
Hated by the Gods [Cancelled]

So you want to know his story? Of that monster that made the gods tremble, that human who came to put every God on his knees. I will tell you the story of Ion the terror of the Gods and their wives. After all, this story is about the person most hated by gods and the 'Reason' for which he fought until the end. . . . . . Author's Notes: I am a new writer, I am sorry if the first chapters are short, I will try to increase them to a greater number of words. English is not my native language so I'm sorry for any grammatical errors. Thank you and enjoy your reading of Hated by the Gods

Leiva · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Chapter 24

Rome, a great empire with extensive knowledge in conquest and strategy, in addition to advancing in many sciences such as mathematics, this empire is one of the largest currently led by Emperor Caesar Augustus, a tyrant strategist, who abuses his people with knowledge .

The Romans are only waiting for this emperor to fall and for a new one to come to the throne of Rome or for the empire to simply fall.

"Ion tell me an animal"

"That? what for?" asked Ion after all he doesn't know all the customs of his wife Erika

"Well, where I come from, a family has an animal as a symbol"

At that moment it was agreed that Erika's clan was called the clan of the black wolf, even though choosing the same animal would be disrespectful.

"Let me think in the same way, soon we will reach the Mediterranean Sea and we will have to leave the boat, all those times that it stalled and hit the legs severely damaged it" it was an understatement that on the trip many rivers were strong currents with many stones which opened various holes in it, currently the water did not enter because Morgana with her magic stopped the water from entering, but as soon as they got off the ship it would only be a piece of wood.

"Are you sure?" asked Erika, testing the few teachings she gave Ion, sadly she didn't have time to teach him how to sail but she taught him what every sailor should know and that is how to take care of your boat.

"Yes, I checked in the morning for the damage from the last collision, and I'm sure the next time we get off this ship it won't hold up anymore."

"Exactly" Erika felt proud to know that she had learned something, sadly this ship really held up better if Erika had managed it, but since Ion wanted to learn a lot about navigation he steered the ship to the point where they are.

Neo and Morgana were minding their own business as Erika and Ion talked, Neo was maintaining the weapons and making sure they were all in good shape.

While Morgana was just experimenting with her own magic while stopping the water from entering the Drakkar after all it wasn't something that took much effort, she would like Ion to do it to strengthen her magic but he is focused on steering the ship.




Ion thought in the quiet moments, in an animal to give Erika an answer, he still wasn't sure what animal after all according to his words this was like a way of saying which family I belong to, Erika decided that Ion would make the decision now who is almost the head of this family.

"Erika, what do you think of a bear?" he said without thinking much Ion

"Why a bear?" Erika asked curiously, Neo and Morgana saw each other again but they kept silent, they just wanted to know which animal she would choose, it may sound simple but this represents the personality of the family, Morgana didn't know what it meant like Ion, but such and as it seemed this was an important decision.

"The last thing my mother left me was a bear skin as a blanket, when I got here the first thing I received was a black bear cape, I still have it to this day" Ion said wistfully.

"Hmmmm" Erika thought a little about what he was asking, it was important to decide the animal for your family, but it is more than clear that Ion does not know that custom, with the story that Ion told Erika an idea came to her.

'What if instead of an animal we used a bear cape' he thought to himself.

normally surnames are only kept if your father achieved something great, it is even preferred to have a reputation than to use your name, since it meant that you had achieved something, so all Ion's wives would not use their surname they would wear a black bear cape, Which Erika told Ion as they lay on the blankets at night, and he agreed.