
Chapter 16: Flying Class

It was fun, during the weekend in addition to doing the daily activities I tried to develop my skills and it seems that I am getting a result, it is not clear yet, but I am creating a new function for my blood magic. So too with my training my [blood manipulation] is constantly improving, not as much in precise control as I would like, but I have increased the maximum distance where I can apply my control.

Nothing very remarkable happened in some respects. My travels to the Ravenclaw table have brought me closer to the people there, Penelope is a good anchor and every so often we talk over dinner or in the library if we cross paths. Percy has asked me about her seeing that we get along, but I couldn't give him any good news, Penelope hasn't talked to him about starting a relationship yet and he's getting impatient and is about to ask him soon.

I was also able to meet Cho Chang, she moved away from me a little because of my powerful presence, she was not the previous time when several people could see my true appearance, but with the help of some fellow first-years she has come closer and because of the curious about me. Like many other people, we managed to strike up small conversations once or twice.

Apart from talking about my appearance, life in Slytherin, or some gossip, with Ravenclaw we found a common language of knowledge. Except when Hermione is in the same class as me, I'm one of the people who earn the most points for answering questions or for my practical skills. It's not that Hermione knows more than me and she's better than me, I just lets her do it so she doesn't feel pressure to be with me. She has complained about it, but in part, I know that she enjoys having her moment in the sun.

With Tracey and Millicent I also got along well, I usually ask them for homework whenever I need it in exchange for some cakes or other treats that I have with me. Usually, when I meet them I also have to put up with the possible teasing that Pansy can throw at me, although she loses out most of the time, this has frustrated her and she has started to support Draco more every time he is in front of me for Something.

Pansy has tried to get closer to him because of that, causing the discontent of her two friends, that issue is still not resolved and they have been in a cold fight since then, they have not separated at all, but there is that possibility.

And what has puzzled me the most so far is that at the only table I don't visit, the Hufflepuff table, I thought I saw something unusual, possibly someone who shouldn't be here. That distinctive hair color... I can't be sure, it may be someone else with particular hair color, I mean, can see that mine isn't normal, but... if it's who I'm thinking of... then I don't know why it would still be at Hogwarts. I guess I'll leave it for later...

Out of all that there is something recognizable, on the bulletin board of the common room a notice appeared in which they told us that on Thursday our flying practices would begin together with Gryffindor.

When this notice appeared most of the first-year Slytherin boys were excited, they also complained about not being able to bring their own brooms, everyone here was 'experts' or that was what they called themselves. They all exhibited themselves as veteran fliers, as they are from noble families they had access to brooms from very early on, almost everyone here had flown at least once before.

Draco made fun of me and my poverty, 'that the reason for not allowing us to bring brooms the first year is so that people like me don't feel bad' and others...

On the other hand, the girls had different opinions. Pansy hailed Draco as the best and most talented kid ever to ride a broomstick, capable of being a famous Quidditch player, and who could sweep the floor with me, further feeding the bratty stupid kid's ego.

Daphne was not interested, raised as a noble lady, she must always look beautiful and elegant, although she believes that it is necessary to learn to fly, she has no fascination for sports and activities that include physical contact or that are strenuous and vulgar. Even though Quidditch is famous in the wizarding world, she prefers watching it overplaying it.

Tracey was excited, it seems her parents didn't let her fly much and she's a very lively and active girl, so she's looking forward to being able to fly and burn off some energy. Millicent has no particular opinion, neither acclaims nor despises it.

It wasn't just in Slytherin, at the Gryffindor table there was also this boasting by those from the wizarding world. It got very annoying at these kids' bragging, but on the other hand, it was quite cute to see Hermione flustered.

At this time, the anxious girl was in the great hall reading about the history of Quidditch and looking at the notes she had made from various books on the subject while she ate her lunch.

"So? Did you find something to cure the fear of heights?" I whispered in her ear.

"I'm not afraid of heights… I'm just nervous about flying, it's my first time…and don't say anything perverted about my first time" she complained.

