
Hated by the Gods [Cancelled]

So you want to know his story? Of that monster that made the gods tremble, that human who came to put every God on his knees. I will tell you the story of Ion the terror of the Gods and their wives. After all, this story is about the person most hated by gods and the 'Reason' for which he fought until the end. . . . . . Author's Notes: I am a new writer, I am sorry if the first chapters are short, I will try to increase them to a greater number of words. English is not my native language so I'm sorry for any grammatical errors. Thank you and enjoy your reading of Hated by the Gods

Leiva · ファンタジー
25 Chs

chapter 25

'Where am I?' Ion thought as he looked at the place where he was, it was a place full of light with a blue sky that could be seen to the horizon.

Ion tried to move but when he walked he saw that he was walking on top of the water, exaggeratedly precise that he could see his reflection, but despite seeing everything so beautiful Ion could not relax, since before arriving here he had already left the ship with their wives and had found a way to reach a Roman town.

"You should get out of here" Ion began to see everywhere, even turning and doubting his steps, since the whole place looked the same, the only star with which he could go somewhere was the sun but this one was at the highest point and despite waiting a long time for it to move in any direction, it did not move an inch.

Ion tried to see if there was any wind so he could head in that direction, but as expected there was no wind.

"AHHH" A male scream was heard, but it had a familiar tone, when Ion saw him again his eyes widened and his expression darkened with a bit of panic.

The same muscular man was in front of him, the one who almost ended his life but he looked different, this one was in a great rage, he didn't have that calm essence that he had the first time he saw him.

"Ion!" It sounded at Ion's back, the voices of his wives called to his back, when he saw them again they were calm looks and a warm feeling reached his heart.

Nervous Ion turned to see his enemy who did not move and ignored his wives, and the same was for his wives they did not move and only looked at him ignoring the man behind him.

"Ion dear you have to choose" A familiar voice sounded, making his skin crawl.

"Aphrodite..." Ion looked at her again with a serious look.

Aphrodite saw him smile again with a warm smile, but her eyes were covered with the white tunic that covered her whole, her hair reflected the light from where they were, it was almost like seeing glass.

"Fight with the Gods in a tragic destiny or have a prosperous destiny with your lovers" Aphrodite said as she looked at Ion.

"Tch" Ion's expression was hostile.

"Hmm?" Aphrodite looked at him again because of Ion's response.

"What gives you the right to choose my destiny?" said Ion with an annoyed expression

"But if I am giving you options, you are the one who will choose your destiny" Aphrodite said with a bitter smile.

"No, just giving me options is almost as if you want to tell me that you are shaping my destiny"


"I will choose my destiny, I will be with them and..." Ion looked again at the muscular man who is a few meters from him.

"I will kill all the Gods who stand in my way and hurt my people" Ion said as he looked at Aphrodite with murderous eyes.

Aphrodite's smile disappeared and she saw him again with an annoyed expression, the pressure of the air began to become heavier, it was like having more than 50 people on your back, and the sky and the earth trembled from the pressure that releases the anger of Aphrodite for her words.

Ion was collapsing on his knees, but he was standing in front of Aphrodite although with a trembling body he didn't kneel at any time, the air was so heavy that he could barely breathe.

Aphrodite sighed and the pressure was gone, she might be upset but she didn't want Ion to hate her.

"Ion don't challenge something that is out of your hands," said Aphrodite

'Why don't you listen to me? despite... no, I can't think about that after all I decided at that time Aphrodite thought as she looked at Ion.

Ion just turned his back on her and started walking in the opposite direction from where Aphrodite was, ignoring the calls of his wives and the insults of the muscular man's screams.

Aphrodite only watched him go, although something seemed chilling to her, every step he took Ion left a blood stain that spread in the water, Ion is not hurt but Aphrodite knew what those bloody steps meant and that is that sooner or later Ion would be dead or he would make a massacre.

Ion blinked once and woke up on Neo's legs, as he saw Morgana with a sphere of fire in her hands as she took aim at some guards and Erika cornered a man with her ax to his neck.

"I don't understand how you can withstand Fenrir's blows and a simple cart can knock you out like nothing Ion" Neo said as he looked at Ion with a warm smile and went back to see the people who ran over Ion.

"The emotion of the moment I suppose" Ion said jokingly as he observed the actions of his wives, here he was crying inside since he never imagined being knocked out by a simple carriage.

'I'm glad he's okay Morgana thought as she threatened the warriors without them being able to move, even if she could paralyze them that was not her goal.

"Hmfp you saved yourself" Erika said as she let go of an older man who was dressed in a white robe with a red stripe on the sides.

'It's too strong' thought the man as he felt relieved that his ax was no longer in his cello, when he touched his neck he felt a few drops of blood come out from where Erika's ax was.

"Ion are you okay?" Erika approached as she checked his head.

"Yes I'm fine" Ion said as he looked in amazement at the situation after all he had not seen his wives fight, although he would have loved to see the scene from the beginning it was clear that they handled it in the best way.

Morgana, seeing that Erika left first, was a little annoyed, but unlike Erika, she already had experience with the Romans, so she couldn't just lower the guard, because of the uniforms they have, they are of a city lord and elite guards. Minor, if it wasn't for the fact that she stopped them with her friend and is threatening them, Erika would be in a bind.

Of course, Morgana was aware of her background as a warrior, but she doubted her strength. After all, the Romans are known as the best strategists and possess great strength, for something they are the largest territory today.

"Get out of my sight" Morgana said with a cold expression and her red with yellow eyes seemed much more intimidating, the guards gulped as it seemed that they were facing a mythological being and would not risk offending a mythological being.

Despite the huge number of mythological beings in each religion, human beings can live a lifetime before encountering one of these beings, since many of these gods prefer to live in their kingdom or their territory on earth.

The Roman warriors quickly went to the lord to make sure of his condition and then escort him to the city, the lord turned with a serious expression towards Ion and her wife, but the only eyes he met were the threatening eyes of Morgana.

Morgana didn't stop seeing them until they were out of sight, after that she went directly to where Ion was talking to Erika who was telling her what happened.

At one point Ion was going to tell them about what he dreamed, but Morgana turned to him and didn't let Ion speak.

"It will be better to leave now that we can, they will return and with many more people" Morgana said seriously.

"Hmm I understand let's go explain to me on the road right now no" Ion said, while Neo looked at her from the road.

Neo may know a lot about Gods and their territories, but as a valkyrie he never approached and understood their society so he just didn't know why Morgana wanted to leave, on the other hand, Morgana did know about Roman society after all she had to come to Continue studying and expand your knowledge about magic.

The four headed in the opposite direction and entered the forest heading east.

"The man we ran into was a city governor, he is in charge of directing that city together with the army general he has" Morgana commented and explained the situation a little, if they returned and were captured, it is most likely that they would become some people wanted in Rome.