
Harry Potter system in Douluo Dalu

Aman reincarnates in the Doulou dalu world in the body of a twelve year old boy named Hansen. He awakens the H. P. System and his ordinary stick martial soul turned into a magic wand from Harry Potter's world. Hansen discovers that the mother of this body was previously a servant of Zhu Zhuqing and he followed in her footsteps after her death. But the original owner of the body unfortunately died while protecting Zhu Zhuqing from an assassination attack by Zhu Zhuyun's men giving him the chance to be reborn in this world. How will Hansen change this world now that he is here with his H. P. System ? Will he be able to achieve his dreams and goals? Read on to find out. *********** Hungry for more chapters? Join my patreon to support me and read advance chapters. patreon.com/Daddy_strikes_

Daddy_strikes_ · アニメ·コミックス
66 Chs

Stealing Ah Yin and the Hundred thousand years old soul bone

After apparating out of the city so as not to leave any tracks behind , Hansen disguised himself a little and set off to the Holy Soul Village.

Although Hansen didn't know the exact location of the valley where Tang Hao kept Ah Yin hidden in a cave behind a waterfall. But he vaguely remembered that it should be somewhere near the Holy Soul Village.

After just two days of travelling, Hansen reached the Holy Soul village.

" Damn, only if I had been here before, it would have been much easier this time with just an apparate. "

Hansen muttered and looked at the gate of the Holy Soul village from a distance. The reason why it is called Holy Spirit is because in legend, a hundred years ago a holy ranked spirit's spirit master came from there, thus giving it its name.

It is a typical village containing about three hundred households south of Fasinuo province's Nuoding City. Outside Holy Spirit village is without exception, a vast expanse of farmland, where grain and vegetables are produced, which all goes to supply Nuoding City.

And there is also a conspicuous mountain range located just north of the village.

" Ummm, this should be where Tang San used to come to cultivate when he was a child. And that valley is most likely to be behind this mountain range too. "

Thinking about this, Hansen chose to not enter the village and directly went in the direction of the mountain range.

After that it was a boring routine. Hansen spent the next three days constantly searching for Ah Yin's location . Not to mention that he also had to be vigilant all the time lest he is found by Tang Hao.

Today was the fourth day he had been here and his initial excitement has already damped down . While walking in the forest at the footsteps of a mountain, suddenly Hansen heard the faint sound of water constantly splashing.

" Is this it ? Fuck finally! "

Hansen immediately got excited and rushed in that direction cautiously.

Sure enough, just a few hundred metres away, Hansen entered a narrow crevice which opened into a small valley. It was lush with trees and different coloured flowers along with the Blue Silver grass found everywhere. Most importantly, there was a waterfall in front of him, the source of the sound he heard before.

Seeing this Hansen smiled happily but soon he calmed himself down. After all it was just a waterfall. He still hasn't confirmed whether it is the one he is looking for, no matter how high the chances were.

To confirm it, Hansen picked up a stone and threw it at the waterfall with full strength. And just like he thought, instead of colliding with stones, it passed through it directly , which means there is an opening behind it.

Subsequently Hansen used a trace of soul power to cast a weak sectumsempra , just enough to separate the waterfall so that he can see behind it and apparated inside the cave following that.

In a flash, he had already made his way inside.

Perhaps it was because of the waterfall just outside, but the inside of the cave was very damp. The cave was about three meters high, two meters wide, extending directly inside. Within was very dark. Hansen pulled out a faintly golden gem from his spirit tool, illuminating the interior, as he was already prepared for such situations.

Walking furthest inside, the surroundings brightened. Raising his head, he saw a hole in the rock ceiling. And here was an only ten square meter stone room.

There were no decorations in the stone room, absolutely empty, but just below the hole in the ceiling, there was a small stone pot. In the pot, a slender blue silver grass swayed in the wind. That blue silver grass seemed a bit longer than ordinary grass, but most extraordinary was the thin golden line in the center.

To be honest, even Hansen was affected by the gentle aura emanating from watching that slightly swaying blue silver grass.

" Sure enough, the only good thing about the Tang family is Ah Yin, sigh, what a waste !!! "

Hansen sighed while lamenting over the fact that the gentle and relatively simple minded Ah Yin was fooled by the cunning Tang Hao and ultimately ended up as his soul ring.

In fact, with the Blue Silver Domain, she was originally immortal. The highest mystery of the Blue Silver Domain, called: "Wildfire Blows Without End, Spring Wind Blows Rebirth. "

No matter how serious the injury, she would still come back to life within forty nine days after her death. However, she chose to kill herself, used her own hundred thousand years of cultivation as the price to kill herself. Moreover, unconditionally pouring her soul into Tang Hao to become a spirit ring, leading to her current state.

However, although the original is gone, over the time a new immature soul has also been born in it from the soul fragments left behind. Thanks to the special ability of the Blue Silver Domain, called: "Wildfire Blows Without End, Spring Wind Blows Rebirth. " Ah Yin still didn't fully die.

As long as the conditions are right and given some time, it won't be long before she recovers. And Yin -Yang well holy land was the best place for her.

" I should also hurry up, lest Tang Hao comes here . After all it was his turf and not Hansen's . "

Next Hansen stimulated a trace of his mental energy and guided it to contact the blue silver grass to communicate with it. After some simple conversations, Hansen easily managed to gain it's trust and told it about his plan to take it to a better place. Naturally, it was also sick of staying in this dark place without even sunlight all year round and agreed straight away.

Now there is still one thing left before leaving this place . That is to look for the one hundred thousand years old left leg soul bone. It was supposed to be hidden in this cave according to the plot in original book.

Hansen started looking for it all over the cave and even tried to touch the walls to see if there were any mechanisms installed on a whim. And to his surprise it really worked.

As soon as his hand touched a small stone on the wall, a stone slab on the roof moved aside automatically to reveal a wooden box .

" Hey, I guess luck is on my side today. "

After Hansen picked up the wooden box and opened it, a majestic spirit power came out of it. Hansen saw a left leg soul bone lying in it emanating a very vigorous aura.

Just when Hansen was going to appreciate it a bit more, he suddenly felt a strong aura approaching here at a very fast speed.

" Oops! It looks like Tang Hao has set up a signalling trap here and got alerted. I have to leave here soon. "

Hansen said seriously and immediately used his soul power to dig out the Blue Silver grass and apparated away with a flash.

Just a few seconds later, Tang Hao rushed inside the cave with panic. And immediately after seeing the place where Ah Yin was planted empty , his eyes turned red.

" Ah Yin! Whe... Where are you aaaaah ! "

Tang Hao lost his calm and was consumed by anger.

" No, no, may be the soul bone is still there. "

Tang Hao calmed down his anger and looked for the soul bone but unfortunately it was empty too.

" Aaaaah aaaaah! Whoever you are, I am going to chase you till the end of the world and kill you. I will kill your family... I willl ... Aaah "

While Tang Hao was venting his anger in the cave , Hansen, the perpetrator , was already back in the Heaven Dou City.

" Huff, that was dangerous. "

Hansen said while taking a deep breath.

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