
60. Chapter 60

Castiel hung back as the two brothers greeted each other, partly because he didn't want to interfere and partly because he was genuinely curious to see what would happen. He was pleased when Sam complimented Dean's wings; it was common knowledge that Dean was still uncomfortable with how his wings looked, and he was certain that Sam's approval would go a long way towards changing Dean's attitude.

"You look good," Sam said, completing his scan of Dean's body and looking his brother in the face. "I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I'd almost forgotten what your eyes looked like without giant bags weighing them down."

Dean scowled. "Seems like they migrated to your face instead," he said, punching Sam in the arm. Sam winced a little, and Castiel suddenly realized that it had been a while since Dean had spent any time around humans. Dean's strength, along with his eyesight and senses of smell and taste, had all increased dramatically from what he would have been capable of before. It was a side effect of all the grace that Dean had been given. But he'd never thought to communicate that to Dean. Judging from the look on Sam's face, he needed to.

"University is tough work, okay. Sometimes two days will go by before I get the chance to sleep," Sam said, but instead of sounding distressed, he actually sounded a little proud. Castiel glanced at Gabriel, wondering if this was normal, but Gabriel just rolled his eyes in response.

"Dean!" another voice cried, this one distinctly female. A woman with short, dark hair hurried down the steps and rushed over to Dean. "Hey kiddo! Long time no see!"

"Hey Jody," Dean said with a grin, embracing her back. "You keeping that old man in shape?"

"I ain't old!" Bobby yelled from the porch.

"Call it a work in progress," Jody said, pressing a kiss to Dean's cheek. "It's so nice to see you again."

"Yeah, you missed our visit last time," said Dean.

Jody's smile immediately vanished and her eyes took on a dark look. "Last time," she practically hissed. "You mean when my husband got stabbed and no one bothered to call me?"

"Wait, your husband?" Sam exclaimed.

Anger wrangled with pride, and finally Jody sighed and lifted her hand to show off the plain gold ring on her finger. "Before you say anything, it was a very small ceremony. We didn't invite anyone. Call it a spur of the moment decision. I told Bobby he should tell you boys, but he wanted you to find out in person."

"Wow," Dean said, exchanging a look with Sam. Castiel prodded at their bond, curious, but all he felt from Dean was happiness mixed with a little sadness at being left out. Mostly the former, though, and Dean didn't hesitate to step forward and yank Jody into another hug while he congratulated her on making an honest man out of Bobby. And when Dean let go, it was Sam's turn for a hug so exuberant that he lifted Jody right off her feet.

"Thanks boys," Jody said. She stuck a finger in their faces. "But don't think I forgot what we were talking about. Next time anything happens, I better be the first person on your list. Got it?"

"We got it," Sam said quickly. "Dean can send an angel to pick you up if you're not around."

As though reminded of the fact that Castiel and Gabriel were there, Jody turned her attention to them for the first time. Castiel smiled at her. He'd never met Jody before, but Dean had mentioned her once or twice. Dean thought very highly of her, so Castiel held out his hand - Sam had once spent a very long afternoon explaining the concept of a handshake and how humans did it as a greeting. It was still something of a foreign concept to Castiel, but he wanted to make a good impression on Jody - and gently shook Jody's hand when she took it.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you," Jody said. "Bobby's told me a lot about you. You're Castiel, right?"

"I am. And this is my brother, Gabriel."

"Yo," Gabriel said, not offering his hand.

Jody stared at him. "Gabriel. Didn't you once kill Dean over a hundred times?"

"He's paid me back in pie," Dean said hastily. "Seriously, he makes the best pecan pie you've ever tasted."

"Really. Then you won't mind helping me in the kitchen," Jody said. "I was just about to start making dessert. Pie isn't really my thing, so I could use someone who is a master at it. I know I won't get much help from these two." She smirked at Sam.

"Sure," Gabriel said, shrugging. "Why not?" He snapped his fingers and their luggage disappeared as he followed Jody back to the house. Bobby nodded at him warily, keeping his distance.

"Wow," Sam said. "You've tamed Gabriel."

"I wouldn't call him tame," Castiel said wryly. That was actually the last word he would use to describe his brother. The only reason that Gabriel had agreed to come with them was because Dean had looked so panicked at the mere suggestion that Gabriel might not, and Gabriel didn't have it in him to deny Dean anything. And he was positive that the only reason Gabriel had gone with Jody was because Dean loved pie so much and would've been crushed if their meal hadn't been topped off by the dessert.

"Noted. Good to see you, too." Sam clapped him on the shoulder. Then he spotted the small, dark head peeking out of a pocket of Castiel's jacket and froze in surprise. He squeaked when Sparks jumped out, jerking backwards. Dean started to laugh.

"It's just a kitten, Sammy. Relax." He scooped Sparks up, letting the kitten nuzzle up against his cheek. Sparks immediately began to purr.

"You have a kitten? I thought you hated pets," Sam said.

Dean's smile tightened. "I never hated pets. Dad just didn't think it was practical, that's all. You were so dead set on having a puppy, and knowing that I wanted one too would've just made things worse. Seemed easier to pretend I didn't."

"If you wanted a puppy, why do you have a cat then?"

