
Harry Potter: The Real Wizard

HIATUS George Williams, a typical university student reincarnated in England at the end of the 70s, but not in a normal family, he is in a family of pure-blood wizards. Faced with this situation, he will begin to embark on a journey through the amazing world of Harry Potter delving into Charms, D.A.D.A, Potions, Dark Arts and Arithmancy. English is not my native language, so there may be mistakes in grammar or similar. I hope your understanding in my first book. pa treon.com/BRIHUA to support

BRIHUA · 書籍·文学
11 Chs

My first contact with magic

Before I start I wanted to clarify about the schedules of the novel, I still have some make-up exams from college, but already in August I'm free and I hope to write 3-4 chapters of the length of this one about 4000 words a week. That is of course if you guys want to read more about this fanfic.

About the time when it's better for you guys when I upload these chapters comment this line.

Enjoy the chapter.


9 months after birth

I have started to speak more or less fluently, the effects of the 'Enhancer' potion, as I have called it for its effects, persist for a long time, that is to say, I am stronger, smarter and I receive better all kinds of stimuli better than babies my age as I remember. Something totally mind-blowing, I don't know if other kids from other magical families take it too, but I don't think so, this must be a family heirloom.


"Mom what does it mean what they put after the names of these portionists?" I ask my mother directly, a practice I have been using since the day I went to the potions library, I would first ask something that would give me context to ask something else more important. Because how would a child know what the date of birth means, or what each word birthday means, I am literally a child of about 9 months old!

"It means the day, month and year a person was born." My mother sweetly answers my mother every time I ask her a question.

"So what's my birth date?" I quickly answer.

"February 20, 1978."

"WOW mom, so what day is today?"

"Today sweetie is November 29, 1978."

"So I'm about 9 months old then, right mom?"

"Ay, what a smart son I have."

After a while hugging and praising me my mother. It was lunchtime, so we headed to the dining room, something I did with my parents after they had seen that I could sit in a baby chair without swaying or falling over. Walking down the hallway, well my mother walking and me in her arms, I took advantage of the moment to look at the signs that indicated the use of each room, surprisingly each of the doors was closed, but that was not the strange thing, but the hallway where I was there were only libraries.

The order of the libraries from my room, which was at the end of the hallway, to the stairs leading down to the dining room.

Potions library.

Herbology library.

Magical Creatures Ingredient Library.

Arithmancy Library.

Ancieny Runes Library .

Non-Evil Rituals Library .

The last one was the strangest of all, rituals? Was there anything like that in the canon? I remember they were banned by the British Ministry of Magic, but if they weren't evil why were they banned? Also, each of the libraries is related to potions, this one must also be related. I assume they will be preparatory rituals for potions, something that was not given at Hogwarts, which on the other hand should not be strange, how are you going to study all branches of a power as immense as magic in only 7 years, taking into account that many or not to say most of the students have no previous knowledge of magic. So I didn't think too much about it because I also didn't have the option of going to the library unseen or undetected, or asking about such a deep subject to my parents.

Speaking of my parents, my mother seems to have quit her job since I was born, she is usually by my side always reading a book or playing with me. When she is not replacing Stick, sometimes we have small conversations, but to tell the truth I don't manage to understand how the brain of these little creatures works.

As for my father, although he is usually absent, he is always cheerful and never misses the 3 family meals. He also usually comes at night and reads me a book with my mother, they usually do roles to make the reading more 'fun and enjoyable'. Something that has given me the opportunity to know everyday things about the magical world and adapt to how they live in their society.


In the living room where the Williams family eats.

The dining room was an enchanted place where my family gathered for every meal. The walls, painted in shades of white and gold, glowed with a soft, mysterious light. The finely carved wooden furniture stood elegantly, while the hanging chandeliers every now and then released faint blue lights that covered the entire room.

The table, covered with a snow-white tablecloth, was adorned with delicate dishes and silverware of gleaming silver. Each seat had a backrest carved with mystical motifs and armrests adorned with golden details.

And most majestic of all, above a fireplace with a blue fire that did not burn, but warmed the entire room was an incredible sculpture of an eagle taking flight.

[Image eagle]

Already at the table, I gather all my courage to tell my parents:

"Mom I want to study magic "After they looked at me for a few seconds. "Like they do in the books they read to me about Hogwarts."

"But you're still too young honey" My mother replies. My father continues. "We Williams started our studies at 6 years old."

"But I get bored a lot mom, and I have nothing to do all day" and then I continue with a sad face "Besides you don't let me go outside and I don't have any friends besides you, dad or Stick."

"We've already told you honey, there are barbarians all day outside hurting people, they have no value as people and especially as wizards."

"So, can I study? I want to learn to read, write and do all that magic you guys do all day."

My parents look at each other for a while and then my dad says "We can start teaching you to read and write, but if you can't handle them we'll wait until later, okay big guy?".

"Great dad!" I say with a bright smile.


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pa treon.com/BRIHUA