
Second-year train ride.

Aurelius would have preferred to go by elf apparition as he has become quite accustomed to doing, but his mothers insisted that some outdated traditions have their own little charm. Besides, it's an excellent way to catch up with his friends. He was half tempted to just have the elves apparate him and the girls but perished the thought, not wanting to anger his mothers. Besides, he recalled that one of the main side characters would be joining Hogwarts this year, and given her eccentricities, chances are that she might be joining his house this year.


He traveled through the carriages and found a bushy-haired witch and joined her.


"Hey, Hermione," he said while his bracelet immediately shot out a small mirror to reflect the spell at its sender.


Hermione was startled and yelped in pain from the pinching jinx being tossed back at her before she could even perceive it being sent back at her.


"Ouch, ouch, ouch. That stings." Said an annoyed Hermione, who was still confused about what had happened.


"Well, what do you expect when you aim a jinx at a person unprovoked?" I said, bemused.


"I believe it would hit the person instead of flying at the caster. Anyway, what was that?" Said Hermione, who was still irritated.


"Well, that would be an automatic defense." Said Aurelius


"Wow, when did you get that? Also, how?" She said, excited, temporarily forgetting why she was upset.


"It was this summer, and it's a family heirloom. As for how it functions, it brings an invisible, undetectable mirror that uses the reflection charm that bounces magic back at the caster." I said while not telling her all the important details.


"That's brilliant. Oh, that's right." She punches his arm, not realizing she was hitting a layer of magic protecting him since he responded as expected.


"Ouch, what was that for?" I said, miffed not from the pain but the audacity.


"I went to Lock's the expanded chest, looked at all the services they provide, and calculated it." She said with a glare.


"Did you now," I said while averting her gaze.


"Do you know what the annual salary of a senior auror is?" asked Hermione.


"Hmm, I believe it's about 20,000 galleons annually or so. Give or take a thousand galleons." I said casually, trying to ease the blow.


"Yes, and do you recall the price of these cases?" She asked


"Hmm, I'd say about the salary of a senior auror or something like that," I said with a shrug and slight smile that, while I could hide with my occlumency, I didn't feel inclined to.


She just looks at me incredulously.


"You're acting as if gifting me a product that costs the equivalent of a senior auror's salary is nothing," she said, lost in how to act.


"You're a few of my actual friends. And my business partners and employees. You got to treat them especially well sometimes," I said.


"You're unbelievable." She said, tossing her arms in the air, letting them drop to her side limply.


I sit down beside her and hug her. "You're welcome," I said with a grin.


She blushes while still trying to remain mad despite the anger dissipating, enjoying the physical contact.


The door opens without prompting, and Silvia comes in.


Silvia looks at the two with an eyebrow raised with a bemused grin. "Am I interrupting something?"


Hermione quickly pushes Aurelius off of her and moves away from him.


"Not at all. Aurelius simply placated me while I was upset about his actions in purchasing our gifts." Said Hermione.


"Oh, that's right. Thanks again, Aurelius. It was super helpful to use magic during the summer without any concerns. By the way, how much do these things cost?" She said while holding her briefcase.


"21,100 galleons," said Hermione, who got her second wind from the topic being brought up again.


"Wow, that's a lot," she said, seemingly unfazed by the price.


"Silvia, are you serious? How are you not just stunned?" asked an incredulous Hermione.


"What? it's not like I think about the cost of things when I don't even buy anything." She said


"Wait, what do you mean?" I said, confused about her statement as well.


"Well, yeah, my parents bought all the stuff for school while I played with the animals during the first year. The only thing I noticed is that the cost of ice cream costs a sickle, but honestly, I'm not even sure how many sickles go into a galleon," said Silvia.


"Silvia, 17 sickles go into a galleon." Said Hermione.


Silvia looks at them with her eyes practically bugging out of her skull and just imagines a mountain of ice cream.


"Wait, are you serious?!? Aurelius, what the hell?!? I thought these would be expensive, but not enough to buy a literal small mountain of ice cream." She said.


"What's with you and ice cream?" I said, trying to change the subject.


"It's my only frame of reference, okay!!!." She said, embarrassed with increasingly reddening cheeks.


"Well, aren't you cute?" I said with a smile while pinching her cheeks.


