
Harry Potter Self-Insert

Support me: https://www.patreon.com/NeverluckySMILE Oliver Evans, a young wizard with a mysterious past, finds himself reborn into the world of Harry Potter with knowledge of the future. As he navigates the halls of Hogwarts, Oliver befriends Harry, Ron, and Hermione, striving to balance his desire to help with the need to let events unfold naturally.

NeverluckySMILE · 書籍·文学
33 Chs

Chapter 11: Unseen Threats

The revelation that Malfoy might have set up multiple Vanishing Cabinets weighed heavily on us. The Room of Requirement felt more foreboding now, its secrets more dangerous. We decided to keep our discovery to ourselves for the time being, not wanting to alarm the entire school without concrete evidence.

Over the next few days, we continued our surveillance of Malfoy. He remained as elusive as ever, but there were moments—fleeting glances, hurried whispers—that hinted at his anxiety. He was clearly on edge, and it made us more determined to uncover his full plan.

One afternoon, as we were leaving Charms class, Luna Lovegood approached us. Her dreamy expression was as serene as always, but there was a hint of urgency in her eyes.

"Hello, everyone," she said, her voice soft and ethereal. "I've heard some rather interesting things about Draco Malfoy. Would you like to hear?"

Harry nodded, his curiosity piqued. "What have you heard, Luna?"

She tilted her head slightly, her radish earrings swaying. "The Crumple-Horned Snorkack told me that Draco's been visiting the Astronomy Tower quite frequently. Late at night, when everyone else is asleep."

Ron raised an eyebrow. "The Astronomy Tower? What's he doing up there?"

Luna shrugged. "The Snorkacks didn't say. But it might be worth a look, don't you think?"

Despite Luna's eccentric source of information, we knew better than to dismiss her outright. Her insights had proven valuable before, and if Malfoy was sneaking around the Astronomy Tower, it warranted investigation.

That night, we waited until the castle was silent and still. With our wands hidden under our robes, we made our way through the dark corridors, taking care to avoid Filch and Mrs. Norris. The air was cold and crisp, the only sound our soft footsteps echoing off the stone walls.

Reaching the base of the Astronomy Tower, we paused. Harry motioned for us to stay quiet, and we began our ascent, each step cautious and deliberate. As we neared the top, the faint murmur of voices drifted down to us.

We crept closer, peeking around the corner. There, silhouetted against the night sky, stood Malfoy, speaking in hushed tones to a figure shrouded in shadows. We strained to hear their conversation.

"...needs to be ready soon," the shadowed figure said, their voice low and gravelly. "The Dark Lord is growing impatient."

"I'm doing everything I can," Malfoy replied, his voice tinged with desperation. "But the repairs are complicated. I need more time."

"You don't have more time, Draco," the figure snapped. "If you fail, there will be consequences."

Malfoy's shoulders slumped. "I understand. I'll get it done."

The figure stepped back into the shadows, disappearing from view. Malfoy lingered for a moment, his expression conflicted, before turning and descending the stairs. We waited until he was out of sight before stepping into the open.

"Did you hear that?" Hermione whispered, her eyes wide with concern. "He's under immense pressure from Voldemort."

Harry nodded grimly. "We need to figure out what he's working on. If it's not just the Vanishing Cabinets, there could be something else at play."

Ron frowned. "But how? We can't follow him everywhere, and he's clearly getting more careful."

I glanced around the tower, my mind racing. "What if we set up a watch? Take turns keeping an eye on him, especially at night. He's bound to slip up eventually."

"Good idea," Hermione said. "We'll need to be discreet, but it's worth a try."

Over the next week, we established a rotating watch. Each of us took turns shadowing Malfoy, staying hidden but close enough to observe his movements. It was exhausting, but our determination kept us going.

One night, it was my turn to watch. I followed Malfoy as he slipped out of the Slytherin common room and made his way to an unused classroom on the third floor. He entered the room, and I crept closer, pressing my ear to the door.

Inside, I could hear him muttering incantations and the faint hum of magical energy. My heart pounded as I realized he was working on something significant. I peered through a crack in the door and saw him hunched over a table, a complex array of magical objects spread out before him.

Suddenly, he paused, his head snapping up as if sensing something. I quickly stepped back, my breath catching in my throat. Moments later, he exited the room, his expression wary. I remained hidden, watching as he hurried back to the dungeons.

I rejoined my friends in the common room, recounting what I had seen. Harry's eyes narrowed. "Whatever he's working on, it's not just the Vanishing Cabinets. We need to find out what those objects are."

Hermione nodded, her face determined. "Tomorrow, we'll investigate that classroom. If we can understand what Malfoy is doing, we might be able to stop him."

The next day, during a free period, we made our way to the third-floor classroom. With a flick of her wand, Hermione unlocked the door, and we slipped inside. The room was exactly as I had seen it, the magical objects still laid out on the table.

We spread out, examining the items. There were books of dark magic, enchanted mirrors, and various potions bubbling softly. Hermione picked up a particularly old and worn book, her eyes scanning the pages.

"This is advanced dark magic," she murmured. "He's trying to create something—something powerful and dangerous."

Harry's face hardened. "We need to take this to Dumbledore. He'll know what to do."

Gathering the most crucial items, we hurried to Dumbledore's office. As we explained what we had found, his expression grew serious. He took the objects from us, studying them intently.

"You've done well," he said, his voice grave. "This confirms our fears that Draco is involved in more than just repairing the Vanishing Cabinet. I will investigate this further. In the meantime, continue your vigilance. The fight against darkness is far from over."

Leaving Dumbledore's office, we felt a mix of apprehension and determination. We had uncovered a new layer of Malfoy's plan, but the full extent of Voldemort's schemes remained shrouded in mystery. Yet, as long as we stood together, we knew we could face whatever came next.