This girl learned fast. For a time I have bothered her quite a bit and now she knows exactly what things she says about her can lead me to make fun of her, so as in this case she started stopping me before I started. My girl has grown up, damn, I don't have as much fun as before, it was only two weeks, she learned too fast.

"You shouldn't worry so much. What's the worst that can happen?"

"To be so nervous that I fall off the broom while I'm in the air" she answered me with trembling sincerity.

"Don't worry, that's what I'm here for, right?" When I said that she clearly relaxed a bit and had some assurance, "Rest assured that if you die I'll make sure you get buried with your puppy"

"I don't have a puppy" she was disgusted to see that I wasn't really comforting her.

"Well, I'll get one and kill it to bury them together"

She was annoyed with my dark sense of humor, but she already knew me, even so I could see how my joke relaxed her a lot, she no longer had the initial nerves and a subtle smile could be seen. Not that I am an expert in comedy, well maybe she is now, because all those negative emotions removed, and that funny feeling was caused by the new ability that appeared when I finished saying those words.

[Auras and Essences: Obtained "Joker Essence"]

-As long as a joke/teasing/joke is not intended to be offensive, do not give the impression of being offensive. In addition to appearing funny, as long as it has a small part that can be interpreted as comical-

It seems that I will finally stop offending people with my humor, well whenever I want, it would be bad if I tried to insult someone and that seemed funny to them.

In addition to Hermione, Neville was also seen holding a cup with trembling hands, afraid of the flying lesson. But this was stopped by the messenger owls, Neville got a package that took him out of his nervousness.

When Neville opened the small package sent by his grandmother, he saw that it was a remembrall, a small crystal ball filled with white smoke. I never understood this object, if it doesn't tell you that you forgot what it is for, just to make you nervous because you forgot something, and if you forgot something from a week ago does it show it or not?

"It's a remembrall !" Neville explained to his classmates, "Grandma knows I forget things and this tells you if there's something she forgot to do. Look, you hold it like this, tight, and if it turns red... oh..." remembrall it was dyed with a scarlet glow "... it is that you have forgotten something..."

See, there you have it, being Neville he can be anything, he could spend all day remembering that he forgot, and even if he did remember the color wouldn't change because he forgot something else. It only serves to stress him out more.

After that came Malfoy, luckily I was away, and saved me from having to put up with him. As in the original story, Malfoy took Neville's remembrall with which Harry and Ron jumped to defend him and thanks to the timely appearance of McGonagall Malfoy had to flee.

After lunch and a bit of time trying to comfort Hermione, as well as using my power to calm her down with her permission, it was time for flying class.

I went early, like the other Slytherin, the Gryffindor hadn't arrived yet. If you saw me you would notice that I am separated from all the tumult of children, they do not want to approach me and I do not want to have to put up with their boasts. The story that Malfoy almost collided with a helicopter has not stopped being heard, and even now he's counting it again.

"I once flew and swallowed a mosquito" I said out loud.

When I said that, everyone started looking at me weirdly.

"That's how stupid everything you're bragging sounds like" I told them after I couldn't stand their stories anymore.

"What do you know Weasley" Malfoy yelled at me with his chest puffed out ready to try to humiliate me or something.

"I know that if you actually almost collided with a Helicopter, there would be the possibility that its propellers would have split you in two, but maybe it's for the best that it hasn't happened. Who would support two parts of a Malfoy? With one I almost threw myself off the astronomy tower"You shut up Weasley, you won't even be a thousandth of a match to Draco in flying skills, it would be a surprise if you didn't fall off your broom before it hit the ground," Pansy snorted.

"Don't worry, follower of Malfoy number 3, I'm not talking to you, who at least answers to someone with higher status, maybe number 1 or 2"

The fight was going to continue when the Gryffindor arrived, when they arrived they saw that there seemed to be an argument, but they did not intervene, they only spoke in whispers, well almost all of them.

"Red, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Hermione wondered, seeing how I was isolated and being targeted by almost every other Slytherin.

"Yes, just putting up with some assholes"

"What's wrong Weasley, your girlfriend has to defend you" said Blaise Zabini, or follower of Malfoy number 4 in my opinion.