"Ow, stop that. It hurts," she says while slapping my hands.


"Yeah, okay. Anyway, did you guys learn all the spells you wanted to?" I asked them.


"Yeah, that's how I found you two. The point me charm is super handy. I don't understand why this spell isn't taught in the first year." She said.


"I know, right? So many basic utility spells should be taught to everyone." I said in response.


"Oh no, you don't, mister. You are not changing the subject." Said Hermione, realizing that the conversation was shifting from the original topic.


"What were we talking about?" I said, acting oblivious.


"Well, first off, thank you for the gifts. And secondly, what's the reason for giving us these gifts? And I mean the real reason." She said.


"Let's just call it an investment even if you aren't going to work for me. Empowering your friends, families, and allies is rarely a bad investment." I said.


"I guess that's a good reason as any." Said Silvia with a shrug.


"Are you really just going to brush that off? You're right, it's a good reason, but how are you so calm?!?" Said an incredulous Hermione


"Well, I realized a while ago to just roll with the punches when it comes to Aurelius's ridiculousness. As long as it is reasonable, Aurelius would do just about anything. Might as well desensitize myself before I go mad from the sheer absurdity of it all." She said with a sigh and a what can you do face.


Hermione looks back and forth to Silvia and Aurelius and just lets go.


"Well, thank you for investing in our future." Said Hermione.


"You're welcome," I said with a chuckle.


"Oh, that reminds me, I heard that some pretty boy was going to be our DADA professor," said Silvia.


"I'm not sure if you could call Professor Lockhart a pretty boy, considering he's at least in his late 20s to early 30s. He is well known for his books, which show he is competent." Said Hermione.


"That is if what he's written is true or even his," I said


"Well, they seem to be consistent with what you could do to fix the issues that he faced, so I would at least say they're true. As to whether he was the true source, it seems hard to dispute, given that no one has accused him of fraud." Said Hermione.


"I can think of a few ways, but I will not pass any judgment given that I have not met the man beyond him being good at public speaker, but given the circumstances, it appears that Hermione has won our little bet," I said with a smile not for her win, but rather her inevitable loss.


"Well, I owe you a week to help you make something. I am at your service; just don't work me too hard, you hear. After all, I still have to do the first week's homework," Silvia said with a smile.


"And I owe you a job of your choice. I've already started a business, but now I think about it. Since you're an employee rather than a business partner, would this be considered child labor, and does the wizarding world have child labor laws?" I said, unsure.


"We have been working under you for payment, so I don't think it's an issue. What do you think, Hermione?" asked Silvia.


"Honestly, I haven't gotten the foggiest idea. I think it was more or less seen as children working together on personal projects rather than business what we have done thus far, so it was never really a big issue; however, when it comes to working in an official business, it would work more along the lines of child labor. I would say that it's a bit of a toss-up. Still, it seems pretty consistent with muggle world customs that children go to school while perhaps doing a chore here and there for some money from individuals and only family members working in businesses regularly." Said the bushy witch.


"Well, it can't be helped. I'll have to look into it. And if they are consistent with the same themes, then worst case scenario, you'll just have to work when you're allowed." Said Aurelius with a shrug.


"Very well, it is as you say, so I will hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Besides, we are still young. We can still do as we wish otherwise." Said Hermione downtrodden


"Hey, it's alright, don't worry about it. It won't likely change our actions thus far anyway, so it's just a formality." Said Aurelius, putting his hand on her shoulder.


"Okay." She said, feeling slightly better.


Then, a knock was on their door.


"Were you expecting anyone?" asked Aurelius while glancing at them, with them both shaking their heads.


He opens the door to see a small, blonde little girl. Granted, he couldn't call her small since he was only a couple of inches taller than her with his small growth spurt; however, he was still shorter than Hermione by a couple of centimeters.


"Hello, how may we help you?" asked Aurelius.


"Hi, I was wondering if perhaps you have room for one more. The others were…less accommodating." Said the blonde.


"I'm fine with that. Ladies?" I said, looking back at the two, who nodded in agreement.


"Well, it seems like a unanimous yes. Miss?" I said, acting oblivious to who the blonde little witch was.


"I'm Luna Lovegood. It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance. Curious." Said the now-identified witch.


