
Harry Potter Self-Insert

Support me: https://www.patreon.com/NeverluckySMILE Oliver Evans, a young wizard with a mysterious past, finds himself reborn into the world of Harry Potter with knowledge of the future. As he navigates the halls of Hogwarts, Oliver befriends Harry, Ron, and Hermione, striving to balance his desire to help with the need to let events unfold naturally.

NeverluckySMILE · 書籍·文学
33 Chs

Chapter 8: Discovering Connections

The next morning, our encounter in the Room of Requirement weighed heavily on our minds. Hermione, true to her word, spent every spare moment in the library, buried in research about Vanishing Cabinets. Harry, Ron, and I kept a watchful eye on Malfoy, trying to piece together his intentions.

Days turned into a week, and one afternoon, Hermione burst into the common room, her face alight with discovery. "I've found it!" she exclaimed, waving a dusty old book. "Vanishing Cabinets work in pairs. If Malfoy is trying to repair one, the other could be anywhere."

Harry frowned. "But why would he need a Vanishing Cabinet?"

"To bring something—or someone—into the castle," Hermione replied. "If Voldemort is involved, it could be a way to infiltrate Hogwarts."

Ron paled. "Blimey, that's serious. We need to tell Dumbledore."

"Agreed," I said, "but we need more evidence. If we can figure out where the other cabinet is, we might understand Malfoy's plan."

Our surveillance on Malfoy intensified. He seemed increasingly tense, often disappearing for hours at a time. One evening, as I shadowed him to the Slytherin common room, I overheard a snippet of conversation between him and Snape.

"You need to be more cautious, Draco," Snape's silky voice admonished. "There are eyes everywhere."

"I know what I'm doing," Malfoy snapped back, though his voice wavered with uncertainty.

This exchange only heightened our urgency. We decided to search the Room of Requirement more thoroughly, hoping to find clues about the other cabinet's location. Late one night, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I snuck back to the seventh floor. After pacing three times, the door appeared, and we slipped inside.

The room was as cluttered as before, filled with discarded objects and hidden secrets. We spread out, sifting through the piles, looking for anything that might provide a lead. After an hour of searching, Hermione's gasp drew us all to a corner of the room.

"Look at this," she said, pointing to a set of blueprints tucked inside an old book. "It's a map of the castle—there are secret passages marked here."

Harry examined the map closely. "Some of these passages lead to places outside Hogwarts. If the other cabinet is connected to one of these locations, it could be used to sneak Death Eaters into the school."

Ron shivered. "We need to show this to Dumbledore."

As we hurried back to the common room, the gravity of our discovery settled over us. The pieces of the puzzle were falling into place, but the picture they formed was terrifying. We had to act quickly to prevent Malfoy's plan from succeeding.

The next day, we requested an urgent meeting with Dumbledore. In his office, we laid out the blueprints and explained our findings. Dumbledore's expression grew increasingly grave as he listened.

"This is indeed troubling," he said, studying the map. "If Draco is repairing the Vanishing Cabinet, it could be used to transport Death Eaters into Hogwarts. We must act swiftly."

He turned to Harry. "I will increase security around the castle, but we must also remain discreet. We cannot let on that we are aware of their plans. Continue your vigilance, and report anything suspicious."

We left Dumbledore's office feeling a mixture of relief and apprehension. We had taken the first step in thwarting Malfoy's scheme, but the danger was far from over. Every day brought us closer to a potential confrontation, and the stakes were higher than ever.

That evening, as we sat by the fire in the common room, Hermione voiced what we were all thinking. "We have to be ready for anything. Malfoy won't stop, and neither can we."

Harry nodded, his eyes steely with determination. "We'll be ready. Whatever happens, we'll face it together."

As I looked at my friends, I felt a surge of pride and gratitude. We were in this together, and no matter what the future held, we would stand united. The shadows of the past might be closing in, but with our combined strength and courage, we would fight for a brighter future.