
Chapter 6: Fires from Hell

Chapter 6: Fires from Hell

When Alice returned to the past billions of years ago, she suddenly found herself appearing out of nowhere in front of a young girl with bright red hair and black streaks on the right side of her head. The girl, with an innocent smile, said, "Hello! My name is Star, I'm 10 years old. Who are you? And how did you appear here in such a strange way?"

Alice took a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts amidst the confusion that overwhelmed her. "Why did I appear here?" she silently asked herself, trying to understand the strange circumstances surrounding her.

Star continued with growing curiosity, "Um... if you don't want to talk about it, that's okay. We are on our way to our final battle against the Demon King, Radan. I am the deputy of the heroine, Amelia. Would you like to join us?"

Alice responded with a calm smile, "Yes, I don't mind." But she thought silently, "I must act cautiously. I don't want to draw attention until I can find Black and stop the disasters that will occur in the future. Justice must be done."

As she walked behind Star, Alice began to notice something strange happening: Star's hair color was slowly changing, with more black strands appearing the longer she spent time with her. Alice felt the strangeness of the situation and thought, "This change... I feel like I've seen something similar before, but I can't remember where or when."

After a short time, they met Amelia, the strong heroine who seemed confident and composed. They quickly got to know each other, and Alice felt a sense of familiarity with Amelia, but her concern for the future remained dominant.

Suddenly, Star fell ill unexpectedly. She was taken to bed, her pale face causing concern for everyone. Amelia sat beside her and asked with obvious worry, "Star, what happened? What's wrong?"

With a hoarse voice, Star replied with difficulty, "Someone is helping him... He's not alone..." Amelia froze for a moment, trying to understand Star's cryptic words: "Who is it? And who is with him?"

But Star lost consciousness before she could answer. Despite this, her illness began to gradually improve after a while, but Alice felt that something mysterious was happening with Star.

Shortly after, Alice and Amelia decided to face the Demon King Radan together. They entered a red portal leading to the royal chamber, where they found Radan, a gigantic creature wielding two massive swords, surrounded by an ominous magical aura.

The battle began with Radan launching into the air, spinning his body while holding his swords, trying to crush his enemies with a devastating blow. Alice created a transparent magical wall to block the strike, but Radan didn't stop. Amelia immediately advanced, skillfully using her sword to deliver a precise blow, but Radan parried the attack with one of his swords while using a magical spell to fire a deadly laser beam toward Amelia.

With unwavering determination, Alice placed herself in the path of the beam, using her magical shield to deflect the attack. The laser beam shattered against the surface of the shield in a blinding flash, but Alice felt the increasing pressure. She quickly realized that this fight wouldn't end easily. Radan smiled confidently before leaping again, launching explosive black-violet orbs aimed at the shield, trying to shatter it.

With growing anger, Alice said in a stern voice, "I've had enough of this. I didn't come here to fight but to negotiate." She advanced with astonishing speed, breaking through all the magical barriers that Radan placed in her way. She gathered her power into a single strong strike, targeting a weak point in Radan's armor, causing him to fall to the ground, shattered by the force of her blow.

Alice stood over Radan, breathing heavily, and said, "This wasn't the purpose of my visit here." She then focused her gaze on Amelia. "We need to prepare for what's coming."

Upon their return to the city, Amelia ascended the platform to announce their victory, surrounded by the enthusiastic applause of the crowd. She began speaking with a voice charged with emotion, "We have fought for thousands of years. Today, I declare the end of this conflict and the beginning of peace with the demon race."

But before she could finish, a figure cloaked in black appeared, wielding a large bow, forming a magical arrow from dark black flames. Amelia noticed the flames, sensing the danger surrounding her. In a split second, the arrow flew at incredible speed, piercing Amelia's heart, causing her lifeless body to collapse on the ground.

The cloaked figure approached the platform amidst the crowd's shock and said in a calm yet sinister voice, "My name is Black. Nice to meet you."

He revealed his face, showing Star, but now her hair was completely black, and her eyes held a hint of madness. With an evil smile, she explained, "I used the Blood Sacrifice skill to evolve into something beyond human."

Red rings began to appear around her, and her body transformed grotesquely. Star evolved into a creature that was humanoid but with animalistic features, including cat ears, a tail, and fierce eyes. She stood in her place, having become an unpredictable enemy, one that would change the balance in their world.

The End