
Harry Potter Self-Insert

Support me: https://www.patreon.com/NeverluckySMILE Oliver Evans, a young wizard with a mysterious past, finds himself reborn into the world of Harry Potter with knowledge of the future. As he navigates the halls of Hogwarts, Oliver befriends Harry, Ron, and Hermione, striving to balance his desire to help with the need to let events unfold naturally.

NeverluckySMILE · 書籍·文学
33 Chs

Chapter 13: Uncovering the Web

As dawn broke over Hogwarts, the tension from the previous night lingered like a dark cloud. Our encounter with the hooded figure in the Astronomy Tower had shaken us to our core. We knew Malfoy was deeply entangled in Voldemort's plans, but the urgency in the hooded figure's voice suggested something more immediate and perilous.

Determined to uncover more, we gathered in the Room of Requirement after breakfast. The room adapted to our needs, providing a round table and comfortable chairs. Maps of Hogwarts were spread out before us, along with the Marauder's Map and various books on defensive spells and dark magic.

"We need to be strategic," Harry began, his eyes serious. "Malfoy is under a lot of pressure, and if we push too hard, he might do something drastic."

Hermione nodded, flipping through a book on advanced charms. "We need to know more about the hooded figure. If we can identify him, we might understand their plan better."

Ron leaned back, staring at the Marauder's Map. "We should also figure out if there are any other places in the castle he's been sneaking off to. The Astronomy Tower can't be the only spot."

"I agree," I said, feeling a mix of determination and fear. "We need to track his movements more closely. And we should think about how we can safely confront him, or at least intercept his plans."

The day was spent in intense planning. We divided tasks among ourselves: Harry and Ron would continue monitoring Malfoy's movements with the Marauder's Map, Hermione would research any known associates of Voldemort who might be the hooded figure, and I would gather information from the other students discreetly, trying to piece together any rumors or sightings that could be relevant.

As evening fell, I found myself in the library, scanning the shelves for any books that might help us. I wasn't alone; several students were studying for upcoming exams. Among them was Luna Lovegood, her wide, dreamy eyes following the path of a floating book she had enchanted to hover just above her head.

"Luna," I called softly, not wanting to startle her.

She turned, her serene smile widening. "Oh, hello. Have you found the Crumple-Horned Snorkack yet?"

"Not yet," I replied, smiling at her unique perspective. "But I was wondering if you've heard any interesting rumors lately. Anything about Malfoy or unusual activities around the castle?"

Luna's expression grew thoughtful. "There have been whispers about Draco, yes. Some of the Ravenclaws think he's been practicing dark magic. And there's been talk of strange meetings late at night, though no one's seen much."

"Meetings?" I pressed gently. "Do you know where?"

She nodded, her gaze distant. "They say the Room of Hidden Things, but it's just a rumor. Few know how to find it."

I thanked Luna and returned to the Room of Requirement with this new information. "The Room of Hidden Things," I announced as I walked in. "It's another name for the Room of Requirement. Luna mentioned it's rumored to be a place where people hide things they don't want found."

Hermione's eyes lit up with understanding. "Of course! The Room of Requirement can change its form based on what you need. If Malfoy needs a place to hide something or work in secret, it would adapt to his needs."

Harry leaned forward, the pieces falling into place. "That's where he's been going. We need to find a way to access the room while he's using it."

"We'll need to be careful," Ron added. "If we're caught in there, who knows what Malfoy might do."

That night, we put our plan into action. Using the Marauder's Map, we waited until Malfoy was on the move. When his dot approached the seventh floor, we hurried to follow, keeping a safe distance. We watched as he paced back and forth in front of the blank stretch of wall, and to our amazement, a door appeared.

Malfoy glanced around cautiously before slipping inside. We waited for a few moments, our hearts pounding, before approaching the door ourselves. Harry took a deep breath and paced in front of the wall, thinking hard about needing to find what Malfoy was hiding.

To our relief, the door reappeared. We entered quietly, and the sight that greeted us was overwhelming. The Room of Hidden Things was vast, filled with mountains of forgotten items, broken furniture, and discarded magical artifacts. It was a maze of secrets.

We moved slowly, trying to locate Malfoy without alerting him to our presence. The room was eerily silent, the only sound our footsteps echoing off the cluttered walls. As we rounded a corner, we saw him.

Malfoy was hunched over a table, muttering to himself as he worked on a complex web of magical devices. His face was pale and strained, his hands shaking slightly as he manipulated the objects before him. It was clear he was under immense pressure.

