After five years travelling the world, Harry Potter has landed in New York. He figures that there's no better place than the city that never sleeps to settle in and forge a new life. If only the heroes, villains, aliens and spies had received the message. Begins just before the Avengers movie and continues through the MCU. Encompasses MCU movies & TV, some others along the way
For the next few hours, Harry let his mind relax from the worries of the business downstairs and simply focussed on a simpler task: gardening. He'd always been good with it, nowhere near Neville's level, of course, but then, who was? It was simply a matter of remembering and relearning all of the lessons that he'd learnt taking care of the Dursleys' garden and the lessons that Madam Sprout had drummed into his head.
A flicker of coloured light in the corner of his eye distracted him and he frowned. As it came again, he turned his head. And then there were more and more of them, dozens even.
Orientating himself, he realised that the lights were coming from the direction of Flushing Meadows. He'd never realised that he could see the fireworks from up here. He'd have to remember that. Although, when he considered it, the lights didn't have the same characteristics as fireworks, but maybe that was because he was used to Weasleys' Wildfire Wizzbangs? And they also seemed a little low in the sky.
Not that it mattered too much, it was probably just Stark and his shenanigans again.
With that thought, Harry turned away from them and back to the important matters of his evening – righting his greenhouse.
"We interrupt your regularly scheduled broadcast to bring you a report coming out of Culver University, Willowdale, Virginia. The University has been evacuated after reports of a huge, green 'sasquatch' on the premises. We are still in the process of confirming this report, although the fact that the army is on site and has set up a cordon does lead credence to the rumour. There are reports of buildings on the university that have been damaged and injuries as well.
"We have just received some eye-witness footage of the event. While the quality of the video is poor, there is definitely a large, green rage monster at that location. We will bring you more reports as they come to hand."
"Had to be a twister," a large man at the table behind Harry stated emphatically.
"Twister? It would have had to be a big one and New Mexico isn't exactly known for tornadoes at the best of times, let alone one big enough to have levelled an entire town," his companion argued.
"Alright, then, if you're so smart, what was it?" the first man challenged.
"Aliens. Had to be aliens," the other answered smugly.
Even without turning, Harry knew that the first man was shaking his head.
"I take it back. You aren't smart in the slightest. You're as dumb as a rock. Aliens? What in God's good name would aliens want to go to New Mexico for? There's nothing there! You think aliens visited Earth just to destroy a town and then left again?"
"Maybe it was a bunch of aliens," the second man persisted.
"A bunch?'
"Yeah, you know, maybe they had a fight or something and that town just got caught in the middle."
"You. Are. An. Idiot. I'm going. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Assuming that you've come to your senses and stopped talking out of your ass."
Harry had to struggle to hold in his laughter until after the second man had chased the first right out of the Den. Aliens. Now he'd heard it all. Some days he simply loved running his café.
"Residents of Queens are advised to stay inside their homes or seek shelter as quickly as possible. We have multiple reports of two large unknown creatures in the area and both appear to be incredibly aggressive. Police have cordoned off an area within a five-block radius. If you are inside this area of Queens, please seek shelter immediately."
Suddenly, the news reporter lifted one hand and pressed it to her ear.
"I have just been advised that the army is on route to deal with the situation. The Channel Five news helicopter should be overhead within the next couple of minutes. As soon as they are, we'll transmit images to you of what is happening."
A sudden, unexpected buzzing at the base of Harry's skull diverted his attention away from the television. With a frown, he focussed on the feeling before suddenly looking up.
"Now who would you be and what would you be doing on my roof?" he asked quietly.
Pushing himself from his chair, Harry took two steps before reconsidering. There was no reason not to take his cup of tea. After all, he'd only just made it and it'd be cold and be needed to be thrown out if he left it behind. And while he could simply reheat it with a charm, it never tasted quite right that way.
Harry considered the wards that he'd placed on the building as he ascended the staircase. There were the regular ones, of course – fire, water damage, and one to deflect minor spells. But then there were the extras that he'd placed – strengthening of the building's structure, unbreakable spells on all of the windows (including the ones in the rooftop greenhouse) and alarm charms to deter thieves. Now, it seemed, that he might have to add a muggle-repelling ward to keep people off of his roof.
Deciding that discretion was the better part of valour, Harry slipped onto the roof without turning on any lights or using a lumos. His wand, though, was ready in its disillusioned holster; with one flick, he could have it out and a spell cast with barely a thought.
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