a boy reborn in Harry Potter with a perk there will be consequences just trying to write something don't mind me work in progress if you find any plot holes or inconsistencies, let me know DISCLAIMER: I am too bad of a writer to depict my imagination accurately so this is what you get. The start is also not my best work, but it will get better. Of course I don't own anything ohter than my OC's
Fleur Delacour's POV
Lucas Foster, a name that first surfaced last year and a name that shook both the french ministry of magic as well as Beauxbatons. No one thought it possible for a 13 year old to infiltrate the heart of the British wizarding community, yet he had done precisely that.
And all of that to prevent his crafted artifacts from falling into the ministry's hands, or so was the official report. Papa naturally told me the real reason and I couldn't help but be interested in someone, who would do that for his mother.
Imagine my surprise, when it was anounced that he of all people was chosen as the fifth champion.
After a few letters back and forth, papa said he would personally come over to meet him on official french ministry business.
Unfortunately I was not present, when Lucas arrived, but from what I had heard about him up to now, he should be a very powerful wizard, who doesn't mind breaking a few rules.
As I walked toward the Great Hall for breakfast, the atmosphere felt different. Whispers of his supposed dark deeds were everywhere. Just like when his name as the fifth cahmpion was announced. Students were gossiping about what terrible things he might do now that he was back. Their chatter only made me more eager to see him for myself.
It reminded me of how I was treated at Beauxbatons, and sometimes still am, just because of my Veela heritage and the jealousy it caused.
I couldn't wait to meet him.
With a brisk pace I sped up and subsequently arrived shortly at the Great Hall. After a quick scan of the hall I found who I was looking for. I could hardly miss him with two aurors sitting to his side.
The moment I saw him, a sweet, enchanting scent hit me. My breathing became irregular and deep, and I could feel my allure slipping out of control.
I didn't even notice how or when I ended up next to him, the feeling was simply too strong.
normal POV
The moment Fleur Delacour entered the Great Hall, Lucas' domain focused on her, which had similar effects as it had on the Kitsune.
With amusement he watched her make her way to him. Fleur stumbled slightly, catching herself as she came to a halt beside Lucas. Her heartbeat raced, and there was a subtle but intense pull toward him. It was as if her senses had been hijacked by an irresistible force. She tried to steady her breathing and regain her composure.
Her sudden and unanticipated approach caused a lot of students to look her way, mostly males. Her presence seemed to draw an almost tangible ripple through the hall, accompanied by a sweet, heady scent that seemed to weave through the air like a silken thread. It was the effect of her Veela heritage, one that Lucas found fascinating.
He turned his head, his expression one of curiosity and slight concern as he observed her sudden approach. "Is everything alright, Miss Delacour?"
She quickly composed herself, her graceful poise barely faltering. The slight blush still lingering on her breathtaking face made her even more beautiful, which everyone had thought would be impossible. Her crystal blue eyes, that reflected the Mediterranean Sea, found Lucas' normal brown ones.
Fleur took a deep breath, forcing herself to maintain her composed demeanor despite the overwhelming attraction she felt towards Lucas. The enchanted pull was something she hadn't anticipated, and it left her momentarily disoriented.
"Everything is perfectly fine, Mr. Foster," Fleur replied, her voice steady despite the lingering hint of breathlessness. "I simply wanted to introduce myself properly and offer a bit of friendly support between champions."
Holly had watched it all unfold. The way Lucas' orange 'aura' deformed and shot at Fleur like a chameleon's tongue. How it encompassed her and how Fleur's own 'aura' in reaction dyed the whole hall in a light pink.
Another colour she had not yet seen, but one she could feel the effects of. She saw it more clearly on Ron, who practically had hearts for eyes, while she simply found it hard to look away from Fleur's now enhanced beauty.
Lucas studied Fleur and her own domain with an analytical gaze. Obviously it didn't affect him, because he could control his emotions to a T. But the effect his presence had on her was evident, yet he maintained his manners, allowing only a faint, amused smile to play at his lips. "I appreciate the gesture, Miss Delacour," he said. "Friendly support is always welcome, especially in circumstances like these."
At this moment the aurors buzzed in, both of their wands pointing at Lucas' throat.
They had been completely caught off guard by Fleur's allure and only now had reacted.
Lucas observed the aurors' reaction with mild amusement, his eyes flicking to their wands. He could sense the agitation in the air.
Albert maintained his composure but his voice was edged with tension. "Miss Delacour, please step back. Mr. Foster, I must advise you to cease whatever influence you're exerting immediately."
Lucas' eyes found the older auror's and he couldn't help but question where he got his confidence from. Eventually, he relented. A bit of goodwill wouldn't hurt, "fine."
Fleur, being freed from the intoxicating feeling, took a cautionary step back. She had never experienced something like this. And with that step the other occupants of the room regained control.
Confused whispers echoed through the otherwise dead silent Great Hall, which quickly turned into fearful shouts, when they noticed the aurors position, especially their wands.
Then, the situation took a sudden turn. A student from the Gryffindor table, clearly frustrated by the events and emboldened by the charged atmosphere, stood up. With a voice filled with anger, he shouted across the hall. "Why are we even tolerating him? He's a bloody criminal! Just look at him. Nothing but a mind rapist!"
The hall fell silent, before instantly being dunked in orange.
Lucas' smile abruptly vanished from his face and his eyes darkened with a flicker of anger.
The aurors immediately tensed, their wands still at the ready, but they did not intervene just yet. "Don't do it."
