
Harry Potter Self-Insert

Support me: https://www.patreon.com/NeverluckySMILE Oliver Evans, a young wizard with a mysterious past, finds himself reborn into the world of Harry Potter with knowledge of the future. As he navigates the halls of Hogwarts, Oliver befriends Harry, Ron, and Hermione, striving to balance his desire to help with the need to let events unfold naturally.

NeverluckySMILE · 書籍·文学
33 Chs

Chapter 7: A Meeting with Dumbledore

The following morning, we made our way to Dumbledore's office, a mix of nervousness and resolve in our hearts. Harry led the way, and as we walked, I couldn't help but feel the weight of the secret I carried. Knowing the future was both a blessing and a curse, and now it seemed that knowledge was drawing us deeper into danger.

"Sherbet lemon," Harry said to the stone gargoyle guarding the entrance to the headmaster's office. The gargoyle leaped aside, and the spiral staircase revealed itself.

As we ascended, the portraits of past headmasters and headmistresses watched us with keen interest. At the top, Harry knocked on the door, and a moment later, Dumbledore's calm voice called us in.

The office was filled with the usual assortment of magical artifacts, books, and curiosities. Fawkes, the phoenix, perched regally on his stand, eyeing us with mild interest. Dumbledore sat behind his desk, his eyes twinkling behind his half-moon spectacles.

"Good morning, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Oliver," he greeted us warmly. "What brings you here so early?"

Harry stepped forward, his voice steady. "Professor, we have some important information. We think Draco Malfoy is involved in something dangerous."

Dumbledore's expression grew serious. "Tell me everything."

I took a deep breath and recounted the encounter in the library, the overheard conversation, and the warning from the cloaked figure. As I spoke, Dumbledore listened intently, his fingers steepled under his chin.

When I finished, there was a moment of silence. Dumbledore's eyes seemed to pierce through me, as if weighing the truth of my words.

"This is troubling news indeed," he said finally. "If Malfoy is involved in activities linked to Voldemort, we must act with caution."

"What should we do, Professor?" Hermione asked, her voice filled with concern.

Dumbledore rose from his chair and walked around the desk, his presence comforting yet commanding. "For now, continue your vigilance. Keep an eye on Malfoy, but do not confront him directly. I will investigate this matter further."

He paused, his gaze shifting to me. "Oliver, you mentioned a cloaked figure who seemed to know more about you. Can you describe them in more detail?"

I shook my head. "Their face was hidden, and their voice was low. They knew things about me that no one else should know."

Dumbledore nodded thoughtfully. "We must be cautious. The shadows of the past have a way of reaching into the present. If someone knows about your unique knowledge, it could be dangerous."

He turned to Harry. "Harry, I need you to stay close to your friends and be mindful of your surroundings. Malfoy's actions may be a part of a larger plan."

Harry nodded. "We will, Professor."

Dumbledore's gaze softened. "Remember, you are not alone in this. There are many who stand with you, ready to fight against the darkness."

With a nod from Dumbledore, we left the office, feeling a mixture of relief and apprehension. We had done the right thing by informing him, but the road ahead was fraught with uncertainty.

As we walked back to the common room, Hermione voiced what we were all thinking. "What now?"

"We keep doing what we've been doing," Harry said. "We watch Malfoy, stay alert, and if we see anything suspicious, we report it."

Ron frowned. "But what if Malfoy finds out we're watching him?"

"We'll have to be careful," I said. "But Dumbledore knows now. He'll be watching too."

The next few days passed with a heightened sense of vigilance. We took turns shadowing Malfoy, who seemed oblivious to our scrutiny. Meanwhile, I couldn't shake the feeling that the cloaked figure was still out there, watching and waiting.

One evening, as I sat in the common room reviewing my notes for Potions, a familiar voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Oliver, can I talk to you for a minute?" It was Neville Longbottom, looking unusually serious.

"Sure, Neville," I said, putting my notes aside. "What's up?"

He glanced around to make sure no one was listening. "I overheard something strange today. Crabbe and Goyle were talking in the corridor. They mentioned something about meeting in the Room of Requirement."

My interest piqued. The Room of Requirement was a magical room that appeared when needed, taking on the form of whatever the seeker required. If Malfoy and his cronies were using it, it could be the key to uncovering their plans.

"Did they say when?" I asked.

"Tonight, after curfew," Neville said. "I thought you should know."

"Thanks, Neville. This could be important."

I relayed the information to Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and we quickly devised a plan. We would sneak out after curfew and follow Crabbe and Goyle to the Room of Requirement, hoping to catch Malfoy in the act.

That night, under the cover of darkness, we slipped out of the Gryffindor Tower. The castle was eerily quiet, every creak and whisper amplified in the stillness. We made our way to the seventh floor, where the Room of Requirement was located, and hid behind a tapestry, waiting.

Soon enough, Crabbe and Goyle appeared, looking around nervously before approaching the blank stretch of wall. They paced back and forth three times, and a door materialized.

"Let's go," Harry whispered, and we crept forward, slipping into the room just before the door closed.

Inside, the room was filled with all manner of objects, stacked haphazardly. In the center stood Malfoy, his wand out, examining a large, ornate cabinet.

"What's he doing?" Ron murmured.

"I think that's a Vanishing Cabinet," Hermione whispered back. "They can transport objects—or people—between two locations."

We watched as Malfoy muttered incantations, his frustration evident. It was clear he was trying to repair the cabinet, but for what purpose?

Suddenly, Malfoy stopped and turned, his eyes narrowing. "Who's there?"

We froze, hearts pounding. Had he sensed our presence? 

Malfoy's gaze swept the room, but we remained hidden behind a stack of old furniture. Finally, he turned back to the cabinet, muttering under his breath.

We exchanged relieved glances, knowing we had to get out before we were discovered. Quietly, we retraced our steps and slipped out of the Room of Requirement, our minds racing with the implications of what we had seen.

Back in the common room, we gathered around the fire, our faces serious.

"Malfoy's definitely up to something," Harry said, his jaw set. "We need to figure out what that cabinet is for and stop him."

Hermione nodded. "I'll do some research on Vanishing Cabinets. If we can find out more about them, we might understand what he's planning."

Ron looked worried. "What if it's something to do with You-Know-Who?"

"Whatever it is, we'll deal with it together," I said, feeling a surge of determination. "We've faced dangers before, and we'll face this one too."

As we sat there, I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. The shadows of the past were closing in, but with my friends by my side, I knew we had the strength to face whatever lay ahead.