"Hmm, is something wrong, Luna?" I asked curiously.


"You don't seem to have any wrackspurts or anything around you." She said.


"What do you mean?" I asked while letting her inside to put her stuff away.


"Well, you see, I'm rather fond of magical creatures, but they also tend to be rather mischievous, so they often mess with people. So, it's rather odd that they seem to leave you alone. For example, that girl has wrack spurts occasionally jump onto her." She said.


"Silvia," I said, letting her know since she seemed not to have more than the most basic etiquette of social interactions.


"Yes, Silvia has wrackspurts jumping on her. From what I know, they tend to induce confusion and absentmindedness." Said Luna.


"Hmm," I said while Hermione wasn't sure how to react to this incredibly eccentric girl.


"Miss Lovegood?" I asked her.


"Yes?" She asked.


"Do you have some unique sight of sorts?" I asked, testing a hypothesis.


"I suppose since, for some reason, I haven't met anyone who can see the wrackspurts." She said in a very gentle tone.


"I have a few hypotheses if you are willing to listen?" I said to her.


"Hmm, I've never thought about it much, but I guess." She said while sitting down next to Silvia.


"I'm thinking that it's one of a few things. One is the least likely but possible is schizophrenia or rather the perception of seeing things that aren't there." I said.


Luna lightly frowned but continued to listen, hoping the other guesses would be less hurtful.


"Two, you can unconsciously perceive others' nature and minds, so these animals are just an aura you can see in the most literal sense. Something akin to a patronus charm spirit animal," Aurelius continued.


Luna's mood somewhat lightened.


"Three, you can see magic in a very raw form that interacts with people, inducing various results. After all, many spells have unique colors despite being non-elemental." I said.


Luna's tenseness disappears more and more.


"And finally, these beasts exist but require a unique sight that you seem to possess," I said, suggesting my theories.


"Well, I haven't put much thought into being anything else than the last one you suggested, but I suppose it is worth looking into." She said.


"Well, now that's over. Perhaps we should talk about something less deep. Like, what house do you want to join?" Said Silvia.


"Yes, that sounds delightful," said Luna in her gentle voice. "As for the house I wish to be in, it would likely be in Ravenclaw since my parents are from that house. I happened to notice that you," she says, looking directly at me.


"Aurelius Galegold Evans Valriss Aulus. Just call me Aurelius or Galegold. As for the ladies, they are Hermione Granger and Silvia Wright." I said to inform her.


She nods and continues, "You seem to have an emblem different from any of the four houses shown in the Hogwarts letter. Is there perhaps a new house?" Asked Luna


We were all surprised that she didn't know, considering how big the reveal was from the prophet. However, if she didn't, she deduced that the emblem on Aurelius's jumper wasn't even that noticeable from a glance.


"Yes, the house of Galegold." Said Aurelius.


"Hmm…" said Luna.


"So what does the house stand for?" She asked


"Change, innovation, wealth, and adaptation," I answered.


"Hmm…" she said


"Why wealth?"


"Wealth allows us to do what we truly desire. Money is simply a means to an end, after all. What's the point of money if it doesn't help us accomplish our goals and desires?" I told her.


"I see it seems you take pride in that thought," she said.


"I do. Many people often seek riches to be wealthy but forget its purpose. It provides freedom to do as one wishes. The house of Galegold prides itself on pushing that wealth into developing, improving, and innovating ideas to change the world the best way we know how." I said with pride.


"Sounds like a wonderful aspiration." She said with a smile.


"So, are you a muggleborn?" asked Silvia with no tact.


"Hmm, what gave that impression?" she asked curiously.


"Well, you asked something that was pretty big news in the prophet. Naturally, that is only available to the wizarding community. So it would be reasonable to assume that you would be a muggleborn if you were unaware of such news," Said Hermione, who also wanted to know.


"I see… well, I am not, but as for why I didn't know from the prophet. It's because I don't read the prophet. It bends the truth far too much to be reliable. It has its moments of usefulness that you can see in between the lines despite all of the hogwash," she said with nearly as little tact as Silvia.


"Couldn't agree more," said Aurelius with a smile.


