
A Gateway to Magic

No matter what Petunia's relationship was with her sister, the way she treated him was wrong, and she had what she said coming.

It's not like it mattered now. Because this was the start of Harry's magical journey, and he couldn't wait for it to properly begin.

For the first time in a while, Harry thought that luck seemed to be on his side. Petunia was free to give him a rise to Diagon alley. She revealed the name of the alley after he asked where he was supposed to get his school things. Vernon had to go to work, and luckily Dudley was invited to spend the day with his friend Piers, leaving Petunia able to drive him to London.

It was funny how Petunia still remembered the road to the Alley decades after she had last been there. If that wasn't proof that she was still secretly envious of magic, nothing was. Still, the letter was very vague on how to get there, which means that it was sent either to people who already know, or a professor was supposed to personally come and explain it to Muggleborn. Things didn't look good for him so far, but he would reserve his judgement until later.

For the hundredth time that day, the young wizard took a look at the second piece of parchment that held the required school supplies needed.



First-year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupils' clothes should carry name tags.

Set Books:

All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble

Other Equipment:

1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set glass or crystal phials

1 telescope

1 set brass scales

Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad.


Harry hoped with all his heart that his parents left him enough money to buy all these supplies, even then, Hogwarts was supposed to have funds for people that can't afford schools. From the looks of it, he was going to need to go to a bookstore, a clothes store, a wand store, a potions store, and whatever the place was where they could buy a telescope. Maybe he could go to a pet store if he has enough money.

But first, he needed to get to the alley. Time flew on, and before too long, Harry found himself being driven by his aunt in London. They arrived in mid-day in front of some dirty pub which had the name, 'The Leaky Cauldron'. Huh, so that's accurate from the book too?

Before he could leave, he looked up at his aunt and spoke up, "Thank you, Aunt Petunia."

His aunt released a sob, "tell me, Harry. Have I been this horrible to you?"

The young man shook his head, "You could have done worse, been worse, but you never tried. Are you surprised that I'm leaping at a chance in this new world?"

Petunia shook her head, "No, I suppose I'm not. Your mother would have been proud of you Harry."

Harry responded with an awkward, "Thank you." He didn't know what else to say. He knew nothing about Lily Potter. Even in the stories, she was barely mentioned outside of her being a redhead and having green eyes, there's very little known about her at all. Petunia never mentioned her, and Harry had learnt that in this life, he would need to rely only on himself to survive. The Dursleys had taught him that.

Petunia was practically sobbing when she spoke up, "Goodbye, Harry."

"Goodbye," he answered softly.


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