
Hated by the Gods [Cancelled]

So you want to know his story? Of that monster that made the gods tremble, that human who came to put every God on his knees. I will tell you the story of Ion the terror of the Gods and their wives. After all, this story is about the person most hated by gods and the 'Reason' for which he fought until the end. . . . . . Author's Notes: I am a new writer, I am sorry if the first chapters are short, I will try to increase them to a greater number of words. English is not my native language so I'm sorry for any grammatical errors. Thank you and enjoy your reading of Hated by the Gods

Leiva · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Chapter 16

France is one of the few regions where Christianity has conquered to the point that it became independent from the Roman Empire, nor is it that the Romans lost a main colony, it is quite the opposite that France is or is not in their domains, the power of the Romans was so strong that if it pleased them to conquer France again they would do it in one night.

Paris, currently the largest city in France and where Ion, Erika and Neo are headed.

Ion recovering from the wounds she received from Fenrir, Erika took turns with Neo to take care of him, she also took the time to study the map of the world, its seas, its rivers, all the roads that she could see.

Neo enjoys being outside the Norwegian domain for the first time, and the peace he had was one he never imagined he would have in his life.

But peace, it ends and happiness can disappear in the same way that a fire goes out, where they are going was not going to be the same as in Norway.

Norway is divided between different clans that are born and disappear every year and not to mention that it was winter, a time where sailing was more complicated, but since it was the end of winter, sailing to France was not a challenge for Erika, a maritime expert.

Paris might seem unbelievable a stone walls and buildings of wood and stone for all citizens, but it really was not so all those who receive these benefits were walking a tightrope as two powers were fighting in this city.




"Neo wake up Ion, we are already arriving in Paris" said Erika as she moved and picked up the sail to accommodate the boat on a riverbank.

"I'd better help you when we dock the ship on a shore I'll wake up Ion" Neo commented as he jumped into the water to push the ship out of the river.

Erika did the same, they arranged the boat in the best way and tried to put plants on the part that faced the river so that it would not be so noticeable.

"Well, right now I think this will be enough" Neo said

"Is there no magic for concealment in the region of the Gods?" Erika commented as she wiped her hands with the water.

"I'm worried that they will find the ship, even though Ion is much better now and can eat on his own, I don't feel that your predictions are entirely true regarding his healing" Erika said looking at Neo.

"Well, regarding occultation we don't have to hide in the clouds or move so fast that it's almost imperceptible." Neo said and then went back to see the ship where Ion was lying with his body numb.

"And regarding Ion, I told you from the beginning that I wouldn't know if the medicine I took would work with him" Neo said irritated.

Erika snorted annoyed, but she couldn't be mad at Neo after all she told him that she could risk Ion dying in a worse way if she gave him too much of the medicine.

"In the same way Paris is an hour's walk from here, we better hurry up before dark and find a doctor to treat Ion" Neo said

"Okay," Erika said.

Neo changed his clothes for a cloth one that Erika had and changed her measurements since Erika had a larger chest while Neo had a smaller chest.

Erika went over to Ion and saw that he was awake with a bored expression and a little irritated, he doesn't like to lie down.

'I feel so useless lying down,' thought Ion annoyed.

"Ion..." Erika said sadly seeing Ion's state if she could be in his place she would be but she knows she would never have achieved what she did.

"Tell me Erika" Ion said as he tried to get up, Erika seeing this moved closer to him and arranged him to lie down.

"Well, as you can see we already arrived in France so we were thinking of going to the city to find a doctor, luckily Neo taught us French during the trip so we could separate and find a doctor quickly" Erika commented with a fake smile, she She really hated seeing Ion in that state, she knew she was a cheerful person who doesn't keep quiet for anything, and seeing him so silent now didn't please her.

"Don't look at me like that, darling, I'll be fine, I'll be waiting," Ion said with a loving tone.

"Okay, we'll be back as soon as possible" Erika said with a better smile than the one she had before.

'I have to find a way to cure him, no matter who he is'

Neo climbed a little higher on the ship, enough so that his head could be seen.

"See you later Ion!" Neo shouted with a big smile.

"See you later Neo" said Ion seeing Neo again with the same affectionate face to Neo.

Both women headed to paris their simple clothes made them go unnoticed by the walls and the guards just ignored them, that Erika's weapon was small it let her walk in a more comfortable way, while Neo who used a sword had to go with more careful since it was much more noticeable than Erika's axe.

The roads were made of stone but they were full of dirt and grime, the sun was hidden between the gray clouds, the atmosphere was very depressing in the alleys you could see sinister people, and the deeper they went into the city they did not find any doctor.

"Pretty lady wants to have fun" said a drunk man to Erika, but she just ignored him and continued on her way, the man kept talking but in the end Erika left him behind.

"We've been walking for hours and I think we've already gone through the whole city and there isn't any medicine post" Erika said to Neo in an angry tone, she was already stressed the men approached her in a disgusting way and she had already been through the same streets more than 3 times

"It seems strange to me too, almost every clan in Norway has more than 3 doctors, but here I haven't seen one" Neo commented, surprised by the facts.

"In the same way we have to keep looking, you have to see a doctor" Neo said with hope in his voice.

"Don't worry Erika, I know we'll find him, there's still plenty of sun left before going back to Ion" Neo said looking at Erika's state.




'I wonder how they're doing,' thought Ion as the clouds grayed, Ion took his blanket and began to cover himself.

But a scent of roses began to rise and Ion heard a whisper in his ear.

"Love calls you" commented a female voice

Ion tried to remove the blanket quickly but his pain wouldn't let him.

"Ahhh... Who's there?" he said enduring the pain from the effort of your arms.

"EHHH? How did you get so hurt my child? The woman moved her hand and the wind moved, in order to show the most beautiful woman on earth that Ion had ever seen, but his heart felt nothing for her, he only admired her beauty.

"Who are you?"

"I am Aphrodite the Goddess of Love and beauty" said the beautiful woman with white hair and blue eyes like the sky.

"Goddess..." Ion whispered at one point he tried to get angry but he couldn't get angry with her

"You don't know how glad I am to see the women who hold your destiny" said woman acting like a girl, after all she looked very young.

"Wait I don't understand you?" Ion commented trying to stop what Aphrodite was saying.

"Those girls do seem like a good influence to me, worse than daily that would be polyamorous" said Aphrodite a little trrsite in her words.


"But I don't see any problem"


"The important thing is that you are honest with everyone, after all that's how love works" Aphrodite said to see Ion again.

Ion looked at her from the stand, he understood what she was saying but he didn't know exactly what she was referring to and why she was approaching and saying my child.

"Can you explain to me what you are saying?"

"Oh I'm talking about your wives" Afordita said as she sat up in the air.

"Why do you speak in the plural? fate is not supposed to only match you with one person" commented Ion

"That's how it should be but it's always like that and they may not even know each other" said Aphrodite thoughtfully.

"But you are different! You left your land and the path you take has already reunited you with 3, I wonder how long it will take for you to find the other 2" said aphrodite excitedly.

"But I only know 2 women, except you…"

"No, of course not the 3 is there" I point in the direction of Paris

"How beautiful it is to see a polyamory for the first time and of the most curious person a native of the land without Gods" he said with joy

Aphrodite began to go to the point of the ship as if it were already, Ion noticed this and spoke quickly.

"Wait!" Ion yelled, squeezing his sheets tighter.

Aphrodite looked at him curiously and Ion began to speak

"You know that-?" was interrupted by Aphrodite