During the second task of the Triwizard Tournament, Harry helps Fleur and in return pays the ultimate price of getting bonded to a Veela. ============= Disclaimer I do not assert any ownership over anything. J. K. Rowling owns everything.
"Well, 'Arry told us about 'ow 'e imagined 'imself living zere with 'is parents and 'e was incredibly sad 'eadmaster," Fleur continued.
"But just as we started to go toward ze 'ouse zis big man appeared. It was ze same one we 'ad seen abusing 'Arry when 'e was younger and 'e started calling 'Arry a freak. Zen a woman appeared, again she was ze one from ze earlier abuse and she also started calling 'Arry a freak, and more and more kept popping up, we tried to get around zem but more came and kept chanting 'Freak' at 'Arry.
We tried to tell 'im to ignore zem but 'e couldn't. It got so bad zat 'Arry just couldn't move. No matter what we tried, it kept going and going. Finally 'Arry just collapsed and ze images and the place all went black and we were back 'ere. Why did it 'appen and what is going to 'appen to Gabrielle and me?" The last questions were to her parents who were ashen faced.
"I don't know ma petite," Mr. Delacour answered. "We will do whatever it takes to find out zough."
"I will go see if I can get a Veela bond expert 'ere immediately," Mrs. Delacour added. "Eadmaster, is zere a Floo connection I can use?"
"By all means, in my office. I will walk you there myself right away," Professor Dumbledore said and turned. He'd only walked a couple of steps when he stopped and turned back. "In fact, may I ask all of you to join us; I would like both of your daughters to do something for me," And with that he started to the door followed by the family Delacour. When Padfoot stood up to follow, Professor Dumbledore motioned him to stay. "Padfoot, please stay with Harry, if he wakes up and we are not here, he will need you. Poppy, how much time do you think we have?"
"Less than eight hours Albus, that is if the original forty-eight hours time period was correct," replied a very grave looking Madam Pomfrey. "Though I would like to consult with the bond expert if I get a chance."
"Then we shall hurry," Professor Dumbledore said. He turned to the Delacours, "Can all of you please hold my arm," He stuck out his left arm. Though they gave the headmaster a strange look, each of the Delacours reached out and grabbed his arm. Dumbledore seemed call into the air "Fawkes," Immediately there was a flash of fire next to the Headmaster's head.
A beautiful red and gold phoenix was hovering above him.
"I need to be in my office now please Fawkes," Dumbledore told the majestic creature. Fawkes spun to offer his tail feathers to his friend. As Dumbledore touched one, the phoenix beat his wings twice and with another fiery flash, they all found themselves in the Headmaster's office.
"Now Mrs. Delacour, the fireplace is at your disposal. The floo powder is in the light blue canister," Professor Dumbledore said. "Is there anything else you might need? I have contacts in the Department of International Cooperation and with the ICW so if you need anything pushed quickly, let me know."
"Thank you, but I shall be fine."
Professor Dumbledore nodded and then turned to the Fleur and Gabrielle, "Have either of you heard of a Pensieve?"
Both Fleur and Gabrielle shook their heads that they had not.
"Understandable. They are very rare. But in this case I feel it will be very useful. It is a device that allows a person to see copies of another person's memories," Dumbledore explained. "I would like to ask you to share your memories of what happened in the bond. I am hoping I might see something that might help us understand what is happening," He looked over at the girl's father. "Mr. Delacour, Gabrielle is underaged, so I would need your permission for this as well."
"Of course, anything zat will 'elp my daughters," Mr. Delacour said. He had the look of a man who was used to doing much but now was forced to sit and watch, unable to help.
"I am willing professor. I will do anything for 'Arry," Gabrielle replied, "But what do I need to do?"
"And you Fleur?" Dumbledore asked, looking at the older sister.
"I…I don't like the idea of showing 'Arry's secrets. 'E never wanted to talk about 'is childhood,but... but I also think 'e would be in greater pain if something 'appened to Gabrielle or me and we didn't share zem," Fleur said. "I just 'ope 'e will forgive us."
"I am sure he will," The Headmaster said. "Now Fleur, I am going to ask you to go first. All I want you to do is close your eyes and think about what happened. Go slowly; try to remember every detail you can. Now while you are doing that I will be holding my wand next to your head, please do not panic. It will be there only to copy the memory. You'll feel a slight chill in your head as it happens; again this is nothing to worry about. Let me know when you think you're ready."
Before Fleur could reply, Mrs. Delacour came over. "Eadmaster, could you please allow ze Floo to accept a delegate from ze Veela Magical Institute. 'Er name is Rachelle Berceau, one of ze leading experts on Veela bonds."
"Of course," Professor Dumbledore said. He aimed his wand at the fireplace and gave it a slight twist. "It is done. She can come and go for the next forty-eight hours. May I inquire if she is a full Veela?" He asked. "I only ask because if she is going to move around the castle, the other professors and I will need to take certain precautions. We have a castle full of young and shall I say impressionable men that we need to make allowances for, for their safety of course."
"Thank you Professor. I understand your concern for your students; she is 'alf Veela like myself," Mrs. Delacour turned back to the fireplace and started speaking again. Two minutes later she stood back as the green fire blazed higher. A very attractive silvery blonde-haired lady materialized within the flames and walked out of it. She said something to Apolline and shook her hand. Looking around she saw the person she recognized and walked over to Professor Dumbledore.
"Professor Dumbledore, I am very glad to finally get a chance to meet you. Your reputation is of course, legendary. I am Professor Berceau of the Veela Magical Institute. I understand we have an issue with a Veela bond?" She spoke in perfect English.
"Yes Professor Berceau–"
"Rachelle, please."
"Thank you. Please call me Albus. Let me introduce Mademoiselles Fleur and Gabrielle Delacour. We have both of these ladies trying to bond with a young man–"
"A simultaneous bonding?" Professor Berceau asked. "How did that happen?"
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