Now Dean's smile vanished altogether. He actually looked a little sick, probably remembering his last encounter with a dog. Castiel decided it was time to speak up. "The kitten was a gift from Gabriel, Sam," he explained, taking a step closer to Dean. Unseen by Sam or any other human, he swept out his right wing and wrapped it around Dean's shoulders. Dean was tense, but the pressure of Castiel's wing helped him to relax.

"Oh. That was nice of him. I guess a cat's okay." Sam looked at the kitten doubtfully. "Puppies are way better, though."

"Speak for yourself," Dean said, managing to sound normal. "Where are we staying? I want to show Sparks the room so she'll know."

"Bobby put you up in your normal room. I'm right next door. Cas..."

"You know I don't need sleep. So it's fine for my things to be put into Dean's room. Gabriel's as well," Castiel said. "I don't imagine Gabriel will spend the night here, anyway."

Sam shrugged. "Suit yourself. C'mon."

The two brothers headed across the yard with Castiel trailing behind. Bobby had patiently waited on the porch all this time. Now, he stepped forward and pulled Dean into a rough hug, mindful of Sparks. Dean hugged him back tightly. He gestured to Sparks with a sheepish smile when he and Bobby broke the hug. Bobby rolled his eyes and shook his head, but jerked his thumb at the door. Dean grinned and walked into the house, quickly followed by Sam. Castiel paused when Bobby held up a hand to stop him.

"Hang on a sec," Bobby said. He waited, tilting his head. Realizing that he didn't want Sam or Dean to hear their conversation, Castiel surrounded the two of them in a bubble of silence so that no one would be able to overhear except for Gabriel.

"No one can hear us. You may speak freely."

“Handy trick,” Bobby said. “I just wanted to see how things were going with Dean. I didn’t get the chance to ask you last time you were here.”

“Things are going well. Dean still has a ways to go before the process will be complete, but his body has taken to the grace with ease,” Castiel said. He didn’t mind sharing information with Bobby, partially because he knew Dean would be okay with it (to some extent, anyway) and partially because Bobby had played a vital role in the brother’s lives when they were children. Without Bobby, Castiel cringed to think of where the Winchesters would’ve ended up. Certainly, Dean would not have been as receptive to being as a hatchling as he was.

“That’s great, but I figured that was the case since he’s still alive. I meant, how’s he doing up here?” Bobby tapped the side of his head. He saw Castiel’s frown and held up a hand to forestall any objections. “I know you’re about to tell me that Dean wouldn’t want me to know. But I worry about the both of those knuckleheads. They’ve pushed themselves too much for too long. Sometimes it was all I could do to get the two of ‘em to take a break for a night instead of jumping back into the car and going after another hunt. I still worry about Sam, but tell me that Dean, at least, is doing okay.”

Castiel weighed his options and made a choice. “Dean is doing just fine, Bobby. Each step in the process is new to him, and sometimes he has difficulty with what the natural progression of things requires of him, but I am with him every step of the way. I care for him very much. I won’t allow him to come to any harm; you have my word on that.”

Bobby relaxed. “That’s good to hear. And he likes it?”

“There are some parts he likes less than others,” Castiel said with a smile. Dean had been very glad to leave behind the bouncer. “But overall, I would say that yes, he does. It’s an opportunity for him to have the childhood that he didn’t get the first time, as I’m sure you know.”

“I had more arguments with John over that very topic than you can imagine,” Bobby said, snorting. “I was forever telling him that kids needed to be kids. I’m sure he’d roll over in his grave if he knew that this was happening.” The thought apparently brought him enjoyment, judging from his smirk.

“Dean hasn’t discussed his parents with me,” Castiel admitted. “Sometimes he’ll talk about hell, but even those conversations are brief.” And mostly consisted of Dean sobbing in outright terror, but Bobby didn’t need to know that. “I haven’t deliberately tried to talk to him about them because I know it’s sensitive and I dislike upsetting him. Do you have any suggestions?”

“Avoid the topic entirely,” Bobby said.

“But they are wounds on Dean’s soul.” And the topic needed to be discussed before Dean went to heaven, because he would inevitably want to see his parents. As it stood, Castiel didn’t think that meeting would go well.

“I get that. If Dean wants to talk about it, he will. You’ve got a good thing going with him, Cas. I’m really happy that you took him under your wing as a nestling.”



“Dean is a hatchling,” Castiel said, deciding to leave behind the topic of Dean’s family. He could figure out how to talk to Dean later. For the moment he watched Bobby carefully, certain that Bobby would understand what he didn’t want to come right out and say.

Bobby’s eyes widened a little, proving that he did. “I see,” he said thoughtfully, rubbing at his chin with his thumb. “On the one hand, I’m not surprised at all. Dean always did need to learn to let go. On the other hand, I’m shocked that he was willing to accept it. I don’t know much about it, of course, but I’ve heard that hatchlings are… more involved than nestlings.”

“They are,” Castiel confirmed. “Sam, on the other hand, will be a nestling.”

Bobby looked at him sharply. “You’re pulling Sam into this too?”

“Not yet, and it won't be. I want to keep my focus on Dean. But Gabriel has plans to approach him once Sam graduates. Sam doesn’t know, so please don’t pass that information along to him.”

“ I won’t. Huh. Sam too…” Bobby smiled to himself and chuckled suddenly. “I hope Gabriel knows what he’s getting into.”

Castiel smiled as well. “He doesn’t, but he’ll learn quickly. He won’t have a choice.”