
Hated by the Gods [Cancelled]

So you want to know his story? Of that monster that made the gods tremble, that human who came to put every God on his knees. I will tell you the story of Ion the terror of the Gods and their wives. After all, this story is about the person most hated by gods and the 'Reason' for which he fought until the end. . . . . . Author's Notes: I am a new writer, I am sorry if the first chapters are short, I will try to increase them to a greater number of words. English is not my native language so I'm sorry for any grammatical errors. Thank you and enjoy your reading of Hated by the Gods

Leiva · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Chapter 19

Ion rested for almost 3 days in a row since before the mere fact of breathing hurt him and moving was only will, since he is not a person who stays silent and still, he likes to move and talk about everything.

Morgana went to check on Ion's condition every morning without fail to check on her condition and see that her entire procedure was as perfect as possible, not that she doubted her abilities but that Ion is not a person who wants to lose.

Erika was in charge of gathering and hunting, while Neo stayed behind to take care of the ship, Morgana only stayed away but close enough to talk to Ion.

Sadly for Ion, he didn't know what to expect when he woke up, as Erika and Neo get along badly with Morgana.

Ion was finally waking up from having rested enough, the first thing he saw was to be in a dark sphere he could see from time to time outside but sadly he couldn't observe anymore since the bubble burst.

"You woke up, I'm very happy, my name is Morgana, how do you feel?" Morgana said with a very small smile.

"Call me Ion, because I feel good" he replied, moving a little slowly since his body was very stiff from the lack of movement.

Ion spoke to her as naturally as possible forgetting a fact, Morgana didn't understand despite using magic, which irritated her.

'She's a girl with oranges, she was right, it's not impossible, I have to understand it somehow,' he said, frowning at Ion

"Can you keep talking?" Morgana said

'Right, he doesn't understand me' Ion thought, and with the little French he knew, by listening to Neo teach Erika, he decided to answer him in French.

"My name is Ion, I feel good" Ion said with a warm smile

"No, answer in your other language" Morgana said annoyed

"I'm fine..." Ion said nervously to see Morgana so upset.

'I don't understand, my translation magic is incredible, even with dialects that I have never heard, it has worked wonders for me, but not with him,' thought Morgana as she looked at ion curiously but with an annoyed look.

Ion shook his head and made a sign to Morgana to get closer to him, she paid attention to him but was a little nervous to be so close to Ion.

Ion took her hand and placed it on his chest, then tied their bonds together.

At the sight of Morgana who could see the threads of love, it was as if they were woven and joined by a great rope, it gave her a warm feeling in her heart, and as if her body wanted it she threw herself on Ion to hug him.

Ion hugged her small body after he did she was much smaller than him, if we put her to it maybe it was a little lower than his shoulder, but he felt so happy to hug her that seeing her beautiful red and yellow eyes was the feeling more beautiful the only thing that could improve everything was that Erika and Neo were now on a par with him.

"You bitch stop hugging my husband!" Erika shouted jumping the boat with her ax in hand.

Ion was surprised by what he said before interrupting and calming the waters, but Erika threw her ax directly at Morgana as she approached her head, Morgana snapped her fingers and blocked Erika's attack.

"You better think about what you're going to do now" Morgana said with a serious face

"Ohh you'll see, I don't give a damn about your title, you're going to eat the mud off your shoes"

Neo alone approached Ion and asked him how he was doing and how he feels after the treatment, after talking to Neo Ion approached Morgana to grab her cheek.

"Heyyy That hurts!" He saw her with a big smile and approached Erika who was laughing at Morgana, only to later realize that she also pulled her cheek, only to then sit on the blankets that were on the edge of the boat.

"You two calm down" Ion said with an expression annoyed by the fight.

After Ion let a few minutes pass for the atmosphere to relax, Ion began to tell about what Aphrodite told him, Erika did not feel so upset about sharing Ion with Neo and Neo felt the same, but they both disliked Morgana.

"Why don't they like Morgana?" Ion asked, seeing their expressions and noticing that Morgana only looked away again as if she wanted to avoid the subject.

Ion hugged her small body after he did she was much smaller than him, if we put her to it maybe it was a little lower than his shoulder, but he felt so happy to hug her that seeing her beautiful red and yellow eyes was the feeling more beautiful the only thing that could improve everything was that Erika and Neo were now on a par with him.

"You bitch stop hugging my husband!" Erika shouted jumping the boat with her ax in hand.

Ion was surprised by what he said before interrupting and calming the waters, but Erika threw her ax directly at Morgana as she approached her head, Morgana snapped her fingers and blocked Erika's attack.

"You better think about what you're going to do now" Morgana said with a serious face

"Ohh you'll see, I don't give a damn about your title, you're going to eat the mud off your shoes"

Neo alone approached Ion and asked him how he was doing and how he feels after the treatment, after talking to Neo Ion approached Morgana to grab her cheek.

"Heyyy That hurts!" He saw her with a big smile and approached Erika who was laughing at Morgana, only to later realize that she also pulled her cheek, only to then sit on the blankets that were on the edge of the boat.

"You two calm down" Ion said with an expression annoyed by the fight.

After Ion let a few minutes pass for the atmosphere to relax, Ion began to tell about what Aphrodite told him, Erika did not feel so upset about sharing Ion with Neo and Neo felt the same, but they both disliked Morgana.

"Why don't they like Morgana?" Ion asked, seeing their expressions and noticing that Morgana only looked away again as if she wanted to avoid the subject.

"In Christianity, there are two species, the angels led by the Christian God and the demons led by Lucifer, and she is his representative on earth," he pointed out to Morgana.

"In short, she is the representative of evil and that makes her a person who cannot be trusted" Neo concluded and Erika nodded after all Erika asked him for an explanation a few days ago why they should not trust Morgana.

"I am not a representative of anyone alone, I wanted to improve myself in the magical world"

"Ha, besides, she uses the forbidden art of the Gods" Neo highlighted, she was a Valkyrie in all her splendor and they always taught her that magic was a forbidden art, it even bothered her to see Erika use magic to steer the ship, maybe she was I forgot that both Erika and Ion use magic.

"I also use magic, besides you are a warrior of the Gods and I have a great grudge against you and I don't point at you" said Ion to get a slight flame from his finger

"My husband uses magic…" Morgana whispered happy in her heart to have something in common with Ion.

"But I refuse to fight on your land even" she said sad for Ion's words, after all she felt as if he had a reason to hate her.

"Don't think things that aren't, I just want to make you understand that you don't have to brand someone you don't know as an enemy, first look at their actions and then make a decision" said Ion with a warm smile Neo

Her words made it clear to her that Ion mistrusted her at first but that over time he grew fond of her to the point of taking her as someone important to him, and especially that he didn't hate her.

"Wait, is she a Valkyrie? I expected them to be more impressive" said morgana to Ion

"Hahaha, if you saw her with the sword she is simply incredible, I only fought her once and she destroyed me in seconds" Ion said admiring her fighting style.

"Hmmmmmm" Ion began to think, he also remembered something fundamental that was to establish the link with Neo but this was not the time.

The three of them stared at him since they could see that he was thinking about something important and they wanted to ask how much it weighed that it seemed of the utmost importance.


"Yes! tell me?" She was scared because at one point she stopped waiting for Ion to say something, but she was left admiring his beautiful face, which was an undeniable fact, and her well-groomed hair was something that surprised her since her hair was not visible. the same way as Ion.