
Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

[A Harry Potter Fanfic] In this Harry Potter fanfic, a young boy is reborn into the wizarding world and embarks on a remarkable journey. After graduating from school, he adopts a hidden persona and delves into the secretive aspects of the British wizarding community. Striking a balance between light and darkness, he explores magic while supporting the orphanage where he grew up. However, destiny calls him back to Hogwarts on a mission with uncertain motives. As he returns to the school, his predetermined destiny sets him on a new path, forever changing his journey. ********************************************** This is based on a CN novel, but I have changed the story characters and powerups in the original. I don't own the picture in the novel cover, if there's some problems contact me in reviews section, then i will take it down. ********************************************** I will post some Extra Chapters in patreon, you can check it out. >> patreon.com/FicFrenzy

FicFrenzy · 書籍·文学
474 Chs

0126 Visit

July 29th. 

The weather on Sunday morning was as bright and sunny as the day before, and the dazzling sunlight spilled on the clean and tidy road of Privet Drive like liquid gold. The colorful and vivid flowers in the well-kept private gardens on both sides of the road swayed gently in the breeze, competing for beauty and fragrance. 

The air inside the house was a bit stuffy and stale, and Harry kicked everything related to his Potions homework off the bed with a bang. He turned over and faced the birdcage hanging on the window bars, feeling very annoyed and restless. 

Every year, at this time, Harry's mood would be very irritable, and the reason was easy to understand. Because the last day of July was his birthday, but his uncle and aunt obviously wouldn't be considerate enough to throw him a birthday party. Their only way of celebrating his birthday might be to let him do less chores on that day or give him a pair of old socks as a gift. 

But on the eve of his birthday this year, the reason for his irritation was a bit different. 


A strange noise from the street outside the window suddenly made Harry jump up. He leaped to the window and looked out, but when he saw that the noise was from a garbage truck collecting the trash cans on the roadside, Harry showed a disappointed expression and sat back on the bed dejectedly. 

"Are you sure you gave him the letter?" 

Hedwig, who had traveled a long distance for several days and was exhausted, was resting in the birdcage. Hearing Harry's questioning voice, she trembled her eyelids and grumbled a few times in dissatisfaction. Then she hid her head under the other wing and continued to rest, ignoring Harry's impatience. 

After a heavy sigh, Harry stared at the shadows on the white wall and zoned out. He didn't notice that, half a minute after he withdrew his gaze, a faint explosion appeared on Privet Drive, followed by a puff of smoke and a flash of light. 

Surrey, Little Whinging, Privet Drive– 

Dressed in Muggle clothes, Bryan Watson appeared on the street of Privet Drive with a wand in his hand. As soon as he appeared, he looked around cautiously, checking if any Muggles had seen him. And when he confirmed that there was no one around, he breathed a sigh of relief, put his wand in his pocket, and looked around the surroundings with interest and curiosity. 

Privet Drive No. 7– 

A few steps away, a brass plaque in front of a house told Bryan Watson his exact location. He glanced back and forth and confirmed the position of No. 4 Privet Drive, which was mentioned in the letter. Then, he walked towards that side with a leisurely pace, humming a tune under his breath. 

Standing in front of the house of No. 4 Privet Drive, Bryan Watson didn't rush to cross the garden and knock on the door. Instead, he stood on the street and admired the roses and lilies blooming in the garden. Bathed in the golden sunlight, he smelled the rich fragrance of the flowers and felt a sense of peace and joy. After a while, when he was sure that his heart was completely calm, Bryan Watson smiled and nodded politely, and knocked on the door softly. 

Knock, knock, knock– 

Ten seconds after the gentle knocking sound, there was a hurried footsteps from inside the house. Bryan Watson stepped back and waited quietly for someone to open the door, his expression friendly and warm. The woman who opened the door was very thin, but very tall. Besides, her gloomy long face also impressed Bryan Watson. She had a sharp nose, thin lips, and a pair of cold and narrow eyes that seemed to judge everything she saw. 

"I'm sorry to interrupt your breakfast, ma'am–" 

Bryan Watson glanced at the steaming spatula in Aunt Petunia's hand and smiled politely. 