"What do you like to do, Luna? You've said you like magical creatures. Do you explore forests and whatnot?" Asked Silvia


"Indeed, I do; this summer, my father and I searched for diricawls. It was quite troublesome. Sightings are so rare that it's difficult to pinpoint their location, especially since, according to those sightings, the bird disappears in the blink of an eye without any sort of movement like the flapping of a wing." Said Luna.


"Hmmm, so is it a phoenix or a variant species? Cause what you're saying sounds like the beast is teleporting, and the only known magical bird capable of doing that is a phoenix," asked Aurelius.


"Hmm, there's a good possibility. I'll ask my father with a letter." Said Luna with a smile.


"Wait, phoenixes exist, and they can teleport? Can they also do all the stuff that is said in fictional storybooks?" asked Silvia.


"Yes, when a phoenix dies, it bursts into flames and is reborn from the ashes, as said in muggle books. And yes, they are capable of teleportation." Said Aurelius.


"They are also very proud beings whose regeneration abilities and healing ingredients are used for potions such as their feathers and tears." Said Luna.


"Wait, why do we never see them?" asked Silvia.


"The headmaster is said to have a phoenix, but domesticated phoenixes are few and far between. They are known to occasionally magically bond with wizards, but that's only those they find a liking to; however, no one seems to know their criteria or how to get in touch with one. Even Dumbledore is said only to have been lucky enough that the phoenix came to him out of interest rather than him seeking out the bird." Said Hermione.


"Well, that's a shame. It would be so cool to have a phoenix as a pet. By the way, that reminds me. Beasts in other muggle cultures of other countries, do they exist?" asked Silvia.


"How do you know other country's cultures? No offense, but you don't seem much of a book person, considering you don't really care about things that don't interest you," asked Aurelius.


"Well, it isn't so much as books or anything like that, but I remember that from a show called Digimon, the legendary beasts are known from Japanese mythology. And one of them was a phoenix, whose domain was in the south." Said Silvia.


"Interesting thought. It's worth looking into." Said Aurelius.


'I never thought about it, but I never realized that shows from the memories of my old world exist in this world. Granted, I never watched TV up until now. I wonder if any shows came over. As for her theory, it has merit. Mythology is considered just myths because a lot of it seems like magical nonsense that most muggles don't believe even exists. So, to them, it's just fairytales, but to us, it might as well be a magical beasts history book.' I thought.


"I, too, find it interesting and will ask my father if we could consider going to Japan. Myths are considered myths to muggles because they're weird or magical, but to us, it might as well be a textbook," said Luna, voicing my thoughts.


'Wow, Luna was quite insightful in the books and movies, but she's far more intelligent than I could've predicted.' I thought.


"That's…..hmm….I guess. I never considered looking into the mythology of muggle culture since many people who write mythology are likely just adding fuel to the flames without even realizing it. For example, something as simple as the thought of alpha and beta males in wolves is completely false, and the person who wrote the idea realized his mistake and tried tearing down the falsehood that took on a life of its own." Said Hermione.


"That's an excellent point. Information, especially without peer review, is often subject to falsehoods regardless of intentions or reputation of the individual." Said Aurelius.


"So, what's your plans? During this year, are we preparing new things?" asked Silvia.


"Yeah, since you've already made a magical automatic process equipment. We can just focus on making new stuff. Mind you, I will be sending the final products to my business. We are essentially the factory and research and development of a business." Said Aurelius.


"Sounds about right. Just pay us appropriately, and I'll be good." Said Silvia


"Oh, by the way, Hermione, what do you want to do? You've got a job of choice and my crafting skills for a week," asked Silvia.


"Huh, what do you mean? It was for my official businesses outside of school," I said


"Well, she's going to be learning to do the job she wants to do before she leaves school, so she might as well get the job now," She said with a shrug.


"Well, that does seem appropriate," said Hermione.


"Is this some sort of gift or bet?" asked Luna.


"Yes, yes, it is," I said while concerned at how perceptive she was.


"So, what did Hermione bet?" She asked


"She'd do the winner's homework for the first week of school." Said Silvia.

"Hmm…" said Luna.


"What's on your mind?" asked Silvia.


"Well, I don't get it. I've never had homework, so to speak, that isn't more akin to that of practice and training," she said.