We crept closer, hiding behind a stack of old trunks to observe. Malfoy was connecting various enchanted objects, a book of dark spells open beside him. He looked exhausted, but there was a fierce determination in his eyes.

Harry motioned for us to retreat, and we quietly slipped back out of the room. Once we were safely in the corridor, we gathered to discuss our next steps.

"He's definitely up to something big," Hermione whispered. "Those objects look like they're part of a larger plan."

"We need to find out what they are," Harry said, his voice tense. "And we need to do it soon."

Over the next few days, we took turns sneaking into the Room of Hidden Things to study the magical devices Malfoy was working on. It was risky, but we knew it was our best chance to stop whatever he was planning.

Hermione's research into the objects revealed that they were part of a complex network designed to amplify and control dark magic. Malfoy was creating a device that could potentially cause immense damage to the school and its inhabitants.

Armed with this knowledge, we decided it was time to confront Malfoy. We couldn't allow him to continue his work. But we needed a plan that wouldn't put us in immediate danger.

"We'll need to isolate him," Harry said during one of our strategy sessions. "Catch him when he's alone and vulnerable."

"We should do it in the Room of Requirement," Hermione suggested. "That way, we have control over the environment."

We set our plan into motion. Using the Marauder's Map, we tracked Malfoy's movements carefully, waiting for the right moment. Finally, one evening, we saw our chance. Malfoy was heading towards the Room of Requirement, and we followed closely.

Harry paced in front of the wall, thinking about needing a place to confront Malfoy. The door appeared, and we slipped inside, waiting in the shadows for him to arrive.

When Malfoy entered the room, he was immediately on edge, sensing something was off. He froze, his hand reaching for his wand, but before he could react, Harry stepped forward, his wand drawn.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry shouted, disarming Malfoy. His wand flew across the room, and Malfoy staggered back, his eyes wide with fear and anger.

"What are you doing here?" Malfoy demanded, his voice shaking.

"We know what you're up to, Draco," Harry said, his voice steady. "We know about the device you're building."

Malfoy's face turned pale. "You have no idea what you're talking about."

"Don't lie to us," Hermione said, stepping forward. "We've seen it. We know you're working for Voldemort."

Malfoy's eyes flashed with anger. "You think you can stop me? You have no idea what's at stake."

"Then tell us," I said, trying to keep my voice calm. "Tell us what's going on. Maybe we can help."

For a moment, Malfoy looked torn, as if he wanted to confide in us. But then his expression hardened. "You can't help me. No one can. I have to do this."

Harry shook his head. "You don't have to do this, Draco. There are other ways. Let us help you."

Malfoy took a step back, shaking his head. "You don't understand. If I fail, he'll kill me. He'll kill my family."

"We can protect you," Hermione said urgently. "Dumbledore can protect you."

But Malfoy was beyond reason. He turned and fled the room, leaving us standing there, frustrated and helpless.

"We can't let him go through with this," Harry said, his voice determined. "We need to stop him, whatever it takes."

The following days were a whirlwind of activity. We informed Dumbledore of our findings, and he intensified his efforts to uncover Voldemort's plans. The Order of the Phoenix was put on high alert, and security around Hogwarts was tightened.

Despite our vigilance, Malfoy continued to evade us. He became more secretive, more paranoid, and the tension in the castle grew. It felt like we were on the brink of something catastrophic, and we were running out of time.

One night, as we were patrolling the corridors, we heard a commotion near the Astronomy Tower. Rushing to the scene, we found Malfoy cornered by several members of the Order, his face pale with fear.

Dumbledore stepped forward, his expression stern but compassionate. "Draco, it's over. Surrender now, and we can help you."

Malfoy looked around, his eyes wild.

"You don't understand. I have to do this."

But as he raised his wand, ready to cast a spell, a figure emerged from the shadows. It was Snape.

"Draco," Snape said softly. "Listen to him. This isn't the way."

For a moment, it seemed like Malfoy might listen. But then, with a cry of desperation, he turned and ran, disappearing into the night.

We stood there, stunned and frustrated. Dumbledore's expression was one of deep sadness. "We must be prepared for whatever comes next," he said quietly. "The darkness is growing, and we must be ready to face it."

As we walked back to the common room, the weight of our mission pressed heavily on us. We had uncovered part of the web of Voldemort's plan, but the full scope remained hidden in shadows. And as long as Malfoy remained out there, a pawn in Voldemort's game, the threat to Hogwarts—and to all of us—loomed larger than ever.