
Harry potter reborn in Game of Thrones

Harry James Potter sat in the Headmaster's chair at Hogwarts with a ring on his fingers, a wand in his hand and a cloak wrapped around him, slowly he closed his eyes, and the next thing he knew a blonde bombshell of a woman and a massive black haired, blue eyed man were calling him their son. Worst of all, he had this need to shit, cry and eat at the same time. All the time! (This is not my story is from fanfiction I just didn’t see it on webnovel thought that will make it easier for people to find it it’s really good)

Thelostking_6747 · テレビ
13 Chs

Chapter 8

He looks like a potato." Robin deadpanned, much to the displeasure of his parents.

"You looked like that when you were a baby son." Robert said, raising an eyebrow. He was a tad bit disappointed when their new son, Joffrey decided to look like his other uncle, Jaime instead of following in his elder brother's footsteps.

No matter, it was still his son and he would treat the boy as such. Joffrey was wailing and crying in his mother's arms non-stop. The novelty of having a younger brother was starting to wear off real quick as Robin was treated to an Ear Exercise.

"He looks more like you mother." Robin said as he stepped closer and took Joffrey from his mother's arms without warning. Cersei and Robert panicked for a moment until Joffrey suddenly quite fussing around.

The new Prince stopped crying instantly as his brother hugged him close. The baby's eyes slowly opened to reveal the same green eyes that their mother had.

"Huh, you're very small aren't you?" He said. The King and Queen kept quiet as they watched the interaction between brothers.

Baby Joffrey's mouth curved upward in a toothless smile as he babbled nonsense, trying to grab at Robin's hair. Laughing, Robin brought the baby close and kissed it on the forehead, making his mother coo and his Father smile.

Yawning, Robin gave the baby back to their mother and bid his parents goodnight. Ser Jaime was waiting outside to escort Robin to his chambers, it was night after all most lights were already out.

"Hello Uncle." Robin said politely to his Uncle. The man merely gave him a small nod before taking the lead, his hand on the handle of his sword the whole while. Robin frowned a little as he stared the fluttering cape behind his Uncle's back. The man was a confusing entity.

He was Robin's uncle, but at the same time a stranger as well. He barely knew the man, other than the fact that he was his mother's twin brother, the fact that he was called Kingslayer because he killed the Mad-King and that he was one of the best swordsman there was.

Robin knew that his uncle disliked him for some reason, and it irked him. Robin was puzzled to see the man's reaction to him when he thought the Prince wasn't looking. Even then it wasn't that obvious but Robin spotted it. The slight glares, the tiny sneers and the way he clenched his fists when Robin was accompanied by the Queen.

He was holding the urge to dive into the man's mind but always decided against it. He wasn't about to open that can of worms yet. Maybe one day but not now, he hand't had the patience to deal with his uncle.

"Good night Nephew, don't let the... monsters under scare you now.." his voice dropped a few octaves as he stared disturbingly into Robin's eyes. The man didn't bother to wait for reply and simply walked off, having done his duty.

"Reminded me of Rabastan Lestrange there for a moment...crazy bastard." Robin shivered as he remembered his 17-Year-Old Self facing down the mad wizard.

Cersei felt a mix of shame, anger and happiness as she held Joffrey in her arms. The baby sucked at her teat greedily, getting a bit too rough, causing her to grimace every now and then. Countless people had approached her, and had requested her to use a Wet-Nurse to feed the new prince. Cersei disagreed vehemently, she had let her first born be nursed by other women, now she wanted her second all to herself.

Joffrey... was without a doubt Jaime's son. The son of her own twin brother. Joffrey was a bastard, who's true name should have been Waters instead of Baratheon, not a Prince like his older brother.

But he was still her son. The fault did not lie with him but Cersei herself. She had promised herself that she would send her relationship with Jaime. All attempts at bedding her, or even simple displays of affection was heavily rebuffed. The game of cat and mouse between the twins lasted for three moons, then Jaime came to her one night, obviously drunk and told her he needed her. That he was lonely and heartbroken.

Cersei couldn't find it in her to reject him, she gave herself to him that night, the siblings we once again lost in the throes of passion, just as they did before back home at Casterly rock as teenagers.

The result of that was now sleeping peacefully in her arms.

'Nobody needs to know... no one will know.. you'll be my Golden Lion.. Prince Joffrey Baratheon...' she thought to herself. Thinking of her other son, Robin whom looked so much like his father made Cersei break out in sobs.

She had promised, she'd promised Robert that Robin would have a perfect family. Robert hadn't touched another woman since the night of their son's birth, he never stopped drinking but at least the man swung his hammer every now and then for practice.

The King had even admitted that he had grown to care for her, he even stated the possibility of falling in love again. Not once did he mention the Wolf from the North, his previous love. Not even once. Cersei had betrayed him, him and Robin. She had broken her promise.

"It's okay... no one will know...no one will know.." she whispered to herself, hugging her son close. Even as she said it, her own words sounded hollow to her... she could only hope that Robert would not find out because if he did...

Well, the Lions would be joining the Dragons in extinction.