
Meeting the Master Schemer

Later that evening Dumbledore stood up to wish us a Goodnight of sleep, and welcoming us again to Hogwarts, at the end he asked the House Prefects to take the first-year students to their dormitories, but before I stood up I saw professor Mcgonagall walking towards me.

"Wait Mr. Najashi the Headmaster Wishes to meet you in his office, he has some questions he would like to ask you, if you don't mind".

"That's Alright professor Mcgonagall, I would be Honored to meet him"

"Alright Then Mr. Najashi, Follow me".

As I enter his office I see him looking at me interestingly, " Mr. Najashi, I want to welcome you personally to Hogwarts!, I know you are Perhaps tired, but I must ask you to forgive me and bear with this old man curiosity".

"Not at all Headmaster, I would be honored", *Fake Humble Smile*

"my dear boy I want to ask you, are perhaps from that Najashi Family?"

"Sir?, I don't know what you mean, I'm an orphan and never knew my parents!, do you know my family sir?"

"Well you see my dear boy, when I heard your family name in the sorting ceremony I was shocked and couldn't stop myself about thinking about an ancient myth!.

it goes like this… when magic was first discovered, it was taught by a Demon!, and then he fell in love with our world so much that he started a family with a human women! of course she was one if his favorite students,

they say his family continued to rule the Wizarding world even after his Death!, then the family Suddenly Disappeared 1100 Years ago!, but some rumors say they still alive and well, somewhere in this world, my boy do you know which family do I mean?".

"I think you mean my family, Najashi!"

Exactly!, you see that Surname is a rare Surname to have is a surname(Author Thoughts: Too many Surname *Sorry*) in fact nobody heard of this surname, only a strong old wizards who reached an astonishing Power! might hear of it, so I wonder how a young man who just started his first year in learning magic, will know about this family Surname and take it as his!?".

"well sir I don't how to say this *Timid Tone* … when I was 7 years old I had weird dream, where I was in a magical place, I don't remember much, but I remember I heard the word Najashi, when I woke up I liked the word so much that when I saw Hogwarts Letter asking for my Surname I put that word in the reply Without thinking, and that's how it is" (while I was Talking with him he was Trying to infiltrate my mind!, *smug Smile* But I acted as a timid weak kid and lowered my eyes off of him and Fortified my mind more stronger!).

"Interesting! truly interesting my boy, we well have a talk about that dream you had sometime in the future, but now you must be feeling tired, thank you for time you should go to bed now you well have a full day tomorrow *Smile Lightly*".

"yes Sir"

(oh my god I heard about Dumbledore being a manipulator and witty but after seeing him tonight I see why voldy feared him!, but I admire him truly, he is a natural Schemer I should learn from him!, Shitty Fairytale he told me tho, but maybe there must be some truth to it, I think he is right about the part that my family has ruled the Wizarding World! just look at the book I have!, no one from a normal or a Pureblood family would have it, or they would already ruled the world!, but it's good that He is Underestimating me because that will keep me off his radar For the meantime *Smile Lightly*)

Dumbledore P.O.V


"yes Headmaster?"

"That boy I just talked to, you need to take good care of him and nurture him to your best Ability!, But then again I don't you think you well need to teach him much, he has a sharp mind as I saw and from what I saw he is definitely unique and his acting Skill is certainly on another level *Smile Lightly*, (interesting, I hope he well be a Help us when the time come…).

"of course Headmaster, he is after all my House Student.."

tomorrow morning ....

okay my first class for today is D.A.D.A at first I was a bit excited that I was gonna learn about magic from an Expert, but to my Huge Disappointment he only taught us Some Safe Shitty Theories *Half-hearted smile*.

Second class was History of magic and boy was it deathly boring but it seems the heaven smiled upon me a little bit, Gryffindors were here with us in this class!, so I was not that bored.

"Hey Guys do you want to do somethings Absolutely Fun after classes? *Eyes Flashes with ill Intent*

"what do you mean?, Nevermind Just tell us already" said Fred and George Excitedly.

"not now, meet me after the classes I will tell you all about it".


Third Class for today was charms, and I have to admit professor flitwick Knows how to teach but it's such a shame he wasting his time teaching those Blockhead basic Spells *Sigh* he asked us to try to use the basic spells, Lomus, Wingardium leviosa, so I did all of it quickly with my wand to try and show him that he didn't need to waste his time and mine to teach me, I could do it wandlessly and even without Chanting but I don't want much attention for now at least, but he was Definitely impressed, he Praised me for almost an Hour *Smug Smile*.

Fourth Class for today was Transfiguration, all we did was transfigure a matchstick to a needle, Bitter Smile* I really i'm wasting my time in this classes but I have to endure at least I will try and make Prof. Snape my Mentor but I need to impress him so much that he can't refuse! *Eyes Flashing with determination*.

Fifth Class for today was FINALLY potions, so I arrived early not wanting to give myself a bad image in his class, as the class Start he then begin asking us questions about advanced Potions but non of the Student knew, even I Couldn't answer no more than two questions! but I think he is Pleased for now *Sigh*.

after the class I meet up with Twins ....

"Come on Ekon!, Tell us what you got, yeah it been killing us for the rest of the day!, they said impatiently.

*Shaking my head* "you know what?, I don't think you ready for it! *Sigh*

"No!, come on tell!, yeah we Promise we wouldn't tell anyone.

*Staring out the window* "it's not about me not trusting you, *Sigh* but I Don't think you are Ready for it ... *Smirk* My Great Operation of Breaking Into Filch Office!!!, I'm telling you I heard that man has a treasures he confiscated over the years in his office, but we will not do it now, you two are so weak, and of no help to me so we will plane all of this at the second year! (their Pride was Deeply Hurt *Smile* but that will be good they will work more harder now, and that will prevent them from stealing it this year!).

6 month later ....

Name: Ekon Fergus Najashi

Age: 11 years

Mp: 23.5

St: two-men

Mentality: 58

Soul Power: unknown

I finished all my classes for today, and I have to say the teachers in Hogwarts are SHIT! Except Snape and Flitwick, The rest don't know how to teach Shit,*Sigh* now I'm not Surprise how Voldy could almost rule Wizarding World with just a handful of Death eaters!,

almost none of the first years could do a basic Spell, except for Lomus, because of that I became the undisputed top Student in Charms Class and D.A.D.A, as for the other subjects * Broad smile* Potions is my Specialty it seems and with me being in Slytherin *A smile that reaches the eyes* can't say anything more, but I predict I will be Definitely getting an O+, as for Transfiguration, Herbology, and Flying, I'm pretty Sure I will be getting an O+ in them also, as For History of Magic, and Astronomy, *Sigh* I'm pretty good in them to but I'm not interested in them that much, they have NO BENEFITS, so I'm not Studying them Seriously but non the less I will try to get an O+,

another thing I succeed in doing is Finding the room of requirements it took me some time but with my hard work! Nothing will stop ME! *Smirk* after I read all of the first year books and learning all the basic spells and mastering them, I become more hungry For Power, *eyes lit up* I found a lot of advanced books in there even books in the restricted section!, but most importantly I found a private place which can help me to learn these Dark art books without anyone knowing, and them being suspicious of me becoming the next dark lord! *Weak Sigh*, I also though about going alone and steal the Marauders map but I knew that I have to give it up in end for the twin so i'm not in a hurry *Sigh* so I threw that idea, at least till I can find a strong source of power to enable me to make one like it or even better than it