
Harry Potter Self-Insert

Support me: https://www.patreon.com/NeverluckySMILE Oliver Evans, a young wizard with a mysterious past, finds himself reborn into the world of Harry Potter with knowledge of the future. As he navigates the halls of Hogwarts, Oliver befriends Harry, Ron, and Hermione, striving to balance his desire to help with the need to let events unfold naturally.

NeverluckySMILE · 書籍·文学
33 Chs

Chapter 14: The Breaking Point

The atmosphere at Hogwarts was now suffused with a sense of imminent peril. The faculty and students alike sensed the tension, though they were unaware of the specifics. The castle seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the storm to break. Our group, having shared our findings with Dumbledore, was more resolved than ever to stop Malfoy before it was too late. But the constant vigilance took its toll, and the stakes were higher than ever.

One evening, as we sat in the Gryffindor common room, we discussed our next steps in hushed tones. Hermione had just returned from the library, her arms full of books on defensive spells and protective charms.

"We need to be ready for anything," she said, her voice low but firm. "Malfoy's desperate, and desperate people make dangerous choices."

Harry nodded, his jaw set in determination. "We need to find a way to corner him without forcing him into a reckless move. If he feels trapped, he might do something we'll all regret."

Ron, who had been quiet for most of the evening, finally spoke up. "Maybe we can use that to our advantage. Make him think he's out of options and then offer him a way out."

I looked at Ron, considering his suggestion. "It's risky, but it might be the only way to get through to him. We need to figure out a plan that gives him a chance to surrender."

We spent the next few hours devising a strategy. We would create a scenario that made Malfoy believe he was caught, but we'd ensure he saw a path to safety—a path that led through us and ultimately to Dumbledore's protection. It was a gamble, but we had no other choice.

The following day, we set our plan into motion. Using the Marauder's Map, we tracked Malfoy's movements with renewed intensity. It wasn't long before we noticed a pattern—he often retreated to the Room of Requirement late at night, likely to continue his work on the dark device.

We decided to confront him there. Harry, Hermione, Ron, and I took positions at different points around the seventh floor, ensuring we could intercept Malfoy no matter which way he fled. It was a tense wait, our hearts pounding as we watched his dot on the map move closer and closer to the Room of Requirement.

Finally, the door appeared. Malfoy glanced around nervously before entering the room. We waited a few moments, then followed him in. The room was cluttered as always, a labyrinth of hidden treasures and discarded relics. We navigated through the maze, our wands at the ready.

We found Malfoy hunched over his workbench, a look of grim determination on his face. Harry stepped forward, his wand aimed at Malfoy.

"Draco," Harry called out, his voice steady but loud enough to startle Malfoy. "It's over. We know what you're doing."

Malfoy whirled around, his eyes wide with fear and anger. "You don't know anything!" he spat, backing away from the table.

"Draco, listen to us," Hermione pleaded, stepping forward. "We can help you. Dumbledore can protect you and your family."

"You think you can protect me from him?" Malfoy's voice was filled with bitterness and despair. "He'll kill us all."

"Not if we stand together," I said, trying to reach him. "You don't have to do this alone."

Malfoy's eyes flickered with uncertainty, but then he shook his head, his face hardening. "I have to finish this. It's the only way."

He grabbed one of the dark objects on the table, a twisted piece of metal that pulsed with dark energy. Before we could react, he activated it, and the room was filled with a blinding light. We shielded our eyes, but the force of the magic threw us back.

When the light faded, we saw that Malfoy had used the device to create a barrier between us and him. It shimmered with dark magic, impenetrable and ominous.

"You can't stop me," Malfoy said, his voice trembling. "I won't let you."

Harry stepped forward, his face determined. "We're not giving up on you, Draco. We'll find a way to break through this."

As we regrouped, Hermione examined the barrier, her brow furrowed in concentration. "This is advanced dark magic," she murmured. "It's designed to repel any attack."

"There has to be a way around it," Harry insisted. "We need to figure out how to dismantle it without harming him."

For the next several hours, we worked tirelessly, trying various spells and counter-curses to break through the barrier. Malfoy watched us warily from the other side, occasionally muttering incantations to reinforce the barrier.

Finally, Hermione had a breakthrough. "It's linked to the objects on the table," she said. "If we can disrupt the flow of magic between them, we might weaken the barrier."

Working together, we focused our efforts on the enchanted objects. It was delicate work, requiring precise control and coordination. Slowly but surely, the barrier began to waver.

Malfoy, realizing what was happening, grew more desperate. "Stop it!" he shouted, but his voice was tinged with fear. "You're going to ruin everything!"

"We're trying to save you!" Harry shouted back. "Just let us help!"

With one final, coordinated effort, we managed to disrupt the magic. The barrier flickered and then collapsed, leaving Malfoy vulnerable. He looked at us, his eyes filled with a mix of fear, anger, and something else—perhaps a glimmer of hope.

"Draco, please," Hermione said softly. "It's not too late. Let us help you."