Hermione turned a little red upon hearing that. It's funny that with everything I make fun of her she doesn't get as uncomfortable as before, but when she hears it from others she gets like a tomato. It seems like she hasn't gotten any better at her cheekiness, she just got used to me.

"See, some assholes" I told her waving my hand as in a demonstration.

"Yes, I can see it," Hermione complained.

She may be embarrassed, but my presence has caused her to become more self-assured, in an 'embarrassed but confident' way. We couldn't continue with the discussion, since it came to Professor Hooch, I must say that her yellow eyes are striking and beautiful in a certain sense, if she gives the feeling of being like an eagle. She got in front of all of us with the broom and yelled at her.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Each one next to a broom. Come on, quickly" said the teacher who caused the tumult of children to order.

Each of us stood next to a broom, they looked old and chipped, if they weren't afraid of falling maybe you should be afraid of getting a splinter in your buttocks. I stood in a corner, or rather it was the place where the other children pushed me away, but I wasn't alone, Hermione positioned herself on the broom next to me to keep me company.

This didn't sit well with the Slytherin on this side of the brooms, but I switched places with her, putting her on the last broom, while I stood as a divider between her and the snakes.

"Extend your right hand on the broom" Mrs. Hooch instructed us "and say 'up'"

"UP" I said along with everyone else, and the broom climbed into my hand somewhat unsteadily.

I know why it doesn't work so well, I have my clone activated, and my mental capacity and control of magic power are reduced. If I were alone, the broom would open up to my hand fast and stable, possibly better than everyone here due to the improvements caused by my abilities. Another thing to note is if the flaws caused by having the clone caused problems on my flight, maybe I should disable it.

Looking to my side, I could see a Hermione with a broom at her feet that just rolled on the floor. I put my free hand on her shoulder causing her to look at me, our eyes met for a moment and she ended up nodding, then now with her consent I used her [Calm] on her. I could see her relaxing and letting go of her worry, she no longer felt tense that she couldn't get it, and when she was about to call the broom once more I changed [Calm] to [Fury] causing her tone to change. It was strong and with some anger, but in the end, it worked, and the broom went up to his hand, although with a lot of force since he could see how it vibrated in his grip.

To lift the broom, you need magical power to make it work and move in the air, and mental power to direct your intentions to the broom and know when and where to get up. With [Calm] I made her relax so she could have the power to give directions to the broom with her mental strength, and with [Fury] I made her emotions alter to make her magic power go a bit out of control and explode with more force than normal.

It worked, but I could see how she looked a bit tired, it seemed like forcing her to use more power than normal caused her to get a bit exhausted. But she was happy and whispered "Thank you" to me, and that was enough for me.

Sometimes I don't realize how easy it is to feel good. Currently, I'm more emotional, it's like it changes every moment, at times I'm completely serious like in my childhood, at others, I'm a manipulative person, then someone who enjoys seeing Hermione's expressions change when I tease her…somehow I don't think it's healthy. Maybe by having my consciousness split with my clone... Is my personality splitting? Or maybe I'm thinking too much and it's just puberty, I don't know, I have no idea what puberty is like for a blood mage.

With everyone already with our brooms in our hands, the teacher taught us how to mount them, about our position and how we held them. Malfoy was reprimanded for wanting to show off, it seems that his vulgar way of flying is not the standard method, how sad it is to know that everything you presumed to others was wrong hahaha.

On the other hand, Professor Hooch congratulated me for being able to put myself in a very good posture and manage to perform all the movements perfectly. With my [Learning] ability along with my improved body, it becomes very easy for me to adapt to her ways and teachings.

"Now, when I blow my whistle, you kick hard," said Mrs. Hooch "Hold your brooms steady, go up a meter or two, and then come down gently. Ready... three... two..."

While listening to that, my eyes can't help but look towards where Neville was. Some things don't change, maybe there is a force that makes the world follow a certain line, or maybe my presence in this world hasn't brought significant differences to alter things like this. As the teacher was about to blow the whistle, Neville, being nervous, kicked the ground earlier than expected and began to rise.

"Come back, boy!" The teacher yelled at him, but Neville kept going up. He looked pale and either the fear did not let him listen to the teacher or he did not allow him to react. After climbing several meters, his body began to lean to one side and ended up falling from the broom.

