
Hated by the Gods [Cancelled]

So you want to know his story? Of that monster that made the gods tremble, that human who came to put every God on his knees. I will tell you the story of Ion the terror of the Gods and their wives. After all, this story is about the person most hated by gods and the 'Reason' for which he fought until the end. . . . . . Author's Notes: I am a new writer, I am sorry if the first chapters are short, I will try to increase them to a greater number of words. English is not my native language so I'm sorry for any grammatical errors. Thank you and enjoy your reading of Hated by the Gods

Leiva · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Chapter 21

"Magic, it's a power that we all have, it's like a muscle, the more you work it, the stronger and more agile it will be" Morgana said making a ball of fire.

"People from different lands divide magic into different elements which change in each region, but no matter that the most important elements that can define a magic battle is whether your opponent has light magic or dark magic, if we discard these two magics knowledge will be the one that will win" he finished explaining to Ion, after all in the land without Gods the magic of light and darkness does not even exist since there is no God to give it.

"I understand, so how do we start?" Ion asked after thinking about what Morgan told him.

"Before I know what to start with, I want to see how strong your magic is" Morgana said

"Open your hand and make a flame as strong as you can"

Ion nodded and continued to do what morgana told him, he extended his hand and made a flame when he felt it was going to be bigger he raised it and made a sphere of one meter, then after a few seconds Ion disappeared it since he couldn't make much bigger.

"Your flame is very good but you only showed me the power of your magic, not the strength of your magic, make another flame and don't turn it off until I say so" Morgana said with a teacher's voice

Ion sighed as it took a lot of effort to make a large flame so he felt his strength drained.

'I doubt keeping a flame burning is very difficult, I'd better make it small to save strength' Ion decided to make a smaller flame the size of his head.

"No, make them the same size as you did before"


"Nothing, just do it I'm hungry so let's finish quickly" Morgana said, she truly enjoys teaching someone.

"Okay" Ion answered, he preferred not to doubt what Morgana asked him and made the flame the same size as before.

Morgana watched him for almost 10 minutes, Ion was already sweating and his arm was shaking but his face didn't change, he could resist even more.

'What a monstrous mental force is capable of over demanding his body to the point that he no longer gives ams and maintains himself by pure mental force' Morgana thought admiring the resistance.

"1,2,3,4..." Morgana whispered only to see how the flame disappears like a sigh, Ion looked at Morgana again waiting for her approval.

"Don't expect praise, your magical strength reached its maximum 4 minutes after that, it exceeded the limits of your body, if your body hadn't collapsed, you would have hurt yourself" Morgana said seriously as she observed her body internally, the magic she had was crazy hitting the whole body hurting it.

"Wasn't that the point of holding on to the max?" Ion asked, a little flustered by Morgana's annoyed expression.

"In part yes, if it were a magical fight I'm sure you would last a long time, but this is a practice and you should never look for extreme damage in a practice" Morgana said as she surrounded her body with a light layer of water to calm the magic that it was in his body.

"Well let's eat so you'll regain strength" Morgana said after finishing calming Ion's magic.

"Okay, I think that's an excellent idea" Ion said already tired from the effort he made earlier.

Morgana watched him for almost 10 minutes, Ion was already sweating and his arm was shaking but his face didn't change, he could resist even more.

'What a monstrous mental force is capable of over demanding his body to the point that he no longer gives ams and maintains himself by pure mental force' Morgana thought admiring the resistance.

"1,2,3,4..." Morgana whispered only to see how the flame disappears like a sigh, Ion looked at Morgana again waiting for her approval.

"Don't expect praise, your magical strength reached its maximum 4 minutes after that, it exceeded the limits of your body, if your body hadn't collapsed, you would have hurt yourself" Morgana said seriously as she observed her body internally, the magic she had was crazy hitting the whole body hurting it.

"Wasn't that the point of holding on to the max?" Ion asked, a little flustered by Morgana's annoyed expression.

"In part yes, if it were a magical fight I'm sure you would last a long time, but this is a practice and you should never look for extreme damage in a practice" Morgana said as she surrounded her body with a light layer of water to calm the magic that it was in his body.

"Well let's eat so you'll regain strength" Morgana said after finishing calming Ion's magic.

"Okay, I think that's an excellent idea" Ion said already tired from the effort he made earlier.