Malfoy hesitated, his wand trembling in his hand. For a moment, it seemed like he might surrender. But then, a sudden noise behind us made us all turn.

Standing in the doorway was Snape, his expression unreadable. "What's going on here?" he demanded, his voice cold.

"Professor," Harry began, but Snape cut him off.

"Leave, all of you," Snape ordered. "This is a matter for the staff to handle."

We looked at each other, unsure of what to do. But the authority in Snape's voice left little room for argument. Reluctantly, we began to move towards the door.

As we left the Room of Requirement, I glanced back at Malfoy. He looked more conflicted than ever, torn between fear and the possibility of redemption. Snape's presence had disrupted our plan, but I couldn't shake the feeling that he might be trying to help in his own way.

Back in the Gryffindor common room, we discussed what had happened. The encounter had left us frustrated and unsure of our next move. We had come so close to reaching Malfoy, only to be thwarted at the last moment.

"What do we do now?" Ron asked, his voice filled with exasperation. "Snape's not going to let us near Malfoy again."

Harry paced the room, his frustration evident. "We keep trying. We can't give up. If Malfoy's building something for Voldemort, we need to stop him before it's too late."

Hermione nodded, her expression determined. "We need to find out more about Snape's involvement. If he's helping Malfoy, there's a chance he might be working with Dumbledore. We need to talk to Dumbledore again."

We decided to wait until the next day to speak with Dumbledore. As we prepared for bed, the weight of the situation pressed heavily on us. It felt like we were running out of time, and the stakes had never been higher.

The next morning, we approached Dumbledore's office with a sense of urgency. The gargoyle guarding the entrance moved aside as Harry gave the password, and we ascended the spiral staircase to the headmaster's office.

Dumbledore greeted us with a kind but serious expression. "What brings you here so early?"

"We need to talk about Malfoy and Snape," Harry said, his voice steady. "We confronted Malfoy last night, but Snape intervened. We need to know if Snape is helping him or if he's working with you."

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled with a mixture of sadness and resolve. "Professor Snape is indeed aware of Draco's situation. He is acting under my orders."

We were stunned. "You knew about this?" Hermione asked, her voice filled with shock.

"Yes," Dumbledore said softly. "I have been monitoring Draco's activities closely. Professor Snape is trying to guide him away from the dark path he is on. It is a delicate situation, one that requires careful handling."

Harry looked frustrated. "But why didn't you tell us? We could have helped."

Dumbledore sighed. "I did not want to put you in further danger. You have already faced so much. But now, it seems you are deeply involved, and I cannot keep this from you any longer."

He explained that Snape had been tasked with keeping an eye on Malfoy and intervening when necessary. The device Malfoy was building was part of a larger plan to bring Death Eaters into the castle. Snape's goal was to prevent this without exposing his true allegiance to Voldemort.

We listened in silence, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Dumbledore's trust in Snape was absolute, and we had to accept that, even if it was difficult.

"What can we do to help?" I asked, feeling a

 renewed sense of purpose.

Dumbledore looked at us with a mixture of pride and concern. "Continue to monitor Draco, but be cautious. Your safety is paramount. If you learn anything new, come to me immediately."

We nodded, understanding the importance of our role. As we left Dumbledore's office, we felt a renewed determination to stop Malfoy and thwart Voldemort's plans.

Over the next few days, we continued to watch Malfoy closely. It was clear he was growing more desperate, and his actions became increasingly erratic. He spent long hours in the Room of Requirement, working tirelessly on his device.

One evening, as we were patrolling the corridors, we heard a loud crash coming from the direction of the Room of Requirement. We hurried to investigate, our wands at the ready.

As we approached the room, we saw Malfoy stumbling out, his face pale and his eyes wide with fear. He was muttering to himself, his hands shaking.

"Draco!" Harry called out, but Malfoy didn't seem to hear. He turned and ran, disappearing into the darkness of the castle.

We exchanged worried glances. "Something's wrong," Hermione said, her voice filled with concern. "We need to find out what he was doing."

We entered the Room of Requirement, and the sight that greeted us was alarming. The room was in disarray, with dark objects scattered everywhere. In the center of the chaos was the device Malfoy had been working on. It was pulsing with dark energy, and it looked unstable.

"We need to disable it," Harry said, moving towards the device.

Hermione nodded, her brow furrowed in concentration. "Be careful. It looks like it's on the verge of exploding."

We worked quickly, using our combined knowledge to disrupt the magic. It was delicate work, and the air was thick with tension. Finally, we managed to stabilize the device, but it was clear that it was only a temporary solution.

"We need to get this to Dumbledore," I said, feeling a sense of urgency. "He'll know what to do."

Carefully, we carried the device to Dumbledore's office. The headmaster greeted us with a grave expression, understanding the severity of the situation immediately.

"You did well to bring this to me," he said, examining the device closely. "This is indeed a dangerous creation."

"What do we do now?" Ron asked, his voice filled with worry.

Dumbledore looked at us, his eyes filled with a mix of determination and sadness. "We prepare for the worst. The final battle is approaching, and we must be ready to face it."

