
Harry Potter Self-Insert

Support me: https://www.patreon.com/NeverluckySMILE Oliver Evans, a young wizard with a mysterious past, finds himself reborn into the world of Harry Potter with knowledge of the future. As he navigates the halls of Hogwarts, Oliver befriends Harry, Ron, and Hermione, striving to balance his desire to help with the need to let events unfold naturally.

NeverluckySMILE · 書籍·文学
33 Chs

Chapter 18: Unexpected Visitors

The weeks following our induction as Aurors were a whirlwind of activity. We were assigned our first official cases, a mix of minor disturbances and investigations into lingering Death Eater activity. It felt good to be doing meaningful work, knowing we were making a difference.

One crisp autumn morning, Harry and I were in the middle of an intensive training session when we were called into the office of Gawain Robards, the Head Auror. His stern face was lined with concern as he motioned for us to sit.

"We've received some troubling reports," he began, his voice grave. "It appears that several known Death Eaters are attempting to regroup. They're planning something significant, and we need to stop them before they can gain any momentum."

Harry and I exchanged a glance, our determination clear. This was exactly the kind of mission we had trained for.

Robards handed us a folder filled with intelligence reports. "You'll be leading this investigation. Keep me updated on your progress."

As we left his office, I could feel the weight of responsibility settling on our shoulders. This mission was critical, and we couldn't afford to fail.

We spent the next few days gathering information and planning our approach. Our leads took us to a small, secluded village in the Scottish Highlands. The village, with its quaint stone cottages and winding streets, seemed an unlikely place for Death Eater activity. But the intelligence was clear: this was where they were hiding.

One evening, as we prepared to set out on our mission, we received an unexpected visit. Hermione and Ron appeared in the fireplace of our flat, their faces filled with determination.

"We heard about your mission," Hermione said, stepping out of the Floo Network. "We want to help."

Ron nodded, a determined look in his eyes. "You didn't think we'd let you do this alone, did you?"

Harry smiled, clearly touched by their loyalty. "Of course not. We can use all the help we can get."

With Hermione and Ron joining us, we set off for the village. Under the cover of darkness, we moved silently through the streets, our wands at the ready. The tension was palpable, and every shadow seemed to hide a potential threat.

As we approached the cottage that was supposedly their hideout, Hermione whispered, "Remember, we need to capture them alive. We need information."

We nodded, understanding the importance of her words. This wasn't just about stopping them; it was about preventing future threats.

With a silent signal, we burst into the cottage. The Death Eaters inside were caught off guard, but they quickly rallied, spells flying in all directions. The room was filled with flashes of light and the sounds of battle.

Harry and I focused on subduing the leader, a tall, thin man with a cruel smile. It was a fierce duel, but together, we managed to disarm him and bind him with magical ropes.

Hermione and Ron handled the others, their spells precise and powerful. Within minutes, the remaining Death Eaters were captured, and the cottage fell silent.

We stood there, catching our breath, the weight of our victory sinking in. We had done it. We had stopped them before they could cause more harm.

As we escorted our prisoners back to the Ministry, I felt a surge of pride and relief. We were making a difference, just as we had always vowed to do.

Back at the Ministry, Robards greeted us with a rare smile. "Excellent work. You've proven yourselves as Aurors today."

Harry and I exchanged a glance, our determination stronger than ever. This was just the beginning. There were still threats out there, but together, we would face them, just as we always had.

And with Hermione and Ron by our side, we knew that we could overcome anything.