I was ready to react, but this was the moment, since I arrived I tried to be somewhat discreet, but I don't want to anymore, I want to be able to do things in front of everyone without bothering to hide it. Now I can see that if it's puberty that's happening to me, the half-idiot phase of my life comes back to me. The feeling that I should do things without caring about the consequences, 'as I had forgotten'.

As Neville fell and everyone watched as he did so without reacting, in just those seconds, I moved my hand towards the place where I would land and a large bloody liquid mass came out from around my arm forming a wave on the ground that moved to that place to remain as if it were a gigantic drop of blood on the ground.

Neville ended up falling where that 'bloody cushion' was and cushioned his fall, but he ended up going into the liquid as if he was entering a swimming pool. I pulled my hand back hard, causing the blood to rush back to me and disappear when it came in contact with me, though not all of it.

One flaw of my lack of control is that every time the blood comes into contact with another object, depending on the integration with the object, it will be more difficult for me to handle it, so there will be a part of it that I can't get back together without a lot of effort. Like now, for example, Neville's clothes are stained red by the blood that was impregnated in them, and I couldn't recover.

They all stared at me, some at my quick action rescuing Neville and others like Mrs. Hooch realizing it wasn't magic I used or normal magic. When I noticed how her nose twitched a little, I knew that she had realized that it was due to the smell, as well as others who were closer to the place also noticed how it smelled.

That is a defect that bothered me too. When I practiced with my magic I ended up impregnating myself with that smell and my mother reproached me for it although she could never know where it came from. Before I learned how to use the cleansing spell myself, I would ask Xenophilius to cast it on me every time I went to his house to practice.

Neville was fine, he didn't get hurt, as it broke his fall. He doesn't break his wrist like in the original, but when he saw the blood on his clothes, he turned pale and fainted. The teacher came over to check how he was doing and noticed that it was blood that covered him and looked at me.

"He's fine, he just passed out from fright" I told her as I scratched my head.

"I'm going to take the boy to the hospital wing to make sure he's okay, you must not move from here. Leave the brooms where they are, if I see someone riding their broom you will be out of Hogwarts faster than you can say quidditch" She said and took out her wand to levitate Neville and take him to the castle.

As the teacher left, Hermione approached me.

"Red, what was that you did?" She asked me.

"Well, what you saw, my personal magic"

"Again with 'my personal magic' you have already told me that several times"

"It's because it's true, every magic I've shown you is part of it, the clone, the manipulation of emotions and this has always been the same magic, 'Blood Magic'"

She was silent for a moment before getting worried and asking me.

"You can't do that. Isn't that black magic?"

"If I use it to do bad things maybe it can be considered that way, but it's not. If it's something, it would be... Red magic? It doesn't belong to any known magic, it's my own magic, it was born with me so don't worry"

Several people looked at us, I didn't speak too loud so they couldn't hear me, but several people were curious about the magic I used.

As I said that, I put my broom on the ground, took out my wand, and cast a spell on him. The broom rose a few tens of centimeters in the air and then remained static, at that moment I sat on it and took out some candies to eat from my inventory.

"What are you doing Red, we can't fly our brooms, you'll be expelled" Hermione worried as she looked at me on my broom forgetting her earlier concern about my blood magic.

"I'm not flying. The teacher might be a little late, so I thought I'd better have a seat. Come sit with me" I said as I patted the broomstick to my left.

"But it's not good?" She hesitated, not knowing if that was against what the teacher had said.

"Just came"

She resisted a bit, but she ended up coming at me. The others looked at us but didn't say anything for one reason or another, maybe someone wants to tell the teacher in the future to get me in trouble, or maybe my aura won't let them get close. I took out the bag of sweets and handed it over to Hermione.

"We shouldn't eat in class" she said doubtfully.

"Do you see we're in class?" Asked.

She stopped questioning me. She was conflicted, but with my temptation, she grabbed a piece of candy and started eating quite tense, as if she was doing something wrong and about to get caught. But that didn't matter now because an arrogant voice catches our attention.

