be able to fight against a God, she may be the strongest magician but no spell of hers would be able to pierce the skin of Fenrir or any God.

"In the same way, I still want to know what happens in my land and I am more than sure that I will face Gods in my land after all they are the ones who are attacking it, so I want to be more, I am not sure how I killed Fenrir but one thing is for sure if I succeed I may be able to do it again" Ion said confidently

"Ion what you're thinking is a bit suicidal really" Neo said and the other 2 girls nodded

"Yes, well, I'm not going to force them either, in the same way we can travel and have more adventures..."

"I never said I wasn't going to do it, I just want you to be aware that if at any time we fight against a God, that luck may not happen again, we have a 99% chance of losing in a new confrontation" Neo said sure of her words, After all, the Valkyries that were capable of hurting a God were counted on one hand, but the specific reason was the weapon of the dwarves that had these outstanding Valkyries and although the spear they have is one of these weapons, Neo was sure that Ion he hadn't activated it in the Fenrir fight.

"Then if none of us refuses, we can say that we all agree?" Ion said, seeing Erika and Morgana again.

"I think it's fun, I say yes" Morgana said, she could only imagine how much she will grow in magic and the beautiful time she could enjoy with Ion.

But Erika had given it more thought since it was one thing to go to the land of Ion, but fighting Gods who say they are capable of destroying the land on a whim is something else.

"I agree but I have one condition, until I know how you killed Fenrir I don't want any stupid confrontation against them" He said seriously

"To be honest, I think we should investigate more about that power of yours, the Motive, I think it could be a reason" commented Erika

"Can? Isn't it some kind of magic or something?" Morgana asked

"No, at first in my land it was believed that it was a lineage power, but the lineage magic is transferred to your husband or wife after having your first time but in the same way those who are not of pure blood never obtained this magic. power" commented Ion

In the land of Ion, the people with pure blood had hair as black as night while those who did not have another shade of color were not pure blood, this was the reason for discrimination, an example of this was the white hair from the southern snowy lands was very common to see in the south and none of them could use the motif even though they married people with the motif.

Morgana is an expert in magic and the only thing she could think of was that it was a power, just like the power of the Gods the mighty thunderbolt of Zeus that no matter what magic we never replicate it with.

"Likewise I agree to your terms, moving on to something else..." The sound of Ion's stomach roared that even the surrounding birds flew away because they thought a bear was coming.

Ion Oslo could blush with embarrassment to say

"Isn't there something to eat?" he said sadly, 3 days sleeping and not eating, leaves you an unbelievably big man.