
Harry Potter Self-Insert

Support me: https://www.patreon.com/NeverluckySMILE Oliver Evans, a young wizard with a mysterious past, finds himself reborn into the world of Harry Potter with knowledge of the future. As he navigates the halls of Hogwarts, Oliver befriends Harry, Ron, and Hermione, striving to balance his desire to help with the need to let events unfold naturally.

NeverluckySMILE · 書籍·文学
33 Chs

Chapter 6: Hints and Allegiances

The following days were filled with an uneasy tension. I couldn't shake the feeling that Draco Malfoy's late-night presence in the library was more than a coincidence. The warning from the cloaked figure, coupled with Malfoy's suspicious behavior, gnawed at my thoughts. I knew I had to tread carefully, but I also couldn't ignore the potential danger.

One evening, after a particularly grueling session of homework, I decided to bring up my concerns with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. We were gathered in the Gryffindor common room, the fire crackling warmly as we sat around a table cluttered with books and parchment.

"Guys," I began, looking at each of them in turn, "there's something I need to tell you."

Harry and Ron paused their game of wizard chess, while Hermione put down her copy of *Hogwarts: A History*. They all looked at me with concern.

"I've been seeing some strange things lately," I continued. "Remember when I mentioned someone watching me in the library? I saw Draco Malfoy sneaking around there at night."

"Malfoy?" Ron said, his face scrunching up in distaste. "What's that git up to now?"

"I don't know," I admitted. "But it felt off. And then there's the warning I got from that cloaked figure. They knew things about me, things they shouldn't have."

Hermione leaned forward, her brow furrowed. "What exactly did they say?"

I recounted the encounter in as much detail as I could remember. As I spoke, I saw a mixture of worry and determination in their eyes.

"We need to keep an eye on Malfoy," Harry said, his voice steady. "If he's up to something, we'll find out."

Hermione nodded. "We also need to be cautious. If someone knows about you, Oliver, it could be dangerous. We should tell a teacher—maybe Professor McGonagall."

"I'm not sure that's a good idea," I said, shaking my head. "Without more evidence, it's just my word against his. Besides, I don't want to draw too much attention."

Ron slammed his chess piece down with a sigh. "So, what do we do?"

"We stay vigilant," I said. "We watch Malfoy, and we stick together. If we see anything suspicious, we report it immediately."

Over the next few days, we kept a close watch on Malfoy. He continued his usual antics, but there was an underlying tension in his actions. He seemed more guarded, more secretive. We took turns shadowing him between classes and in the corridors, trying to piece together his activities.

One afternoon, while following Malfoy through the castle, I noticed him slipping into an unused classroom. I waited a moment before quietly approaching the door, pressing my ear against the wood. Voices floated through the crack, low and conspiratorial.

"We need to act soon," Malfoy's voice hissed. "The longer we wait, the more likely it is that someone will catch on."

A second voice, deeper and unfamiliar, responded. "Patience. We must wait for the right moment. The Dark Lord's plans require precision."

My heart raced. The Dark Lord? Were they talking about Voldemort? I strained to hear more, but the voices grew quieter, as if they were moving deeper into the room.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and I stumbled back, coming face-to-face with Malfoy and a burly Slytherin I recognized as Crabbe. Malfoy's eyes narrowed, and a cold smile spread across his face.

"Eavesdropping, Evans?" he sneered. "Not very Gryffindor of you."

I straightened, trying to keep my composure. "Just passing by. What are you up to, Malfoy?"

"None of your business," he shot back, stepping closer. "But if I were you, I'd watch my step. Hogwarts can be a dangerous place."

With that, he pushed past me, Crabbe following closely. I watched them go, my mind racing with possibilities. Malfoy was definitely involved in something dark, something linked to Voldemort. I needed to get this information to Harry and the others, but I had to be careful not to arouse further suspicion.

That evening, I gathered my friends in a secluded corner of the common room and recounted what I had overheard. Their reactions were a mix of shock and resolve.

"We have to tell someone," Hermione insisted, her eyes wide with worry. "If Voldemort is involved, this is serious."

Harry nodded. "She's right. We need to tell Dumbledore. He'll know what to do."

"Agreed," I said, feeling the weight of the situation settle over me. "We'll go first thing in the morning."

As we prepared for bed, I couldn't shake the feeling that we were on the brink of something monumental. The shadows of the past were closing in, and our actions in the coming days could change the course of history. With my friends by my side, I felt a renewed sense of determination. Whatever lay ahead, we would face it together.