
Harry Potter: Winchester Chronicles

This is an original fic, as I couldn't find a better novel to translate so I figured why not write one myself. The world still revolves around the Harry Potter series but with original and extra plot added to it to not make things boring. P.S. This is not related to the TV series Supernatural, apart from slight inspiration for a couple of things. --------------------- "Voldermort? Who? Can't you see me fighting a literal Demon?" "Why do I have to kill all these monsters to be a wizard? I don't know it's a family tradition" "What do you mean, 'Why is Harry so buff?' How else is he supposed to fight the noseless demon?" Luke woke up in a body belonging to the youngest member of the last Winchester Family, during a 'exorcism' at that. Discovering that he had transmigrated to the Harry Potter world, dreaming of a magical future, he still couldn't fathom why there were so many inconsistencies in the plot. Not to mention his new family and his father's mysterious and weird actions, but why are there so many monsters and villains hatching a new plot every single day in this children's fiction? ---------- https://www.patreon.com/The_disciple ---------- https://www.royalroad.com/profile/481960 I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

The_disciple · 書籍·文学
22 Chs


"Do you know why we are here?" Luke asked as they walked outside of the garden slowly strolling through the Veelas little village, along the way many of the residents of the village who were all clearly Veelas, waved at them, "They seem too fond of me!"

"Hey, idiot, I said calm down!" Luke punched his brother on the arm, "Look around you, it's such a beautiful village, and yet you're being such a downer!"

"Sigh! I guess..." Jacob said changing his attitude in an instant, "What's done is done, so why worry, right?"

"Yup!" Luke shrugged, "So tell me, why are we really here? It clearly doesn't look like we were invited."

"I don't know either." Jacob shrugged, ", When Mom... well, when she was no longer around, we stopped visiting this place, and Dad never mentioned this place for such a long time, so I am just as shocked as you."

"Hmm..." Luke nodded as he turned to him with a smug face, "By the way, earlier, Grandma recognized me despite not meeting me before but as for you she didn't seem to care at all." 

"Tha- That's clearly because I was with dad." Jacob said, "And you, I hate to admit it but you really do look like her."

"Our mom, you mean?"

"Yeah, I don't remember much of her anymore after all, I wasn't that old yet but I still remember her hair and her eyes..." Jacob said slightly sentimental before shaking it off, "Look over there, it looks like some of them girls are having their crushes on you."

Luke looked in the direction Jacob was pointing at, and there were a couple of blonde girls who looked around the same age as him, just staring at him shyly, some of them were even daring enough to wink and throw flying kisses at him, 'Truly children's of Veelas, why would a kid ever need to be so flirty in the first place.'

"Meh! They really aren't my type!"

"Oh! Then what's your type?" Jacob snickered, as Luke pointed towards another batch of girls who were much older, brushing their hair.

"Now that... that is what I can get into."

Jacob looked over those women and back at his brother, "Dude, first of all, those women over there are the same age as me, some even older, second, I was just kidding around, everyone in this village is very likely related to us. You see that girl over there, that one of our cousins!"

"I know... you knucklehead." Luke said slightly embarrassed, "I am just talking about their age."

"So you like girls older than you," Jacob laughed, "I can just imagine them carrying you in their arms as you go for a date."

"At least, you can imagine me on a date, as for you... all I see is darkness, and maybe a few glimpses of girls rejecting you as you run away crying." Luke fought back, 'Now that I think about it, I haven't gotten around to dating anyone even in my previous life, I was just a few months away from turning 17, and that girl from my high school had just followed me too... Maybe if I was around a little longer, I could've been dating...'

Luke reminisced in sadness, as a fairly beautiful girl around the same age as him, came running over, similar to the appearance of other Veela in the village, she had the same blonde hair and blue eyes, but just the sight of her made Luke sigh as the girl felt too energetic from the get-go.

"Heyyy! Do you remember me?" She said with her eyes twinkling jumping in front of them, "My dad and your mom are siblings, so that makes us cousins... he said, you might not remember me... but you remember me right..."

"Wait! Are you really Uncle Sam's daughter?" Jacob said surprised, "Of course, I remember you, but you were just so little back then."

"That's how aging works in humans, you idiot!" Luke snorted looking at his brother and back at the girl, "Hello, I am-"

"You must be cousin Luke," She said grabbing his hands with excitement and cutting him off, shaking his entire body easily with her handshake, "I am a year older than you, so you can just call me older sis or just sister... but that sounds so lameeee... hmm, just call me by my name for now but do remember I am your older sister, Oh! Oh! I am Elara, by the way."

"Elara! Nice to meet you..." Luke said awkwardly trying to get out of her hold but surprisingly the little girl was much stronger than he had anticipated, "We're heading towards the hall, can you tell me where it is?"

"The hall?" She turned her head, "But only elders are allowed in there..."

"Aren't you, my 'older' sister? So that means you are already an elder too, doesn't it?" Luke said with a smile that was enough to melt anyone's heart.

"Yeah! Yea! That's right!" Elera shook her head, "Follow me then! And don't make any noises, my mom wouldn't be too happy if she saw me bringing two kids along."

"Why am I also a kid?" Jacob murmured whispering in Luke's ear, "Are you sure this would be okay?"

"Why are you asking me?" Luke shrugged following along with Elara, who kept talking nonstop throughout the way,

"I go to Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry by the way, which school do you go to?" She asked, "Oh yeah! I heard from mom, that you don't go to any... I am currently on vacation by the way... I accidentally charmed most of my schoolmates with my looks, hence the Headmaster sent me away till I could learn how to control my powers... but I am just pretty, how is it my fault... Even if I learned how to control my powers, the boys would still fall for my looks... it's so lame... the sisters in the village tell me, that's the life of a woman... how is that fair..."

'How responsible!' Luke couldn't help but agree with the principal of the school while ignoring the rest of the words especially the not going to school part which felt like a diss, 'Although it might count as weakness, in accounts to that it's a wizarding school whose responsibility should be to take care of such messes and teach the students themselves, but compared to Hogwarts who would let this little charm monster run free, it seems much responsible... wait! Since I am part Veela would I have the charming powers of a Veela as well?'

Luke looked towards Jacob who was busy picking on his nose as he shook his head, "Maybe not..."

After a while of walking and listening to Elera blabber on about her school, they finally reached the hall. The hall was a much bigger building compared to the rest of the houses but it was still made out of woods, which Luke thought was a bit counter-productive, considering the flame hands that Luke had witnessed himself, it would take just one angry Veela to burn the whole village down.

After a little more convincing, Elara who was getting cold feet after they reached the hall, finally gave in to Luke's slippery words and showed them the way in through the back doors, with the promise that they had to be real quiet.


Catch up to chapter 25 on my Patreon!
