"Excuse us, Miss," Alex told Janeth as he dragged Sandra to a corner and whispered something into her ear.
They returned, wearing big smiles on their faces.
"I'm sorry," Sandra said.
"What?" Janeth asked, confused.
"We're sorry for not believing. We've been deceived by that evil Catherine, and we couldn't risk trusting anyone who posed as you anymore. We're sorry, Audrey. Hug?" Sandra explained. She widened her hands to Janeth, inviting her in for a hug.
"Yeah, we're sorry," Alex said, beckoning her in for a group hug.
Janeth couldn't believe her ears. She was silently celebrating. Her plan was moving faster than she thought; she just had to find a way to convince the Alpha that she was the real Audrey; then, she could fully commence on her mission.
"You, you guys believe me?" Janeth asked innocently.
"Yes, why not? C'mere!" Alex dragged Janeth into a group hug.