
Hated by the Gods [Cancelled]

So you want to know his story? Of that monster that made the gods tremble, that human who came to put every God on his knees. I will tell you the story of Ion the terror of the Gods and their wives. After all, this story is about the person most hated by gods and the 'Reason' for which he fought until the end. . . . . . Author's Notes: I am a new writer, I am sorry if the first chapters are short, I will try to increase them to a greater number of words. English is not my native language so I'm sorry for any grammatical errors. Thank you and enjoy your reading of Hated by the Gods

Leiva · ファンタジー
25 Chs


The days passed and each time Neo became closer to Ion, she was able to speak since she recovered, she was not completely cured, which made her hysterical but Ion managed to calm her down.

Neo had asked him about their relationship and the story about how Ion was called to these lands appeared to him and he understood why he was here but in the same way something seemed strange to him.

The Nordic Gods will attack until next week but other Gods were already attacking the lands without Gods, the Gods do not get along, and their existence simply contradicts each other.

"Ion without bothering you, can I comment on something?" asked Erika, she could perfectly comment on the attack of the Gods but she had a little empathy she thought that the best thing would be that she should not bring up the subject, but when she saw Ion that it weighed on her land and her family, it made her feel a weight that he did not like at all.

"Sure, what's up?" Ion saw Neo's expression, as if he felt bad and that what he was going to tell you was bad news.

"Well, you see..." Neo went on to tell the facts that led her to get where she was now, excluding her sister and the creature that was chasing her, not because she wanted to hide it, but because she didn't want to think about her. sister.

Ion was silent and thought about everything Neo had told him, Erika's and Ion's thoughts are synchronized in the same thought.

'What is happening with the Gods'

"I understand…" Ion said thoughtfully, with a serious expression.

"I know I should have told you before, I'm sorry" Neo felt bad, but he already felt weighed down.

"And I thank you, but I am left with a bad taste in my mouth, something is passed as I told you before, it had attacked us, but that the gods are going to attack in a few weeks does not make sense" said Ion

"In addition, even if it seems like an organized attack, it is known that the Gods do not get along to the point that they almost declare war, for that specific reason the territories of each belief are very marked" Erika said adding to what Ion said.

"Yes, those very words were what I thought" Neon said while adjusting the ship, the force of the river was enough to move the ship slowly.

"Sadly, even though I would like to know more, Neo can't go back with the Valkyries to investigate and there is no way to find out more, except for the seer who we don't know where she is" Erika said

"I think we already have a destination, we will go to my homeland"

Neo and Erika were surprised by Ion's comment since what he was saying was that it would go against the wishes of the Gods they saw him again and his serious look told that this was really his wish.

Erika huffed and said "We should get a map but the Nordic maps only come to Britannia and Germania which belong to the Roman Empire"

"I have a map, my sister prepared it to be able to hide us" Neo said as he took out a long red one from among his things.

When Neo extended the piece of paper, you could see each continent, even continents that were unknown to Erika and Ion's eyes, the map had auras that divided the lands.

"Norway is very peaceful compared to the lands we are heading to" Neo said while teaching the "Roman Empire"

"The Roman Empire is falling and losing control in its lands to the point that other places are beginning to look like kings, like the French kingdom where a very recent religion began to dominate, I don't know much about what happens in these lands either, but I am sure two religions are fighting for dominance" Neo said

"Do you know their names?" Ion asked curiously.

"The Roman / Greek Gods and a religion that began to have more presence in these years from Egypt to Rome began to spread is called Christianity" Erika said serious, she had researched Christianity years before since a God fought in another's land was very strange and even to the point that various lands of the Roman empire were separated as France.

"It must be said that here there are Gods much closer, unlike the Nordic Gods that we only brush against the Romans and this new God, there are also the Egyptian Gods and not far away are the Gods of India"

The Greek Gods already conspire among themselves, in addition to the fact that they have several generations of Gods such as the titans and the demigods, it is fortunate that they only have these gods rubbing against them and that they never thought of taking their lands specifically because Odin was a God with a power that would be able to fight with the three powers of the Roman empire Hades, Zeus and Poseidon.

The Roman Empire rubbed against almost all religions and made its territory much more unstable, to the south of them were the conflicts with the Egyptian gods and to the southeast, they had conflicts with the Gods of India, not to mention the internal conflict with Christianity.

"If we manage to pass these lands, we would only need to pass the lands of the Japanese Gods, if we manage to pass all that, what would be almost impossible is to pass the seas that touch the lands without Gods, since there is only one way to enter, it is by the western part of the continent since a hurricane surrounds it but on the western part there is a rocky area where the hurricane loses strength"

"Hmm if it is a rocky area and there is a hurricane surrounding it, then there must also be eddies in my experience"

"Yes, you should have lightning since I don't have any knowledge about nautics since I was transported with a pegasus"

"A pegasus?" Ion asked, even though Erika told him about Norse mythology she didn't tell him everything in detail she just skimmed it.

"Ahhh, well they are horses with wings," Neo said with a smile.

"Going back to the topic, I don't think this ship will reach all that way, we should stop in that kingdom that you said" points out the French kingdom.

We all agreed and headed for the French kingdom.

"How long will it take to get there?" Ion asked since he wasn't used to long boat trips.

"We should arrive within a week if we catch a good wind if we don't we will arrive within three weeks" said Erika.




"GRRRRR Valkyrie" Said a dark being passing by the busts far away from where they were, his big nose twitched and he smelled Neo's scent.

"I found you, I'll make you pay for this" said a great wolf with a blind eye with dried blood on the wound.

Hello! beautiful people we already have discord and well it's nice besides that little by little I'm making channels of the characters with reference images u.u


Leivacreators' thoughts