
Hated by the Gods [Cancelled]

So you want to know his story? Of that monster that made the gods tremble, that human who came to put every God on his knees. I will tell you the story of Ion the terror of the Gods and their wives. After all, this story is about the person most hated by gods and the 'Reason' for which he fought until the end. . . . . . Author's Notes: I am a new writer, I am sorry if the first chapters are short, I will try to increase them to a greater number of words. English is not my native language so I'm sorry for any grammatical errors. Thank you and enjoy your reading of Hated by the Gods

Leiva · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Chapter 17

"Shit it's starting to rain" Erika said

"Ion is going to get wet, if he catches a cold it will be the worst that can happen" Erika began to walk towards the exit of the city

Neo thought the same and accompanied Erika.

'Erika is so worried that she can barely think about the doctor' Neo thought as he looked around as he followed behind Erika

The rain began to disappear, which left Erika confused and Noe felt that it was due to the god of these lands, so he quickened his pace since Ion could be in danger.

Both of them were already heading towards the exit for different reasons but for the same purpose, Ion's care.

"Please, I beg you, just heal my son!" A woman shouted with a young man in her arms.

Erika and Neo stopped and looked back at where the woman was speaking.

There was a large white building with a cross at the top, where a man with white cloth was behind a warrior who stopped the woman from approaching him.

"The father does not have time for you" said the warrior pushing the woman

Erika and Neo stood at a distance, although Erika tried to get closer Neo stopped her with a serious expression.

"Why do you stop me? you heard her he is a doctor he can cure Ion" Erika said looking annoyed and with a serious expression at Erika.

"He is a saint, a priest of Christianity"

"A priest?"

"It's like the seers who have talents given by the Gods" Neo said seriously, staying on guard.

"But if we compare it to a Valkyrie?"

"In terms of combat, of course I would win, but the problem with the priests is that they can pray and call their God, even though there may be a low probability that he will answer their prayer, the possibility cannot be ruled out, not to mention their use of magic He said as they moved into the shade.

"I beg you, my son has the plague, his eyes are bleeding, I beg you"

"Hmmm, it's a serious matter," said the bald priest with an enigmatic smile.

"Let me see your child" her eyes seemed threatening but the desperation of the poor woman did not let her see the evil eyes of the man.

"Saint George as bad as ever" said a female voice

The priest looked back at the shadow, where Erika and Neo were, but he wasn't looking at them, he was looking at the red eyes with yellow tones that came out of the shadow.

"Morgana, what are women like you doing in the holy land? Go demon, don't torment these lands with your Devilish magic!"

"Jujuju" Morgana laughed passing by Erika and Neo giving them a best friends smile, Erika didn't answer her smile but Neo gave her a bitter smile of few friends, morgana noticed it and closed her eyes not to see her.

"Saint George, you are not going to cure this desperate lady's child, are you?"

"What can someone who uses Diabolical magic know?" Said the warrior who guarded the priest Jorge

"You can see it all over your face, you are going to kill the child and you are going to excuse yourself with the fact that it is the work of the Devil, when it really is not"

"Morgana, how do I know it's not your man and the Devil's?"

Morgana ignored the comments and approached the poor woman.

"Let me see your child and I will cure him" Morgana said with a warm smile

"My daughter, if you let her see your son, he will be in the clutches of the devil. Do not let him take your son," said the priest in a threatening manner but with a calm voice.

The woman did not know what to do, she went back to see morgana and the priest, and she was not sure, because the representative of good did not help her, and the woman who seems to be the representative of evil offers her help, she just got It made her cry to see her son in a bad way.

Erika watched the scene and understood why Neo was telling her to calm down and trust that they managed to find someone.

'I looked like her, so desperate and afraid of losing a loved one. that's why she always said positive words to me Neo didn't want Ion to see me in such a depressing way in front of Ion"

Morgana sighed and gave him a piece of paper with something written on it, then left the woman crying, the priest watched as Morgana left, then entered the church.

Erika and Neo looked where Morgana went.

"We have to follow her Neo, maybe she can heal Ion" Erika said happily and headed towards

"Erika I think that would not be a good idea" Neo said

"That? Why? I don't mind let's follow her." Erika started running towards Morgana.

Neo could only feel annoyed that she ignored her warning and she doesn't even know why she warned her, she understands that she cares about Ion but she can't trust a representative of Evil in Christianity.

"Damn Erika, you better not get us in trouble" Neo said out loud to see that Erika was already far away.

"Erika, wait for me!" he began to run after Erika, while insulting her in a thousand ways in his mind.

Erika ran without fear of getting wet in the puddles of water despite getting wet in the rain, what she had really gotten wet was very little compared to how she was getting wet now.

"Hurry up Neo!"

"Where are you?" she whispered to herself and looked everywhere again

"Hmmm, are you looking for me princess?" Said a female voice that was hidden in a black leather cape where her purple hair and her red and yellow eyes stood out.

"You…" Erika wondered since she seemed to know that she was a queen where she came from.

"Calm down, tell me what you want?" he said with a Mogana smile.

"I need your help"

Neo was getting closer and he stared at Erika and Morgana talking in the distance, Neo approached with a serious face next to Erika

"I see so you want me to cure your husband of his body pain"

"Yes, that's the same" she said quietly since she would see her beloved energetic as always, even though she wished he would be silent from time to time.

"Well, that wouldn't be a problem but…" She looked at Neo again, Erika looked back at the direction where Morgana was looking only to run into Neo and his unfriendly face.

"I think my help is not welcome"

"Please ignore, I really need to see it well"

"Ahhh, okay, but don't let the orange girl come near me" said morgana morgana

"Oranges?! look at your lemons" Neo said

"Even if it's in a man's bed, my lemons would look more attractive than your oranges," Morgana said, heading toward the exit.

"Well won't you take me to your husband?" Morgana said turning back to Erika who was standing looking at Neo with an annoyed expression.

"Yes, it's this way" Erika said in advance to Morgana.

Morgana began to follow him through the deep, humid forest, muddying her leather shoes, they crossed the river and had to go around some fallen trees.

"Erika, will you even let me say the reason why we don't have to trust her?" Neo said a little irritated because it was already the third time he said it.

"Like I've told you the other times, I don't care as long as I heal Ion" Erika said, of course she doubted Morgana since she hadn't asked for anything for her services.

"Well, Morgana, do you have someone special?"

"What a strange question for a stranger" Morgana said as she walked.

"If even though I don't know him I see the link of destiny that ties us sadly it is too far away to be by his side"

"You can see?" asked Erika and neo looked at her curiously but she didn't show it much.

"Oh of course I didn't introduce myself"

"As you know my name is Morgana and I am the strongest witch in the world" said Morgana proudly

"Witch?" I ask Neo oh his French was not good enough to understand

"She's a Witch" he told Erika but in Norwegian

"You are from the north, you are the first person from the north that I see" Morgana said and the last thing she said in Norwegian surprising Erika and Neo since she did not expect her to speak in Norwegian

"Can you speak Norwegian?!"

"hahaha how easy it is to surprise you, and answering your question no I don't speak Norwegian it's translation magic" Morgana said, loving the compliments

"She won't understand your husband Erika anyway" Neo said annoyed at being surprised by her magic since she knew that magic existed.

"Do you want to bet?"

"I would do anything to see you away" Neo said approaching a little threateningly towards Morgana who did not back down

"Back on topic, can you see where your future husband is?" Erika interrupted to prevent him from deciding out of nowhere not to attend to Ion