The days that followed were filled with preparation. The Order of the Phoenix increased their presence at Hogwarts, and the faculty worked tirelessly to fortify the castle's defenses. Students were kept on high alert, though they were unaware of the full extent of the danger.

Despite the tension, there was a sense of unity among us. We knew we were facing something monumental, and we were determined to stand together. The bond between us grew stronger, forged in the fires of our shared mission.

One evening, as we sat in the common room, Hermione looked around at us, her eyes filled with a mix of determination and worry. "We're in this together," she said softly. "No matter what happens, we'll face it as a team."

Harry nodded, his expression resolute. "We've come this far. We won't back down now."

Ron grinned, trying to lighten the mood. "Besides, we've got the best brains in the school on our side. What could possibly go wrong?"

We laughed, the tension easing for a moment. But we all knew the gravity of the situation. The final battle was approaching, and we had to be ready to face whatever came our way.

As we prepared for bed, I felt a mix of fear and determination. The future was uncertain, but one thing was clear—we would face it together, united in our resolve to protect Hogwarts and defeat Voldemort.

The night before the final battle, we gathered in the Room of Requirement, which had transformed into a comfortable space for us to talk and strategize. The air was thick with anticipation, and we knew that the hours ahead would be critical.

Harry stood in the center of the room, looking around at us with a determined expression. "Tomorrow, we face the greatest challenge of our lives. But we're not alone. We have each other, and we have the strength to overcome this."

Hermione stepped forward, her eyes shining with resolve. "We've faced danger before, and we've come out stronger. This time will be no different. We will protect Hogwarts and each other."

Ron grinned, his usual humor shining through despite the tension. "And we've got the element of surprise. Voldemort won't know what hit him."

We laughed, the tension easing slightly. But the seriousness of the situation was not lost on us. We knew that tomorrow would be a turning point, and we had to be ready.

As we sat together, planning our strategies and sharing stories, I felt a sense of camaraderie that was unbreakable. We were more than friends; we were a family, united by our mission and our determination to protect the people and the place we loved.

The night passed slowly, each minute stretching into an eternity. But as dawn approached, we felt a renewed sense of purpose. We were ready to face whatever came our way.

The final battle for Hogwarts had begun. The castle was under attack, and the air was filled with the sounds of spells and shouts. The Order of the Phoenix, the faculty, and the students fought bravely, determined to defend their home.

We moved through the chaos, our wands at the ready. The battle was fierce, but we fought with everything we had, our bond giving us strength.

As we faced wave after wave of Death Eaters, I felt a sense of clarity. We were doing this for each other, for Hogwarts, and for the future. And no matter what happened, we would stand together.

In the midst of the battle, we found ourselves facing Malfoy once again. He looked exhausted and defeated, but there was a spark of determination in his eyes.

"Draco," Harry called out, his voice steady. "It's not too late. Join us. Help us end this."

Malfoy hesitated, his wand shaking in his hand. For a moment, it seemed like he might surrender. But then, with a cry of desperation, he turned and cast a spell, the force of it knocking us back.

We regrouped quickly, determined not to let him escape. The battle raged on around us, but we focused on Malfoy, knowing that he held the key to ending this.

Finally, we managed to corner him. Harry stepped forward, his wand aimed at Malfoy. "It's over, Draco. Surrender now, and we can help you."

Malfoy looked around, his eyes filled with fear and uncertainty. But then, with a deep breath, he lowered his wand. "Alright," he said softly. "I surrender."

We quickly disarmed him and led him to Dumbledore, who looked at Malfoy with a mix of sadness and relief. "You've made the right choice, Draco," he said gently. "We will protect you."

With Malfoy's surrender, the tide of the battle began to turn. The Death Eaters, seeing their plans unravel, started to retreat. The defenders of Hogwarts pressed on, their determination unwavering.

As the sun rose over the castle, the sounds of battle began to fade. The final confrontation with Voldemort was at hand, and we knew that this was the moment of truth.

We gathered in the Great Hall, our eyes on Harry as he faced Voldemort. The tension was palpable, but we stood together, ready to support our friend in the final showdown.

With a final, powerful spell, Harry defeated Voldemort, the dark lord's body collapsing to the ground. The battle was over, and Hogwarts was safe.

The aftermath was filled with relief and sorrow. We had won, but the cost was high. Friends and loved ones had fallen, and the scars of the battle would remain with us forever.

But as we looked around at the survivors, we knew that we had done the right thing. We had protected Hogwarts, and we had stood together against the darkness.

In the days that followed, we began to rebuild. The castle was damaged, but the spirit of Hogwarts was unbroken. We worked tirelessly, determined to restore our home to its former glory.

And as we stood together, looking out over the rebuilt castle, we knew that we had forged a bond that would never be broken. We had faced the darkness and emerged stronger, united in our love for each other and for Hogwarts.

The future was uncertain, but one thing was clear—we would face it together, ready to protect the people and the place we loved.