
Hated by the Gods [Cancelled]

So you want to know his story? Of that monster that made the gods tremble, that human who came to put every God on his knees. I will tell you the story of Ion the terror of the Gods and their wives. After all, this story is about the person most hated by gods and the 'Reason' for which he fought until the end. . . . . . Author's Notes: I am a new writer, I am sorry if the first chapters are short, I will try to increase them to a greater number of words. English is not my native language so I'm sorry for any grammatical errors. Thank you and enjoy your reading of Hated by the Gods

Leiva · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Chapter 6

I carried Erika all the way I could until night came, before I could carry Erika I had to argue with her because her pride wouldn't allow me to carry her, the whole way was silent not because she didn't try to talk but because she just ignored me.

Losing so many warriors allows him as it was only natural, but my disrespecting his pride was a different thing.

'Ion if you were one of my men I would hit you' thought Erika as she clung tighter to Ion's neck

"Erika, it's cold, don't you think?" Ion said as he continued walking in search of a shelter to protect himself this cold night.

"Yes, well it's normal this time of year" Erika said in a low tone as she hid behind Ion's back.

'I don't think I can do anything to make him talk to me the silence between the two was something out of the ordinary normally they always talked about something since they met about 4 days ago

"Once a brother and sister walked in a heavy snowstorm, the brothers were not alone, the wolves were chasing them. The sister with the desire to take care of her brother cut and stabbed the wolves, and her brother with the desire to take care of his sister received and block the attacks of the wolves" It began to snow, and Ion's footsteps sank into the snow reducing Ion's speed in seeking Shelter for the night

"What's the name of that story?" Erika said a little annoyed, but happy since she realizes that Ion cares about her well-being

"Attack and Defense"

"Of course, the sister would be the weapon and the brother would be the shield or the armor, what a beautiful story" Erika said, stopping hiding behind Ion's back.

The darkness of the night consumed all the light leaving us unable to continue walking, the best thing was to light a fire and wait until dawn, most likely because Erika's blood would attract wolves.

"I'll settle you here please don't move" Ion said with a concerned tone as he didn't want Erika's wounds to open.

At first, when Erika was treated she thought it was a simple scratch but a large splinter from the ship pierced her, it is quite lucky that she did not bleed to death from the splinter.

Ion gathered several branches near Erika to start a fire.

'This should be enough' Ion put his palm up and with a slight effort a flame ignited, and from the branches, a strong flare did enough to warm them and give them illumination until dawn.

Erika looks at the scene in amazement since she didn't know that someone could use fire magic, it wasn't that there weren't people who use fire magic in the northlands it's just that she had never seen it with her own eyes.

"Can you use magic?" asked Erika, since not many could use this power forbidden by the gods

"Yes, isn't it normal to use it here?" Ion asked curiously and with a smile to see that Erika started the conversation.

"No, of course, it's not normal, it's a forbidden gift, and knowledge of it isn't as extensive here," Erika said, surprised to discover that where Ion came from was something normal.

"A forbidden gift" Ion whispered "In my city, it was not used much normally to light a fire, a lighter was used to get water, it went to a well, in the capital or the western lands they were used much more" Ion commented while he watched the fire

"Depending on how to use magic, it will cause an enormous punishment to fall," Erika said, thinking that what happened was due to using magic against Sigurd.

"Hahaha my land has been using magic for hundreds of years" he said as his laugh trailed off and his voice lowered.

'Could it be that by magic we receive that punishment? Is that why they burned homes and killed so many people?' Ion's thoughts pondered Erika's words for several minutes.

"Ion" Erika called out to Ion but he didn't react "Ion!"

"What's wrong Erika?" asked Ion since what he is thinking was important.

"Wolves!" Shout out to Ion

Wolves who care about wolves thought Ion.

"What about the wolves?"

"Are you an idiot or something, have you never seen a wolf or something? You know dogs with fangs" Erika said looking and waiting for the answer

"Ohhhh Wolves" Ion said calmly "Shit wolves"

Ion brought his body closer to Erika's in such a way that it seemed as if he was hugging her if you looked at them from afar.

'Ion is not the time for him to be so close to me Erika thought with a blush and with a heavy breath

'I don't see them but I hear them their growls make it clear to me that they are close, in this position I doubt they can touch Erika' Ion thought with a look while his eyes looked everywhere with a serious expression.


The growls of the wolves could be heard, and ion alone with his hearing could identify that they were a small pack of only about 9 wolves, the large packs could have more than 20 individuals in them.

Ion with a movement got up and in the air took the wolf by the front legs to hit his column on a tree that he had nearby without letting go of the legs he hit a wolf that tried to bite Erika's legs letting go once and for all wolf that ran off with the other.

'If we stay here sooner or later he will reach Erika' I take Erika by the legs and gently lift her

"Ion, what are you going to do?" Closing her mouth at seeing Ion's serious but hot look in Erika's eyes, the blush on Erika's cheeks became more evident.

Ion with a great force and an impulse that came from something inside him made his move at a great speed.

'Very quickly as she watched the snowflakes she left behind and the strong wind unraveling her braid that she had made to go into battle.

Coming towards a cliff this time a real one, leaving them only with the option to go to the sides but Son just put her on the mountain facing the danger that was closing in on him.

"Why do you stop?" I ask Ion without receiving an answer.

Ion unbuttoned his cloak and it blew away in the wind, falling only a few feet from him, facing back in the direction the wolves should be heading.


The wolves began to come out of the forest and the moonlight that began to break through the clouds gave a clear view of the wolves.

Ion sighed and a lame wolf ran towards him intending to bite his leg, but taking advantage of the fact that he was running slower, Ion kicked him in such a way that his leg was on top of the wolf's neck.

The other wolves began to walk in a circle surrounding him and Erika who is lying on the mountain surprised by Ion's actions.

At one point a wolf stopped walking and stared at Ion as he tightened his grip on the wolf's neck under his foot, with a faint laugh, the howls of the wolf that were suffocating ceased to sound.


The wolf's neck snapped and all the wolves started attacking Ion, and like a dance Ion's movements allowed him to defend himself and attack the wolves.

Fewer and fewer wolves could move and Ion had taken several bites on his arms and legs.

A wolf ran towards him but he didn't jump like the others, he went straight to his rear where Erika was, Ion realizing this, slammed his head on the ground which began to bleed.

A wolf jumped with its jaw open heading for Ion's neck, the wolf's bad luck was that Ion was alert to it, rather, it always followed each wolf with its eyes.

Taking the wolf by the neck, Ion spoke, and his hair turned red as deep as blood along with his eyes.

'Her hair and her eyes were dyed red' thought Erika since she has never seen anyone change their hair color in her life, it was something impossible besides the force that emerged from ion left her amazed at the beginning her blows had a normal force but as the fight with the wolves progressed he became strong enough to smash a wolf's skull against the ground like it was nothing.

"I admire wolves, they are my best strategists among animals but no one will touch my Erika" He said in a dark voice as he strangled the wolf.

Erika blushed at Ion's words, she had soaked up when he had put her down but now her face was red again.

Ion saw her again and her hair returned to its natural black, he approached her and hugged her with great affection, snuggling on her neck, exhausted from using his power, the sleeping callus on Erika's large breasts.

Erika wanted to ask him about what happened, but seeing how tired he was, she arranged him in such a way that his body was a bed and his chest a pillow, stroking his hair she stayed awake until she saw dim sunlight where she was. asleep.