
Hated by the Gods [Cancelled]

So you want to know his story? Of that monster that made the gods tremble, that human who came to put every God on his knees. I will tell you the story of Ion the terror of the Gods and their wives. After all, this story is about the person most hated by gods and the 'Reason' for which he fought until the end. . . . . . Author's Notes: I am a new writer, I am sorry if the first chapters are short, I will try to increase them to a greater number of words. English is not my native language so I'm sorry for any grammatical errors. Thank you and enjoy your reading of Hated by the Gods

Leiva · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Chapter 13

The weather was still quite cold, but each time it seemed like winter passed, each time there was less snow and there were fewer pieces of ice in the water, but something strange happened while we sailed out of nowhere the water turned to ice the ship moved but in a very slow way since the ice layer was very thin but it breaks easily with the movement of the ship.

It began to snow so intensely that it seemed as if we were still in the middle of winter.

Ion saw Erika again and she was just as surprised since this was not something natural except that they went further north which was impossible since they are heading southwest and Erika as a navigator would not make that rookie mistake.

When Ion looked at Neo again, he saw her trembling with her eyes protruding from her pupils, her mouth trembling and her hands barely moving.

Ion without thinking left the oar he was using and left it to one side while he knelt in front of Neo to hold his hands and try to reassure her, Erika seeing this began to see everywhere but there was nothing just a faint mist cast for the snow

Neo's state was horrible, to the point that his temperature was dropping just because of fear, Ion took off his fur coat and put it on Neo.

"We have to go and light a fire" Ion said looking worried at Neo.

"Yeah, I'll catch up with them later" Erika said while having an expression of losing her friend Neo. During the trip, Neo talked with both of them and even joined the game of telling about her based on different topics, but that did not take away from the fact that when she saw certain affectionate attitudes with Ion, she became extremely jealous.

She froze from the bottom of the river to the ship in such a way that the ship was not damaged, she tried to take it to the shore, but when she tried she noticed that the ice layer became thicker.

Ion took her carefully to the river bank and with a couple of branches he generated a heat source with his magic, he brought Neo closer to the heat source and she slowly recovered her temperature.

'HAHAHA' was heard in Ion's head but it wasn't his thoughts it was something else in the distance, when he returned to see how the snow moved to the east in a sudden way as if something had moved at a great speed.

Ion barely noticed him but kept him alert since he didn't want to see anyone else being in such a deplorable state, he already had to see Erika when he lost his people and he also had to bear the weight of losing the people of his land native.

So Ion wasn't just worried, he was upset.

"Erika stay with Neo I'll be right back" Ion said taking the spear that Neo had, she had given it to him since she is not a spear master she is a sword master having a spear of such high quality was a waste so she decided give it to Ion.

Ion goes to where the wind had moved, he got lost among the trees and already in sight of Neo or Erika they couldn't see him anymore.

Ion kept walking until he found a cave, where a wolf's paw protruded, this could be as big as Ion's legs, which was 1.80 meters long, the paw of this being moved and his nose came out of the cave.

"Juju A Human... what a waste" said the Wolf looking at Ion

Ion was silent his cape covered his hair and his eyes which expressed contempt.

"Stop wasting my time and bring the Valkyrie with you" Said the wolf

"No, you filthy sack of fur," Ion said as he looked at the wolf.

"HAHAHA! Don't you know who I am? I am Fenrir the wolf who killed Odin in Ragnarok!" The Fenrir shouted proudly.

'Fenrir a wolf that grew in an uncontrolled way, was imprisoned in the land of the Norse Gods Asgard, according to what Erika had told me he was tied with the Gleipnir an unbreakable silky chain. How did he get free? They should have freed him to be here' Ion thought

"O great wolf Fenrir, how did you free yourself from your chain?" he said scornfully and mockingly.

Fenrir looked at him and heard the tone of voice with which he spoke and that annoyed him more, since he was a simple human and he was a divine creature that could hurt even the gods themselves, Ion was not only insulting him but he was disrespecting his pride as a divine being.

Fenrir got up and started walking towards Ion, his expression sour.

"You are not interested in such matters Human" Fenrir commented as he grunted and approached.

"Ohhh so we're going to leave the boring side and go to the fun side" Ion said with a mischievous look

Fenrir moved his paw to crush Ion which he dodged easily but Fenrir pushed him with his tail against the mountain.

When Fenrir saw him again he expected a sea of ​​blood but he didn't see that he only saw that he was intact but on Ion's head there was a jet of blood that flowed abundantly but the cut didn't seem deep enough to kill Ion .

"Aggg" Ion mooed as he freed himself from the stones, he was sore from the blow even if it wasn't for his willpower and his anger towards Fenrir he would still be nailed to the stones.

"Hey boy" Fenrir said suddenly "What's your name?"

The blow that Fenrir dealt him was not a normal one it was one that any human being would have been knocked out and even if he wanted to he would have crushed it and it would be flat like a smooth mountain.

"Ion and I will be the one to make you go into despair," he said in a deep voice.

"Boy, the words you say are very serious, do you challenge me? a being that could never feel fear" said Fenrir as he approached Ion

"You made Neo look awful and I'll make you look a lot worse" the depth of his words was something that made Fenrir annoyed.

Ion touched his head and saw his blood, Ion began to use the power of 'Motive' to start moving towards Fenrir.

"In the end I will not only punish that Valkyrie, but I will also punish you" Fenrir said, stopping in his tracks along with Ion, the two separated them about 5 meters.

Hello! beautiful people we already have discord and well it's nice besides that little by little I'm making channels of the characters with reference images u.u


Leivacreators' thoughts