
Harry Potter Self-Insert

Support me: https://www.patreon.com/NeverluckySMILE Oliver Evans, a young wizard with a mysterious past, finds himself reborn into the world of Harry Potter with knowledge of the future. As he navigates the halls of Hogwarts, Oliver befriends Harry, Ron, and Hermione, striving to balance his desire to help with the need to let events unfold naturally.

NeverluckySMILE · 書籍·文学
33 Chs

Chapter 10: Secrets Unveiled

The days following our confrontation with Malfoy and the Death Eaters in the Shrieking Shack were filled with tense anticipation. The knowledge that Voldemort's plans had been partially thwarted brought us some relief, but we knew the danger was far from over.

We spent our time studying for classes and keeping a close eye on Malfoy. Though he had been subdued, we knew his role in Voldemort's schemes wasn't over. Every moment felt like we were waiting for the next shoe to drop.

One evening, as we sat in the common room, Hermione was buried in her books, her brow furrowed in concentration. Harry, Ron, and I were discussing our next steps when Hermione suddenly looked up, a determined glint in her eyes.

"I've been thinking about the Vanishing Cabinets," she said. "We need to find out how Malfoy managed to repair it. There must be someone who knows more about them."

Harry nodded. "Do you think Borgin and Burkes might have something? That's where Malfoy was seen during the summer."

"Possibly," Hermione replied. "But we need more than speculation. We need proof."

Ron leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful look on his face. "What about Kreacher? He's been at Grimmauld Place for years. He might know something useful."

Harry's eyes widened. "That's a good idea. Kreacher might have overheard something or seen something we can use."

We decided to summon Kreacher and see what he knew. The next day, we found a secluded spot and Harry called the house-elf. With a pop, Kreacher appeared, looking as surly as ever.

"Master called?" Kreacher grumbled, eyeing us with disdain.

"Kreacher, we need your help," Harry said firmly. "Do you know anything about Vanishing Cabinets or any conversations about them?"

Kreacher's eyes flickered with a mix of reluctance and curiosity. "Kreacher has heard whispers in the old days. Master Regulus spoke of dark artifacts and hidden ways. Kreacher does not remember all, but he will try."

The house-elf closed his eyes, his brow furrowing in concentration. After a moment, he began to speak, his voice low and raspy. "There were talks, yes. Dark wizards used Vanishing Cabinets to move unseen. Master Regulus spoke of them, but Kreacher never saw one himself."

"Do you know where we might find more information?" Hermione asked gently.

Kreacher hesitated before replying. "There are books in the Black family library. Dark books, hidden books. Perhaps there is something there."

"Thank you, Kreacher," Harry said. "That's very helpful."

With another pop, Kreacher disappeared, leaving us to contemplate our next move.

"We need to get to Grimmauld Place," Hermione said. "If there are books that can help us understand more about the Vanishing Cabinets, we have to find them."

"Agreed," Harry said. "We'll plan a trip as soon as possible."

Over the next few days, we arranged our visit to Grimmauld Place. With the help of the Order, we secured a safe passage to the old house. Arriving at Grimmauld Place felt like stepping back into a dark memory. The house was as gloomy and foreboding as ever, but it was also filled with potential secrets waiting to be uncovered.

We headed straight for the library, a vast room lined with shelves of old, dusty tomes. Hermione immediately set to work, scanning the titles and pulling out books that looked promising. Harry, Ron, and I joined her, each of us delving into the texts with a sense of urgency.

Hours passed as we pored over the ancient books. Finally, Hermione let out a triumphant gasp. "I've found something!"

We gathered around her as she pointed to a passage in a thick, leather-bound book. "This talks about Vanishing Cabinets and how they work. It also mentions a spell to detect if a cabinet is connected to another."

Harry's eyes lit up. "That's exactly what we need. We can use this to find any other connections Malfoy might have set up."

With renewed determination, we copied the spell and committed it to memory. We returned to Hogwarts, ready to put our new knowledge to use.

That night, we gathered in the Room of Requirement, the Vanishing Cabinet looming before us. Hermione cast the detection spell, and a faint glow surrounded the cabinet, revealing a series of magical connections.

"There are more," she whispered, her eyes wide. "Malfoy might have set up other cabinets."

We knew then that our fight was far from over. The discovery of more connections meant that Voldemort's plans were more extensive than we had realized. But with this new information, we had a chance to stay one step ahead.

As we left the Room of Requirement, a sense of determination filled the air. The battle against the darkness was far from over, but we were ready to face whatever came next, together.