Lucas ignored them and slowly turned to face the Gryffindor, who found his body to be no longer under his control, bound by invisible chains inside Lucas' domain.
"You know," Lucas began, his tone dripping with disdain. "I find it amusing. Because, it took me a few years to learn that whatever I do, there will be consequences. It doesn't matter how well I thought about it or how kindhearted my actions were. In the end the world seems to find a way to fuck with me."
His tone made the hairs on the back of everyone's necks stand up.
"But do you know what that also means?"
The students around the hall shifted uneasily. The aurors, still holding their wands at the ready, exchanged nervous glances. Albert's voice was sharp but laced with worry. "Mr. Foster, control yourself. You are crossing a line."
Lucas ignored them again.
"Do you?"
"Do you?" This time his voice boomed in everyones ears.
"It means that it doesn't really matter whether I do something good or evil, I will get punished regardless."
The Gryffindor student managed to stammer, "I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean—"
Lucas cut him off with a dismissive wave as his mouth seemed to be glued together. "I'm not interested in your apologies."
Two binding spells were shot point blank by the aurors, which swiftly wrapped around Lucas and the bench he was sitting on.
At the same time the door at the teacher side of the Great Hall was forcefully swung open.
"What is going on here." All eyes fell onto her as Professor McGonagall's authoritative voice echoed through the Great Hall. Her gaze, sharp as a hawk's, swept over the scene with a mixture of disbelief and command.
"What is going on here?" McGonagall demanded again, her eyes locking onto Lucas and the aurors and then to the standing Gryffindor student, whose mouth was back to normal with a flick of her wand.
Albert began with an explanation. "Professor McGonagall, this situation is under control. Mr. Foster was exerting undue influence over the students with his..."
The professor raised a hand, cutting him off while giving Lucas a sharp look. "Mr. Foster, I expect you to explain yourself immediately?"
Lucas met her gaze with a steady look of his own. "Professor McGonagall," he said with a smooth voice. "I was merely responding to the provocation of a student who chose to insult me in front of everyone."
"Your response was excessive," McGonagall replied firmly. "We have procedures for dealing with disputes and insults. Resorting to..." she paused, casting a pointed glance at the aurors, "the kind of ability you wield is not acceptable."
Lucas' expression remained unnervingly calm as Professor McGonagall's sharp gaze bore into him.
Her eyes narrowed, yet the apology she wanted never came.
Eventually, she relented and turned to the aurors, "I think Mr. Foster has learned that we won't tolerate unnecessary force. So would you two gentlemen please release him."
Fleur's heart was still racing as she watched the scene unfold. The momentary shift in Lucas' demeanor had been subtle, but she had noticed it, the way his eyes darkened, the cold anger that simmered beneath his calm exterior.
Professor McGonagall waited for the aurors to comply. They exchanged a brief glance before Albert gave a reluctant nod. With a flick of their wands, the ropes binding Lucas to the bench unraveled, slithering away like serpents.
"Thank you," he said with hollow politeness.
Professor McGonagall's eyes narrowed slightly but she said nothing further to Lucas. Instead, she turned her attention to the rest of the students, who were still watching the scene with wide eyes and bated breath.
"All of you," she began, her voice stern, "I expect this incident to be the last of its kind. Anyone who cannot adhere to the decorum expected at Hogwarts will face the consequences. 50 points will be deducted from Gryffindor."
The authority in her voice broke the spell that had held the students in thrall. Conversations resumed, though they were subdued, whispers passing rapidly from one person to the next. The Gryffindor who had provoked Lucas slumped back into his seat, looking both terrified and relieved.
Fleur found herself still staring at Lucas, who finally turned to her with that same unreadable expression. "It seems our breakfast was a bit more eventful than usual," he said, his tone casual as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.
She managed a smile, though it felt a bit forced. "Indeed," she replied in a soft voice. "Though I fear there will be many more such moments before this tournament is over."
Lucas nodded thoughtfully. "I reckon you speak from experience."
Fleur hesitated for a moment, the memory of her early life at Beauxbatons surfacing in her mind. "Experience, yes. But nothing quite like this," she admitted. "At Beauxbatons, my heritage did cause enough trouble, but it was never this... intense."
"Well, welcome to my world." Lucas tilted his head slightly with curiosity clearly visible. "Veela heritage, right? It must be difficult to control, especially in a place like this."
"It was," Fleur confessed, surprised at her own openness. There was something disarming about him, something that made her feel like she could speak freely, even though they had just met. "But I've learned to manage it. Mostly." She glanced around the hall, where students were still sneaking glances at them. "Though today was a mishap."
"Pardon my rudeness, but it didn't exactly look controlled to me. More subdued than anything else, like you are actively trying to stop it." Lucas eyed her carefully. "I might be able to help you actually control your ability. That is if you want to."
Fleur was too stunned to speak, it was the same her mother always told her, but she had always looked at it more like a curse that she needed to get rid of than a skill she could use for her own good.
She was taken aback by Lucas's offer. It wasn't just the unexpected nature of his suggestion but also the genuine tone behind it.
"You think so too?" Fleur asked with skepticism, unsure of what to make of his offer.
"Just think about it." Lucas said. He knew she needed some time to make up her mind. If she then decides to take him up on the offer it would be beneficial for the both of them, if not, then so be it.
Afterwards, Lucas got up from his seat. All this commotion had ruined his appetite and he decided to go back to his room. "I don't fancy staying here any longer than I have to. You know where to find me when you made up your mind. Au revoir."