"Oh right, magical families are often taught at home." Said Aurelius.


"Wait, so you've never gone to a school before?" asked Silvia.


"Can't say that I have. Perhaps a tutor or meeting with experts. Is it hard?" She asked

"Meh," I said while giving a so-so gesture.


"A bit tedious, if I'm honest. There is nothing particularly difficult. Just boring. I prefer learning things that aren't available in school. Right now, I'm learning muggle crafting skills." Said Silvia.


"I agree, but to be honest, the other children are more troublesome. Some can be rather mean with no sense of tact." Said Hermione.


"That's true; most children are rude and far too straightforward and don't know how to soften the blow. Glad I didn't have to deal with them anymore." Said Aurelius.


"What do you mean, Aurelius?" Asked Hermione


"Oh, I went to public school for a year. I hated it, so I attended a private school the next year. Then, I decided just to get my diploma to avoid dealing with people. It took a few years, but I got it when I was 10." Said Aurelius


"Wait, what do you mean diploma? The only diploma that I know of is for secondary school." Said Silvia.


"Wait, are you saying you graduated from secondary school when you were 10?!" Said Hermione, who understood immediately after Silvia had said it.


"Yup, it was rather troublesome. A lot of it was nonsense that had no applicable skills or information. A lot of it was regurgitating words and things of that nature. The only things valuable were mathematics, chemistry, physics, finance, and woodworking. That last one was fun, but I had to buy the equipment, unfortunately, but at the very least, it reduced our taxes substantially that it wasn't an expense," said Aurelius


"Of course. Why wouldn't you already have graduated from secondary school?" Said Hermione sarcastically while being upset.


"Well, I am doubtful that you haven't jumped at least a few grades in muggle school, Hermione," I responded.


"You aren't wrong in principle, but it was only a single grade." She said.


"I'm doubtful it was due to academics. Did you or your parents want you to stay with those near your age so as not to alienate you?" I asked


"Well, probably. I was already doing school material in the 2nd grade of secondary school. So, my parents likely didn't want to hold me back academically but wanted me to remain there to make friends. But it didn't exactly do well since my intelligence alienated me regardless." Said Hermione.


"I'm curious. Are you doing muggle and Hogwarts material?" asked Aurelius.


"Yes, my parents thought it would be best not to limit myself to just the magical world. After all, the world is a large place." Said Hermione.


"I can appreciate that," I said with a nod.


"Ughh, does that mean I have to do regular school on top of doing Hogwarts?" asked Silvia.


"If you don't wish to limit yourself to just the magical world. Then I'd advise you to do so." I said in response.


"Fine, but is there any point? A diploma seems pointless for getting a normal job unless you go to university." Said Silvia.


"Yes and no, a diploma, experience, and technical skills are what most businesses seek. So, a portfolio holds far more value than a degree, but a diploma is the minimum to get your foot in the door." Said Aurelius.


"Ughh, fine, I'll get the stupid diploma." Said Silvia.


"And Luna, don't worry about it. Think of it like learning how to write. It's troublesome, but you'll learn gradually. The only difference is that most classes are things you'd actually use, such as potions, charms, care for magical creatures, and DADA. Not entirely sure about DADA since the professor changes every year, so you might have to learn through other means, but the point still stands." Said Hermione


"Hmm.. well, I suppose we'll see how well I do. And Hermione, why are you a Gryffindor?" asked Luna.


I just start chuckling while Hermione punches my shoulder a couple of times.


"It's not funny." Said Hermione with a huff.


"Oh, come now, Hermione. It's at least a little funny." Said Aurelius.


"I also wondered about that but never really bothered to ask." Said Silvia


I laugh harder.


"You jerk, stop laughing." Said Hermione as she kept hitting me while I was falling to my side, holding my abdomen in laughter.


It took me about a half minute to stop my laughter, but I kept a smile.


"It's rather personal, so I'd rather not say until I get to know you better, Luna. So please be patient." Said Hermione.


"That's fine. Everyone has their secrets, and it's not my place to force someone to tell me theirs." She said.


Hermione gives the blonde a smile.


"Thank you. And as for you, Silvia. I will tell you later in private." Said Hermione.


"Alright, it's a promise." Said Silvia.


They continue to converse with one another during the train ride.