
Thoughts and schemes

*Narrator pov*

The Hogwarts stand thrummed with energy as Lily left the stage victorious their chants for Hogwart's victory thundering through the pitch.

In the guest stand certain individuals frowned not enthused that a mudblood was getting all of this positive attention.

Their displeasure was too quick for most to notice but Filius did. He was watching off to the side from the very start trying to spot possible intruders meaning to harm the school.

'Should I make my move?' Filius thought

Filius made eye contact with Morpheus and had to force himself not to react to the odd sight in the man's eyes. The pale professor slightly shook his head no to the unasked question.

If Filius made his move now many things could go wrong Morpheus needed to wait just a little longer.

*Lord Lestrange pov*

The atmosphere in our section was off, it was tense and almost bordered on hostile. This professor came out of nowhere and started to antagonize us.


Could he know what the dark lord has planned?

Could Albus have planted Morpheus here?

Of course I could not voice my thoughts to my allies, that man would be able to hear us I'm sure.

I suspect he could even if we used a spell to block the sound. There was just something off about him, the way he smiled, talked, laughed, joked.

It reminds me of when I would talk to my grandfather and he would look at me with amusement as I discussed my plans.

As if everything I did was some joke put on by a child.

I was getting angry but I could tell Malfoy was growing anger by the second and then suddenly Professor Morpheus just stopped and started to earnestly watch the matches. I for one wasn't going to complain.

We have a job to do and I'd rather not be distracted by a professor.

My eyes darted to the dark lord's minions sitting in wait for the signal, Lord Malfoy was surely aware something was happening as his son was deeply involved in the cause.

Rumor was Lord Malfoy was here to see if it was worth investing more into. I've known the man for years which comes with the advantage of knowing how he liked to operate.


I'm honestly surprised his son is so daring to join the lord this early and so fervently. His insight is grand.

Although everything seemed to be going to plan, I couldn't help be feel nervous as I looked at the man sitting in front of me.

*Morpheus pov*

My eyes narrowed as I felt a sudden shift the future I once saw must have changed. Breathing deeply I closed my eyes.

Many think my eyes show possible futures when looking into them especially when I use them in conjecture with a spell like I did with Albus our first meeting.

They would be sort of right.

What most people get wrong is the fact that it's all my eyes can do. They have many talents, especially after I have enhanced them with rituals such as increasing my connection to the magical tapestry of time which directly affects my divination results.

Another is what I am about to do now, some when learning of it said my ability was cheap a hack trick.

Mainly my brother said that out of jealousy I think.

There a two problems with what I'm about to do.

One it is mentally exhausting seeing as I use no materials except my own magic.

*SNAP* my eyes shot open and suddenly I wasn't just sitting watching the duels. The world turned bright as suddenly phantoms emerged from everyone's body.

The Phantom of Lord Potter clapped its hands in joy seeing Kingsley dodge a spell. I frowned and swiped my hand the world sped up.

Intermission was called and I followed Lestranges and Malfoys phantoms.

I then followed the hidden death eaters' phantoms.

It seems they weren't doing much during intermissions just staying in character. Interestingly enough after intermission, some of their phantoms didn't return to their seats. That was different from the last time I looked.

I will have to have Filius and Minvera keep an eye on them.

I could feel the strain already affecting me, I didn't want to wait any longer as being out of commission right now would be dire.

Ending the magic I closed and opened my eyes once more, many wouldn't notice but my breath was quicker and small beads of sweat pooled at my back.

I had to fight the intoxicated look from showing on my face.

The second drawback? It was unbelievably addicting.

The sound of Potter clapping soon reached my ears as Kinglsey dodged a spell and I smirked.

This feeling.

Is amazing.

*Narrator pov*

Sweat pooled at Kingsley's brow as he dodged yet another chunk of earth, "Fulgur!" he spat

A bolt of lightning shot out crackling through the air only to be intercepted by another bolt of lightning, "Look we are matching spells!" The uagadou student laughed

Kingsley cursed again dodging to the left before shooting off a plethora of stunning spells.

His opponent dodged and blocked before creating a wave of water. Kingsley created a barrier causing the rapid waves to part.

Smirking slightly Kingsley left cover and began his counterattack.

Well, would have.

His eyes widened in fear when he saw his opponent's wand facing down the dreaded spell incantation slipping from his lips, "Fulgur" *CRZACK!*

The lightning bolt touched the water at the same time as Kingsley moved back into cover hoping to be safe in one try spot.

"Reducto! Stupefy!" the wall burst apart sending Kinglsey backward before the stunner slammed into his chest

"ARGH!" Kingsley grunted in pain before he landed on the still-electrified water, "MMMM!" his stunned form hummed in pain

The judge moved quickly levitating Kingsley from the water with a flick of his wand, "WINNED ADE BIKO FROM UAGADOU!"

The Hogwarts students in the crowd booed while Ade laughed and bowed to his audience he made a big show of turning into a lynx before hopping off of the stage.

James watching his friend lose couldn't help but groan, "We really need to learn how to do that bloody bastards are rubbing it in now,"

Stiles snorted in laughter, "Do you think they are using their animagus magic just to make you jealous mate?"

"Of course!" James quickly replied as Sirius nodded, "I agree! Just imagine how many chicks I could pull with that trick!"

Lily who heard them scoffed, "Is that all you ever think about?"

"No, I think of pranks too," Sirius replied wiggling his brows before his eyes widened and an elbow lodged itself in his gut

"Oye! James, I forgot I forgot!"

Kingsley who was finally unstunned approached to see this sight and couldn't help but shake his head in amusement.

The loss didn't feel that bad.