"Did you see the face of that big chump?" Malfoy scoffed as the other Slytherin laughed in unison.

"Shut up!" "Yeah shut up Malfoy" Parvati said followed by Lavander. Compared to me, Malfoy wasn't that scary and they stood up to him with no problem.

"Oh, are they in love with Longbottom?" Said Pansy Parkinson, causing the girls to blush and couldn't answer "I didn't think they would like fat whiners"

"At least they have better taste than yours" I told Pansy from a distance.

"What's up Weasley, again defending the Gryffindor, it seems that you really like the girls there, are you collecting kittens?" Pansy came up to me and argued with me.

"It could be true, unlike you, I like kittens instead of worms" I said as I caressed Hermione's chin with one hand causing her to startle and quickly move away angrily. I also directed my gaze towards Malfoy, Pansy could understand who I was referring to with 'Worm' and got angry, she was ready to insult me ​​again, but my gaze was still on Malfoy.

Malfoy didn't complain to me about what I said to Parkinson because he had moved while we were talking. I could see how he was approaching where Neville fell and picking up something from the ground, I can't believe even that hasn't changed.

"Look!" He said to her while holding a small sphere "It's that stupid thing Longbottom's gran sent him" holding the memory stick in his hand.

"Give that here, Malfoy" Harry yelled at him.

Everyone stopped talking to look at them, no one has focused on me or Pansy anymore, no one cared about it, well maybe Pansy, since she seems to be left unsatisfied, but she went to Malfoy's side like a good watchdog.

"I think I'm going to leave it somewhere for Longbottom to look for it... What do you think... in the top of a tree?" He said with a mischievous smile.

"Bring it here!" Harry roared, but Malfoy had climbed on his broomstick and was flying away from him and, from the highest branches of an oak tree, called "Come get it, Potter!"

Harry had gotten on his broom so he could chase after Malfoy.

"No!" Hermione yelled, jumping off my broom to address Harry. "Mrs. Hooch said not to move. You're going to get us into trouble"

But Harry didn't hear her and flew off to chase after Malfoy. Unable to stop him, she came running towards me.

"Red, you have to do something"


"They're going to get us in trouble and because of what the teacher said, they could be expelled. They're idiots, but they don't deserve that, besides they could fall and get hurt or die" said Hermione. It's weird how she doesn't get along with them, but she still cares, she's a good-hearted girl.

"I can kill them"

"It's not time for you to play, you really have to do something to stop them"

"It's just that I can't think of anything else. With Neville, it was different, with him, I had to act when I fell. They are in the air and if I try to stop them now I could possibly end up throwing them off their brooms and making them fall without being able to react in time to save them"

"But we can't do anything and just watch" she got impatient.

"If you want, I can try to catch them if they fall like Neville, but that's the best I can do."

She realized that the moment they got on the broom and flew away, we couldn't do anything. She sat up and looked worriedly at the skies as she took some candy out of my bag and ate it to try and calm her anxiety.

I, on the other hand, had an idea.

"Hey Pansy, do you want to bet?" I smiled at the girl who was looking up at the sky proudly as if she was the one flying.

"Why would I bet with you?"

"Because if you win, I'd let you take me to a secluded place and cast the three worst spells you can think of without resisting me" I proposed, attracting the girl's attention

"What are we betting on?" She said, forming a big smile on her face upon hearing what I said. We've had a few setbacks, but I've come out on topmost of the time, and she held a grudge against me, so it was very tempting to get revenge in this way.

"I bet Potter would win against Malfoy by getting the Remembrall back."

"Ha, as if it were possible, Potter might be able to fly a little, but he doesn't have the slightest chance" She said, and it was true. Potter flew very easily even if it was the first time, at this moment he was chasing Malfoy in the air.

"Not only that, I bet if they get caught flying, Harry won't be punished and will benefit a lot from what he did." When I said that Hermione grabbed my robes, she looked worried.

"Red, you can't bet that, if she wins you don't know what she can do to you"

"Don't worry, I know I'll win"

"Yes, shut up kitty, the adults are talking, don't bother your owner" Pansy told her excitedly upon hearing my bet "Okay, I'll bet next to Malfoy, you'll see Weasley when he turns you into a smelly pig"

"I still haven't told you what happens if you lose," I reminded her.

