
Harry Potter: The combat instructor

In the world of magic, Ciaran Frémont had spent eight years honing his skills as a graduate of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Despite the passage of time, his longing to return to Hogwarts lingered, this time not as a student but as a professor. His wish seemed to manifest when a letter arrived from none other than Principal Dumbledore himself, inviting him for an interview. Ecstatic yet conflicted, Ciaran's joy was tempered by the realization of an urgent task awaiting him. Before he could embark on this journey, he needed to tell his boss the current Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, the pinnacle of authority within the Ministry of Magic. I've decided to translate and fix up this fanfic in my spare time since it wasnt looking to good. No hate plz im trying my hardest :( translation 霍格沃茨新任教授

AssClappicus · アニメ·コミックス
86 Chs

self blame

"This diary isn't just any ordinary diary," Dumbledore said softly, his voice carrying the weight of years gone by. "Voldemort, or as he was known in his youth, Tom Riddle, attended Hogwarts during my tenure as Transfiguration professor."

"One could argue that Tom was, if not the most, one of the most exceptional students to grace the halls of Hogwarts."

Dumbledore lifted his gaze from Riddle's diary, addressing the group of wizards gathered in his office. The Weasleys wore expressions of confusion, while Professor McGonagall, Harry, and Sharon seemed slightly more enlightened.

Ciaran was familiar with Voldemort's early exploits, though articulating how he came by such knowledge proved challenging. Fifty years had elapsed, and few dared to speak of the Dark Lord Voldemort, let alone disclose his past deeds. Even Dumbledore's interventions often yielded little, as evidenced by Harry's sixth year and Professor Slughorn's reticence in Potions class.

So Ciaran feigned interest.

"Since Voldemort initiated his reign of terror, few are aware of his former identity as Tom Riddle, his education at Hogwarts, or his tenure as a prefect and Head Boy," Dumbledore continued. "Yes, Voldemort's brilliance was apparent even then."

"He vanished shortly after leaving school, traveling the world and delving deeper into the abyss of dark magic. He aligned himself with the most malevolent wizards, undergoing perilous magical transformations. When he resurfaced as Voldemort, few could reconcile the image with the intelligent, handsome student from Hogwarts."

"But... Ginny..." Mrs. Weasley interjected, her voice trembling. "What connection does our Ginny have with... him?"

"The diary, her diary!" Ginny sobbed. "I've been writing in it for months, and he always responds."


Mr. Weasley was aghast. "Haven't I taught you anything? Never trust anything that can think for itself unless you can see where it keeps its brain."

"Why didn't you show your mother and me the diary? Such a suspicious item reeks of dark magic!"

"I didn't know!" Ginny cried. "I found it in a book Mum gave me. I thought someone had left it there by mistake..."

"It matters not," Ciaran intervened. "Many seasoned wizards have fallen prey to Voldemort's guile. Ginny's defiance, once she realized the truth, is commendable. Few adults could withstand such manipulation. Given the circumstances, Ginny deserves recognition."

He offered solace to Ginny and the Weasleys.

Mr. Weasley still wore a troubled expression, finding it difficult to accept.

"What Ciaran says holds merit," Dumbledore nodded. "Although Miss Weasley's oversight provided an opening, her steadfast resistance under Voldemort's influence merits praise. Few adults possess such fortitude. Rest assured, the school will not penalize her."

"Thank you, Dumbledore," Mrs. Weasley said tearfully, then turned to Ciaran. "And thank you, Ciaran."

"As a Hogwarts professor, safeguarding the students is my duty. There's no need for thanks," Ciaran replied with a reassuring smile.


Percy Weasley slapped himself, consumed by guilt. "It's my fault!"

Fred, George, Ron, and Harry exchanged incredulous glances. Was Percy truly blaming himself?

"I'm Ginny's brother and a Gryffindor prefect. I should have noticed Ginny's abnormal behavior sooner and alerted the professors, but I was negligent..." Percy lamented.

"Oh, Percy!" Mrs. Weasley enveloped Percy in a hug, tears flowing freely.

"It's not just you, Percy," George chimed in. "We were too preoccupied with our own pursuits to notice Ginny's distress."

"Percy, you've changed," Fred remarked solemnly before adding with a smile, "and it's for the better!"

Ron spoke up, "We were so focused on Malfoy as the Heir of Slytherin that we overlooked Ginny, even though her behavior was far from normal..."

"Ron, my oversight contributed to our distraction," Harry admitted. "Had I not fixated on Malfoy, we might have discovered Ginny's plight sooner. Hermione, too, shares a close bond with Ginny, but my focus diverted her attention."

"Children, there's no need for self-blame," Mr. Weasley reassured, placing a hand on Percy's shoulder. He and Mrs. Weasley embraced once more, tears mingling. Though Harry wasn't a Weasley by blood, Mrs. Weasley cherished him as her own son.

Ciaran, Dumbledore, and Professor McGonagall remained silent, allowing the Weasleys and Harry to find solace. Ciaran and Professor McGonagall wore gentle smiles, while Dumbledore's eyes glistened with memories of his own youth and familial bonds neglected in pursuit of his ambitions.

After a moment, Dumbledore cleared his throat, drawing attention back to the matter at hand. "Ciaran, I'm intrigued. How did you uncover Miss Weasley's predicament? And Voldemort's Horcruxes... until I beheld Riddle's diary, I never fathomed Voldemort's descent into such darkness."

"Horcruxes?" Professor McGonagall gasped. "Albus, Voldemort truly created Horcruxes?"

As she eyed the diary on the table, Professor McGonagall's anger and revulsion were palpable. "Is this the Horcrux you mentioned, Ciaran?"

Professor McGonagall seemed familiar with Horcruxes, unlike the Weasleys and Harry, who looked utterly bewildered.

"Yes," Dumbledore confirmed. "Riddle's diary is one of Voldemort's Horcruxes."

"One? Good heavens!"

Professor McGonagall clutched her chest, struggling for breath. Her face betrayed a mix of anger and abhorrence.