"But Harry Potter, who lives in this house, wrote me a letter, telling me some situations, and hoping that I could come to visit. So–oh, of course, if you want me to come at another time, that's fine too–" 

The air fell silent. Aunt Petunia looked at the young man who was five feet away from her. Her eyes went from puzzled to blank, and then from blank to gradually terrified. Finally, before Bryan Watson could greet her again, she let out a horrified scream that pierced the air. 

"You, you come and see, Vernon, I must have seen a ghost!!!"

Looking at the woman who almost rolled and crawled into the house, Bryan Watson raised his eyebrows and didn't seem too surprised. In fact, when he saw in Potter's letter that his uncle was an old employee of that drill company, he had expected that something like this might happen. 


Bryan Watson tilted his head and looked at the chaotic living room. He saw the broken vase, the torn curtains, and the overturned sofa. He shook his head slightly and sighed.

"Can I pretend that you have warmly invited me into the room?" 

In the kitchen, the dining table had been overturned, and the Dursleys were huddled in the corner, shivering and silent, as they watched the young man walk in. They felt a cold sweat on their foreheads, and their hearts beat faster than ever. 

"Oh, my God!" 

Standing in the living room, Bryan Watson showed a surprised and delighted expression when he saw Potter, who had almost leaped down the stairs. He saw that Harry had grown taller and stronger, and his hair was longer and messier. 

"But it's only been four months since I last saw you, Potter, and you've grown so much. Did you secretly drink some growth potion?" 

"Professor Watson!" 

Harry, who was panting, looked at the young man who looked almost the same as in his memory, except for his clothes. He wore a blue shirt, a black jacket, and a pair of jeans. He looked casual and handsome, and his purple eyes sparkled with intelligence and humor. His trembling voice showed his excitement and joy. 

"You really came, I mean, I thought Hedwig had lost the letter I wrote, or that she had mistaken the person!" 

"Hehe, your owl is very smart, Potter–" 

Bryan Watson said with a smile. He moved his eyes to the messy kitchen and snapped his fingers. Then, the collapsed table creaked and twisted its boards and slowly got up. The bacon and eggs scattered on the floor spun rapidly and bounced off the dust. Then they threw themselves back into the restored plate. The cups and plates that had fallen and broken also flew back to their original positions and mended themselves. When everything returned to normal, Bryan Watson looked at the Dursleys who were scared and climbed on the kitchen counter with a slight apology. 

"I'm sorry, folks, I seem to have brought you some fright. But don't worry, I'm not here to harm you. I used to teach at Hogwarts, and I came to visit him and talk to him about some important matters." 

"Boy, you! Can he really cure him?" 

Uncle Vernon's small eyes bulged out of his sockets. He stared at Harry as if he had met him for the first time in his life. He remembered the letter that Harry had sent him a few days ago, which said that he had found someone who could cure Mr. Watson his boss. He didn't believe it at first, but now he saw this young man who could do magic with a snap of his fingers, he felt a glimmer of hope and fear. 

Although he had a lot to say to Professor Watson, the Dursleys' appearance still made Harry feel amused. He looked at Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia, who were trembling on the kitchen counter, and Dudley, who was hiding behind them and covering his butt. He remembered how Dudley had tormented him for years, and how his aunt and uncle had treated him like a burden and a freak. He suddenly felt playful and said casually. 

"Yes, I found someone to cure him–" Harry nodded and said, "This is what I promised you, remember?" 

"You are Mr. Watson–"

Uncle Vernon said hoarsely. He looked at the young man who called himself a wizard, and felt a chill down his spine. He hoped he was not one of those evil and crazy ones, like the one who gave Dudley a tail. 

"He's a young man from that side, Vernon–" 

Aunt Petunia, who seemed to be more shrewd, buried her face in Uncle Vernon's broad arm and whispered.

"He knows their stuff–" 

Dudley also muttered something behind Uncle Vernon. He looked at Bryan Watson with a mixture of awe and resentment, and felt a pang of pain in his butt. 

"Come down first, you three–" 

Bryan Watson glanced at Harry and smiled at the Dursleys. He saw that they were still scared and reluctant, and he decided to act more gentle and friendly.

"If you don't mind, we can have breakfast together. I'm still hungry, and I'm sure you are too. And then we can talk about the situation, and see what we can do."


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