"There's no chance I'll lose at this"

"Okay, but just in case, I'll say it. If you lose when we're in the common room, you have to hug me deep for 10 minutes"

"What?! NO! I would never do that" she quickly startled herself.

"Red, why do you request that?" Hermione groaned beside me with judging eyes.

"Shhh I'll explain later" I whispered to Hermione before turning back to Pansy "You already agreed and if you can't bear to hug me that's fine, you can hug Hermione" I said as I wrapped my arm around Hermione by my side and pushed her exposing her in front of her causing both girls to look at each other in confusion or disgust as they considered the idea and then looked at me.

"I would never dare to touch that damned blood…" she tried to say but was interrupted.

"You're afraid of losing that you're already denying yourself, if you think Malfoy may lose and you're worried that we'll touch a bit, then don't waste my time and shut up"

"I'm not afraid of you, I'm betting with you on behalf of the Parkinson family, there's no chance I'll lose, I just hope you don't back down at the last minute" she said confidently, but the moment I looked at the two boys flying into the sky a faint trace of nerves could be seen.

"I swear on behalf of the Weasley family, but I hope you know that if you lose we're going to give each other lots of little hugs" I told her as I smiled at him and moved my arms as if cradling her, causing her great concern.

The girl next to me couldn't wait any longer, and she shook me for my attention. When I looked at her, I realized that she didn't have a good look in her eyes.

"Why do you bet that with her?"

"What's wrong? Jealous? Does Hermione want her hugs too?" I talked to her like a baby as she pulled my arms closer.

"Not!" She said excitedly as she pushed me away from her.

"But I did want hugs from Hermione" I act depressed like a puppy with floppy ears.

"That's enough, why did you do it? It's almost impossible for you to win with the last thing you said, if they find out they're going to be punished, and why did you bet that? Do you like that girl? Why do you want to hug her?"

"I trusted Potter" I told her, although it was a complete lie, trust that if things haven't changed to this point this won't change either. If Potter fails in any way I'll break his legs "and are you sure you're not jealous?"

She got a little upset, but also nervous, more when she saw her roommates were on the side listening to our conversation looking at her strangely. In their eyes, it really seemed as if she was jealous of Parkinson. She at this moment did not seem to know what to do, if she should explain herself to her roommates so that there is no misunderstanding or if she should remain silent to avoid making it worse.

"Shut up, just answer" she couldn't take the pressure and turned back to me to divert the eyes from Lavander and Parvati to me, which worked and with which she could breathe a sigh of relief inside her.

"That girl and I have a certain rivalry, we fight constantly and she is annoying, second only to Malfoy, but at least she is a girl and I can enjoy teasing her"

"and if she hates her, why do you want to hug?"

"Would you like to hug Malfoy or Snape…or a porcupine?"


"That's why"

She kept thinking and looked at the boys who were fighting in the air.

"And if so, why would you do it? Wouldn't you also suffer from that treatment?"

"Between a boy and a girl who would suffer more if they had to hug the other?" when I said this she gave me a judging look again "it doesn't bother me at all, it's more, you could say I'm taking advantage, it's not a girl ugly, just with a somewhat annoying personality. But compared to my situation she hates me and I disgust her, can you imagine her face when she had to hug me, possibly she fainted, I needed a photo..." I told her and when I saw her I could see that she wasn't satisfied with our bet, but she didn't have much time to feel that way, as all around us, there were shouts and cheers, as well as boos and the voice of a girl yelling "No" very loudly.

Despite the lengthy flying skill competition, Harry ended up winning by catching the tape recorder Malfoy tossed into the air.

'Potter, you have saved your legs' I said to myself.

The lions roared with happiness to see how they won against their enemies and Pansy almost fell to her knees screaming when she saw how she lost the bet, on her face, there was horror when she saw me smile.

