
harry potter the gamer

Harry Wakes up with a blinding headache. harry opens his eyes and he groand. he see a glowing screen in front of him. What is this? Harry says. Harry reads the system welcome player

Kungdiesel · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Chapter 2 not edited

Harry is wondering what it means so harry touche skill gamers mind and reads.

gamers mind passive level max description.

.Allowed the user to calmly and logically thing things through

.Allows peaceful state of mind

.Immune to mental disorder

Harry is surprise then decides to read gamers body description gamers body passive level max description

.grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game

.after sleeping in a bed it restorea hp, mp and curse all status effects

After harry finished read the description of gamers mind and body.