All of Harry's classmates cheered and patted him on the back, while Malfoy seemed to have eaten a lemon with most of the Slytherin. There were also the Slytherin girls consoling Pansy, they were around when we made the bet and they knew she had lost. Some like Tracey and Millicent showed false concern, they had been a little upset with her for her Malfoy fanaticism so they felt good to see her fail, but it was not what they showed to others.

All those congratulations and consolations would have followed were it not for a loud shout in the distance.

"HARRY POTTER!" Professor McGonagall roared as she was coming toward us.

"Never… in all my time at Hogwarts…" Professor McGonagall was almost speechless with shock, and her glasses flashed with fury "How dare you…? You could have broken your neck…"

"It wasn't your fault, Professor…" Finnigan said.

It wasn't Parvati like in the original story who defended him. She was now beside Lavender away from Potter gossiping and taking a look at Hermione, Pansy, and me as they could hear everything that happened between us and found it more interesting so they weren't focused on Malfoy and Potter.

"Silence Seamus" the teacher shut him up

"But Malfoy…" Ron also tried to defend him.

"Enough is enough, Weasley. Harry Potter, come with me."

All the lions looked worried, including Hermione, on the other hand, the gloating faces of Malfoy and the other snakes were quite strong considering it was only Potter who was led away by the professor.

As for Pansy, she probably had stars in her eyes when she saw Professor McGonagall come screaming, she almost looked like she wanted to jump up and hug her the moment she took Potter away. She sighed heavily and gave me a smug look.

Hermione held on to my clothes looking at me worriedly, I could only pat her shoulders for the moment. I know I didn't lose, but I couldn't say anything until the others could find out that Potter would become the new Gryffindor Seeker, otherwise I would look too suspicious.

After that, Professor Hooch arrived who, in the absence of Potter, asked the students something angry. After only saying that he was taken by Professor McGonagall, the teacher approached me.

"Mr. Weasley, what are you doing riding on his broom?"

"Professor he…he…" Hermione jumped to say something to defend me, but she didn't know what to say in front of the professor.

Many children were happy to see me in this situation. The Gryffindor for seeing that their enemies would also have problems and it wouldn't be just them with Harry, and the Slytherin because they mostly hate me. Pansy seemed to be having a good day, she thought she won the bet, and besides, now I would be punished, so the smile on her face was particularly big.

I pushed Hermione aside as I got up from the broom, and addressed the teacher.

"I'm not riding the broom professor, technically the broom was holding me" I said as I rested my hand on the broomstick pushing it down without being able to move it. Then I took out my wand and undid the spell, causing the broom to fall to the ground to then pick it up "I didn't know how long it would take so I used it as a seat"

"It's alright" She removed her angry look, but she was still serious "By the way, I inform you that your partner Neville is fine, he just passed out, he will be in the hospital wing for a while longer. And to Mr. Weasley for his quick reaction in saving a classmate, I giving you 5 points for Slytherin."

The lions were annoyed at that, and the snakes, though disgusted with me, were most pleased that I was getting points.

The flying lesson continued and at the end of the class flying a little above the ground. Since I was used to flying with Ginny, I didn't have much to learn in this first class, so I made an effort to help Hermione.

To help her overcome her fear of heights, I told her to fly with me on my broomstick and she was very embarrassed and doubtful, she didn't want to do it, but after I asked the teacher for permission, she ended up accepting. As I saved Neville, the teacher granted me this little permission, anyway today's class was a simple low altitude flight and although I wanted the girl to overcome her fear on her own, she did not mind my help after showing her my stability in the broom.

With that, I had in front of me a Hermione on my broom trembling, I used [Calm] on her and we flew a little. With time, she relaxed and was more fluid, but it got difficult again when she received the laughter of the other children mocking her, who said I treated her like a little child. To remedy it, I increased the speed when I approached one of them, so that they lost control a little and got a little scared as revenge. I also took advantage of the situation a bit and hugged the girl in front of me, earning me a few elbows and reprimands from her, damn hormones.

With that the class ends, with a Pansy happy to think that she had won and could take revenge on me, with me happy to be able to break Pansy's illusion when she finds out that she lost and to be able to take advantage of Hermione a little, and with Hermione with the head lowered and red from having had such close contact with me. It was a great day.